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- Aida 3m
- Komira 2m
- Bruhlicious 1h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 40s
- AdamBlue9000 2m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- baewulf 3m
- QueenZombean 8m
- Emily 1h Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
And 16 more hiding and/or disguised

Help for 'fatigue'


Your character's fatigue is all about how tired they are. Just about everything makes your character tired to one degree or another. Sit down and you spend a tiny bit of energy, grapple someone and spend a lot of energy.

Your current physical condition, expressed as part of your character's health description (type 'ht') is how all this fatigue-inducing activity has affected your body.

Your feeling about fatigue is an indicator of how badly the things you do will negatively impact your current physical condition. The worse it sounds, the quicker you'll get tired and the longer it will take to recover from fatigue.


Fatigue is a pool. Your pool grows larger if you increase your Endurance, making it take longer for your character to exhaust themself.


Several things affect your ability to recover from fatigue.
* Drinking booze
* Being badly injured
* Being encumbered (carrying too much)


You will recover from fatigue at a natural rate based on your current health state. There are ways to increase this rate, which include:

* Certain drugs (find out which ones ICly)
* Sitting down
* Sleeping (which is what happens when you aren't connected)
* Laying in a coffin while connected
* Eating nutritious food

help stats
help health
*Last Updated: 10/01/23 by Fengshui*
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PORT: 5555

Video: Initial Signup

Walk through signing up for Sindome and getting started with your first character!

Video: IC vs OOC

Learn what IC and OOC mean, how they effect you, rules you should be aware of, and more commands you should know.