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- Komira 5m
- Bruhlicious 1h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 1s
- AdamBlue9000 33s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- baewulf 1m
- QueenZombean 11m
- Emily 1h Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
And 18 more hiding and/or disguised

Help for 'theme'


Welcome to Sindome. There are a few things about the atmosphere of the place we call "The Dome" that should be noted.

The general idea is that this is a cyberpunk reality. This isn't cyber-fantasy, hack-n-slash, real reality, but cyberpunk. Think William Gibson, Blade Runner, "The Matrix", Altered Carbon, Snow Crash, etc. While a high level of creativity is encouraged, the "idiom" of the dome as it were is a gritty, harsh, somewhat technologically dependent not TOO distant future.

* Corporate controls
* Big Brother
* Violence
* Hopelessness
* Despair
* Suppression of Free Speech
* Haves versus Have-nots
* Poverty
* Betrayal
* Crime
* Technology

The haves wants nothing to do with the have-nots, seeing them as expendable resources. The have-nots resent the haves for what they view as their hell on earth. The value of money has been reduced, and jobs pay incredibly small wages. Those that don't usually involve agreeing to sell your soul to Corp control, or agreeing to let Big Brother monitor your life.

Officials are corrupt. The city government is completely controlled by the Corporations and is run on the principle of the golden rule... Them who have the gold, makes the rules. The judicial system has permission to judge on sight for any offenses and stops the questionable at any opportunity.

If life is so bleak, why is anyone still living? There is the occasional bright spot... getting drunk in any number of bars, hanging out with friends, betraying your friends, killing your enemies, meeting new people, falling in love, finding a sweet job, framing your boss so you get a promotion, or... using your talents for criminal and nefarious purposes without being caught. The opportunities are endless, as long as you remember that there is always someone looking over your shoulder, always someone waiting to catch you breaking the law, and always someone out to get you.

Certain jobs, like those at corporations, as well as where a character lives, make a character a 'corpie'. Certain jobs (or lack thereof) as well as where someone lives make a character a 'mixer'. Not every job on the higher levels (Gold, Green, Blue) will make you a corpie. There are service jobs, and those jobs are done by the lower class.


Classism is the main social issue. Racism, sexism, and LGBTQIA+ phobias are not a part of the theme. Playing a racist/sexist/phobic character (yes, even if those aren't your IRL beliefs) is not only discouraged by staff, but is a sure way to piss people off in real life. Real world racism, discrimination, and extremist group representation are not part of Sindome's theme. Do not play characters like this.


* Read the timeline on the website. Our universe diverges from the real world at the end of 1999

* No modern-day companies happened

* No modern-day events happened

* No modern-day slang

* No modern-day memes

* Use cyberpunk slang

* Use game history (post-2085) that you learn in character or on the wiki

* Classism is the primary social issue

* Racist/phobic characters just piss people off IRL, don't play characters like this

help cyberpunk
help small worlding
help speaking
help expectations
Video Tutorials:
*Last Updated: 05/06/23 by Fengshui*
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Video: Initial Signup

Walk through signing up for Sindome and getting started with your first character!

Video: IC vs OOC

Learn what IC and OOC mean, how they effect you, rules you should be aware of, and more commands you should know.