Twenty Answers
Would you let me slap you for a hundred dollars?
Have you thrown up in a car?
Right outside, but never in.
If you were president for the day, what one thing would you change about the country?
Outlaw the disgusting, GMO'd, colon cancer inducing, garbage north American wheat people seem obsessed with using over here. Yeesh.
What was your favorite color or Crayola crayon growing up?
What is something you are currently obsessed with?
My job and anything RP-related. Run regular DND campaigns too.
If you could go on a cross country road trip with famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?
Robin Williams, provided he is in a good mood.
Describe the worst haircut you've ever had.
I do not discuss bowl-cut things. Those are bad things. PTSD things.
Whats your favorite viral YouTube video?
Do you really want me to copy paste all of ''never gonna give you up'' lyrics here? Cause I will. If it means I get to Rick Roll you, I will. Also, Rip Mr. Eduard Khil.
Would you rather be a hobbit or an elf for 24 hours?
Who is your favorite stand-up comedian? Why?
Robin Williams. The sheer genius of the man, and the sarcasm. Also, him being depressed and putting on such a strong positive front is something your average person is incapable of. Admirable man.
What phobias have you overcome in your lifetime?
Never had a phobia of anything that I ever found out and I work in health. That killed any reservations I might of had.
Who is the most famous person you have ever met?
Cannot disclose. Conflict of interest with job.
If you could go back in time and change history, what would you change?
Nothing. It's a shitshow either way. People just have to roll with it and make it good.
What is one thing women do that grosses you out? And men?
Nope. Again. Work with people all the time. It's either all gross or all normal. I chose normal.
If you could master one musical instrument, what would it be?
Already play the Piano on the regular.
What skills do you posses that could help you survive the zombie apocalypse?
Have been training and fighting for over 15 years. Have wilderness survival training. Am resilient and clear thinking under duress. Am handy enough to craft basic tools.
If you inherited or won a million dollars, whats the very first thing you would do with the money?
Buy a house or give it all to charity if I have a house by then. Don't need more than a roof over my head and some food on my plate.
What is your favorite sport in the Winter Olympics?
Tie between bobsledding and the snowboard jumping events.
What insect do you wish would completely go extinct?
None? They serve a purpose.
Describe your own personal hell.
Unknown as of yet. As J-P Sartre once said ''Hell is others''. I am comfortable with who I am. Any hell most people experience comes from interactions with others and an inability to be alone.