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- BigBiscuit 4s
- baewulf 6m
- Aida 5s
- AdamBlue9000 4m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
a Mench 10h Doing a bit of everything.
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Unxaid's Profile

man wage slave
Unxaid is from Raleigh, NC, United States.
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Twenty Answers

Do you believe in Bigfoot?
That depends *puts on tinfoil hat*.......Seriosly though no
What do you think phones will be like in 10 years?
Same size but two to three times the processing power.
What is something you are currently obsessed with?
Sindome, Cyberpunk lore in general
If you were about to be executed what five foods would have as your last meal?
Pizza, Burger,Yasa, General Tso's Chicken, Gourmet Philly Cheesesteak
Would you become a professional bank robber if you knew you would never get caught?
If you had to spend the rest of your life as a tree what kind of tree would you be?
Weeping Willow
What was your favorite color or Crayola crayon growing up?
Red Apple
What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?
Two bite holes on my left arm from getting mauled by a wild dog as a kid.
If money were no object, where in the world would you choose to live?
Virgin Islands
What is the funniest movie you have ever seen?
If you were in the circus what kind of performer would you be? (Clown, tight-rope walker, etc)
What two languages would you like to be fluent in?
Spanish, Yoruba
If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?
The apostle Paul from the bible. He warned us about the end times, the lure of money and how hell awaits the godless. He is in heaven for sure. No person on earth is worth trading lives with as most are godforsaken and on their way to eternal hell. No i kid... maybe Cash Warren, husband to Jessica Alba for....reasons.
Describe your own personal hell.
Being trapped indefinitely in a monotous unfulfilling existance with no hope of escape.
What country would you never want to visit?
The one i'm in right now, been there done that.
Have you ever chased down an ice cream truck as an adult?
Maybe if i had kids?
Who is your favorite stand-up comedian? Why?
Dave Chappelle, need i say more?
What fashion trend do you wish would come back?
What phobias have you overcome in your lifetime?
How would you describe yourself in three words?

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