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- BigBiscuit 39s
- baewulf 14s
- Aida 4s
- AdamBlue9000 10m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
a Mench 10h Doing a bit of everything.
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Help for 'agility'


   A person's general speed as well as his motion control.

   The Agility stat has two substats, Coordination and Quickness.

   Coordination (CRD) measures how well a person can aim a gun or walk on a thin rope.
   Quickness (QCK) is number score of a person's speed in all things.


   Grappling someone depends on agility, as it requires you to quickly and accurately move.
   Assembling a firearm takes careful coordination and skill with that kind of firearm.
   Getting out of a fight you're losing is easier with higher quickness.

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*Last Updated: 01/19/19 by Fengshui*
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Video: Initial Signup

Walk through signing up for Sindome and getting started with your first character!

Video: IC vs OOC

Learn what IC and OOC mean, how they effect you, rules you should be aware of, and more commands you should know.