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- Aida 3m
- Komira 2m
- Bruhlicious 1h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 40s
- AdamBlue9000 2m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- baewulf 3m
- QueenZombean 8m
- Emily 1h Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
And 16 more hiding and/or disguised

Help for '@describe'

Syntax: @describe as

Most objects have one or more descriptive pieces of text associated with them; these texts are printed under various circumstances depending on the kind of text. For example, every object has a 'description' text that is printed whenever a player looks at the object.


Your general description (@describe me as ), meant to hold the absolute basics of what your character LOOKs like.

@describe is commonly used for things like:

* height
* build
* skin tone
* posture
* how the character moves
* things you determine would be visible for your character regardless of their clothing (a pronounced limp, a horrible smell, a disheveled appearance, missing limbs)

@describe is not optional and players may not choose to go without using it. The reasoning for this is that Sindome supports @nakeds which are used to describe specific parts of your body which can then be covered by clothes and other items, just like in real life. But just like in real life, if you see someone who is completely from head to toe covered in clothing, you can still tell how tall they are and their general posture, and perhaps a few other small details.


Joe types this:
@describe me as "The woman before you has tanned skin and Asian heritage. She carries her lean frame with ease. Just shy of six feet tall, she moves with conviction and precision."

People who type 'look Joe' now see this:
The woman before you has tanned skin and Asian heritage. She carries her lean frame with ease. Just shy of six feet tall, she moves with conviction and precision.


You can use pronouns such as %p and %r and more in your description. This is useful if you change your appearance and don't want to have to update your description. See 'help pronouns' for more information.


Descriptions are not for poetic, book style, introductions to your character which read like something out of a novel. While that is nice to read, it is also not the purpose of description/nakeds. Avoid telling the reader how to feel and think, which removes agency. If you have nakeds or a description that tells others what to think/feel about your character please re-write to provide information (you can use flowery language here if you want) but leave the conclusions up to the reader.


Bad: He stands at five feet, looking like he has seen some shit.
Good: He stands at five feet, his hands are worn and have callouses. He has dark circles under his eyes and his skin has a leathery look to it. It looks like he hasn't shaven in many days. His skin hangs loose from his body, speaking to a lack of nutrition.


There are means of hiding yourself in the game, such as disguising clothing that will make you appear 'as a shrouded man' or 'a hooded woman'. If you are disguising, you may consider changing your @description to reflect that you are disguised and so that other players don't read your description and connect the dots on an OOC level about who your character is. You must change your @description before you disguise up, as it is locked when you are disguised. At higher levels of disguise skill your character will be prompted to set a disguised description that will automatically show up and go away if the disguise is removed.


On top of your @describe and @nakeds your character always has a 'short description' conveyed when you enter and exit location, and when people look at you. Dynamically determined based on whats most noticeable about you, it might include flashy clothing, the fact that you're holding a weapon, or your purple hair. You can style your character's hair in a number of places. Generally, if you can shower there, you can style your hair.


The 'appear' command can be used to appear different in character. See 'help appear' for more information.


Being a Cyberpunk is often about talking the talk, even if you can't walk the walk. The difference between life and death can often hinge on having a certain style and this document aims to make it easier for you to have the style you're looking for. Your style encompasses your general appearance, clothing, charisma, what you smell like, how your voice sounds and the way in which you talk.


There are a variety of clothing stores in the Red, Gold and Green Sectors. You can purchase clothing ranging in price from as cheap as 5 chyen up to unique items over 10,000 chyen! If you've got the desire, you can also design and make clothing for yourself and others to wear. You DO NOT need to have skill in artistry in order to make your own clothing, but it will be worth significantly more if you chose to focus your character towards it. By carefully choosing what body parts your clothing covers and what its primary color is, you can more easily control your clothed appearance.


The parts of your body that aren't covered by clothing can be defined by setting your @nakeds, cybernetic implants and tattoos. You can adjust your @nakeds at anytime, set some and not others and shift them on the fly. Many players chose to put knife scars, birthmarks and old bullet wounds in their nakeds as appropriate. Proper tattoos, applied with a tattoo gun by a skilled character, append to the @naked for the body part they've been applied to.


If you've ever had to deal with someone with terrible body odor, you know it affects your judgement of them. You have the ability to control your stench by showering the blood, sweat and sewage from your fetid form when you're nasty. When you're nice and shiny clean, your custom @smell message will come through and everyone can smell the sexy perfume of that last honey you managed to hook up with.


When others hear you in person, via a phone, radio or TV, your voice and accent are a major part of your character's style. Adjust your @voice as appropriate and consider adapting a regional form of cyberpunk slang if appropriate. Misunderstanding each other often leads to some amazingly fun RP and your voice can add an incredible depth to your character's personality. A southern accent, delicate french words, even hardcore droog and patois make for great style. We'll adjust your speech automatically if your drunk, speaking a different language entirely or too exhausted to ... speak *gasp* with wh..eezing *sigh* for ... breath.

In short, use our tools to make your own style. Bring your unique character to life and you'll have a lot more fun and so will everyone else!


help nakeds
help clothing
help shortdesc
help disguise
help pronouns
help appear
help @voice
@rename -- setting the name and aliases of your objects
messages -- listing and setting the other descriptive texts on an object
help tailoring
help prog-cloth
*Last Updated: 10/02/23 by Fengshui*
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Video: Initial Signup

Walk through signing up for Sindome and getting started with your first character!

Video: IC vs OOC

Learn what IC and OOC mean, how they effect you, rules you should be aware of, and more commands you should know.