Reset Password
Existing players used to logging in with their character name and moo password must signup for a website account.
- Burgerwolf 1m PANCAKES
- RedProtokoll 20m
- mercuri 6s
- Komira 1m
- Rillem 27s
- zxq 1h
- QueenZombean 6s Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- SacredWest 24m
- Hivemind 21m
- SketchyZo 51s
- Sivartas 9m I make the Grinch look happy.
- Bruhlicious 3m Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
And 23 more hiding and/or disguised
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Reset your Website Password

Forgot your password? No problem, we can send you a new one. As long as you still use the email address you registered with, it should work. If you have any trouble, please email us at [email protected].

We just need the email address you use to login into the website.

This password reset tool is for your Website Account. If you need to reset the password on your character, you can do so after logging in on the website or use our character reset tool.