A Street Urchin grew up on the streets (not Withmore's in most cases), having to fend for themselves more often than not. The lessons from those years left their mark. Having to beg, borrow and steal for your food at times really has a way of honing your skills too. They often find themselves on the fringe of polite society and they often go unnoticed.
Ops Manager,
Clone Savior,
Disposal Technician,
Immigration Aid, Courier, Drug Dealer, Spy, Smuggler
Important Skills
thievery, stealth
Useful Skills
dodge, disguise
Related Stats
int, pcp, agl, chr
Of course, the roles you can play are just suggestions. Sindome is a level-less and class-less roleplaying game, so you are free to define your character's role all on your own. We look forward to your ideas!