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- Komira 3m
- Bruhlicious 1h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 1s
- AdamBlue9000 9s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- baewulf 24s
- QueenZombean 10m
- Emily 1h Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
And 19 more hiding and/or disguised

Help for 'disguise'


There are various items in-game that can be used to disguise yourself. These include wigs, contacts, shrouds, ponchos, helmets, and much more.


When you are disguised you will show up in room descriptions as something along the lines of 'a shrouded short man' or 'an average girl'. This is an indicator to everyone who encounters your character that she is wearing something that covers some or all of her features.


If your disguise skill is high enough or you have high quality disguising clothing, you will be provided the option of changing your display name or disguise description. This can allow you to pretend to be someone else, for the purposes of information gathering or infiltration.


Disguising material (such as shrouds, ponchos, and helmets) does not in and of itself prevent someone from recognizing you. If you want your disguise to be effective you are encouraged to make sure as much of your body is covered as possible. Your face may not be visible but the giant purple unicorn you have tattooed on your right hand might be.

Simply throwing on a helmet does not magically make everyone in the room, or anyone who has met you and seen what you are wearing or how you talk forget who you are.


Disguise is a skill, and you should roleplay that skill accordingly. This is enforced with disguising material by making your disguise 'slip' over time. The more you talk, move, and interact with the world while disguised, the larger the chance that your disguise will slip and your character 'name' will be visible in the room again. The IC justification for this is that your character has (unintentionally no doubt) revealed something. It is then in the hands of any other characters who interact with yours, to decide if they recognize you or not.


Players who wish to effectively utilize disguising material should be changing their @shortdesc, clothing, @voice, and @Look_place, using @holdback, updating their @describe, and using the 'appear' command. Many disguises will automatically change your @describe message while you are wearing them. This process of changing aspects of your character can be quickly automated with @macros, should you find yourself having to switch things regularly.


You should strive to not only disguise yourself from the other character but also from the other player! If they can't OOCly guess who you are via meta cues such as recognizing your character's clothing, you have won half the battle.


When your disguise drops, people will be given a view of your face and be able to identify you. You must have certain nakeds described in order to become disguised. It is against the rules considered cheating, to attempt to obfuscate your @nakeds prior to disguising up, in order to get around this.


Disguises & appearance changes & ambient populations are not cloaks of invisibility or get out of jail free cards. They are each tools in an arsenal used when attempting to obscure your identity. They are useful for planting a seed of doubt about who you are or giving a measure of plausible deniability for your actions. To be useful you must convince the other person you are not who you say you are.

Other characters are under no obligation to believe your character is someone different than who they assume they are.

Characters have disguises, stealth, appearance, @describe, @holdback, @voice, clothing, weapons, pose, and emote that can all be used together to craft a 'different' appearance. If a PC notices your PC they can assume you are whoever they want to assume you are. They do not need to justify it. You need to use the tools to make it hard to guess. Again, that's assuming that you are noticed at all and not lost in the crowd.

Just like you, the player can CHOOSE to have your character eat when it is not REQUIRED, your character can CHOOSE to not recognize someone if you the player think you know who it is, but you think it makes sense for your character not to recognize them. This is great for roleplay, and we encourage it. However, staff will not be the roleplay police on this. You have the tools at your disposal to completely obfuscate your identity. Use them.

Too much time goes into the GMs arbitrating if someone 'would really know it was person X' and in the end, the decision is still entirely subjective. If you truly want to convince someone you are not who you say you are, you have to be thorough and plant the seeds of doubts through role play, actions, inactions, and in any number of other ways both codedly possible and those that are role play specific.

Again, if a player chooses to ignore these and make assumptions about who your character is, through a disguise, a disguised name, an appearance change, their voice, their description, their nakeds, their clothing, their attitude, the slang they use, the actions they take, the actions they fail to take, or anything else, that it fair game.

This approach means that the onus is on players to attempt to deceive others in game and out and it does not require a GM to arbitrate if someone should have been able to 'guess' who you were. This results in fewer situations where people felt that they were treated unfairly by another player or didn't like the result of a GM investigation, where a GM was unable to give them the full view of what happened because it would reveal IC information.

The responsibility is on the players to hide their identity successfully.


Some Examples to provide context: If a shrouded short boy is attacking your chums and you are on the way to give them backup and a shrouded short boy enters the room from the direction of your boyos, you can decide this is the same shrouded short boy that was attacking your boys and act accordingly. You can also decide it isn't the same person and continue on. You may be right, and it was them, you may be wrong and it was not.

If you want to fuck with some Sinners because they just robbed you on Sinn Street, but at the same time shift the blame to the Snakes, you could hire a big hulking dude (or someone who can do a decent impersonation of one) and equip them with a pick axe and a shroud and pay them to go kill some Sinners. The Sinners can then choose to either believe it was one of the Snakes that attacked them based on the evidence at hand, or they can choose to believe this was just a veiled attempt to get revenge and start a war by the person they just robbed.

If you want to commit a crime and don't want to be easily identified, you could utilize the stealth skill to get around, the appear command to change your appearance, the disguise code to change your display name, or hide your body entirely with a shroud, you could change your @voice, craft a new persona on the SIC that justifies the actions you are taking and shifts blame.

You can @holdback some of your stats to make yourself in excellent condition, change your @describe before disguising up, buy a new set of clothes that you've never worn before, and establish yourself as a different person through interactions with various characters at a bar, before setting about committing your crimes. Thus, tricking the people you are dealing with into thinking they are not dealing with your character.

There are plenty of ways to hide your identity. If someone can see through it, they see through it. Improve, and try again.

help subterfuge skills
help skills
help stats
help expose
help appear
*Last Updated: 10/25/23 by Macabre*
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Video: Initial Signup

Walk through signing up for Sindome and getting started with your first character!

Video: IC vs OOC

Learn what IC and OOC mean, how they effect you, rules you should be aware of, and more commands you should know.