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Post install cyber scripts
Like drug experience scripts but for cyber

It has been brought to my attention that we don't really have any cool scripted response to someone getting a new cyberware. I think it would be cool if similar to drug experience scripts when you woke up from getting a cyberware installed you got an experience script that was a few lines long and specific to the Cyberware you had just had installed. My request from you, dear scripter, is to pick your favorites cyber and write three or four (max) messages that you would have liked to see when you woke up from your install of said cyber. I will look at incorporating these as scripts.
Are you looking for scripts to apply after nano mutation completes too?
Nano mutation scripts already give you a post-mutation experience and @lp.
Thermals: You wake from surgery, blinking, and see whorls of heat and cold drifting through the air before switching back to standard vision.

Flashbost: A sour twitch runs through your body as you sense the presence of a new organ waiting to be unleashed.

Pain Editor: You feel a new calm deep inside, a certainty that you will go down swinging in the next fight envelops you.

Thought Receiver: An overwhelming wave of thoughts assails your mind all at once from every direction and is silenced as you squelch it.

Nailz: Your hands feel noticeably heavier, loaded with razor death.

Slither, do you want these short and punchy? Or a bit longer? Maybe they could incorporate the command to activate them?

Your hands feel noticeably heavier, loaded with razor death. /nailz to let the blades loose or to hide them for later.

Flashbost: A sour twitch runs through your body, settling in your abdomen as you sense the presence of a new organ waiting to be unleashed. /boost will now dump liquid speed into your veins

Thought Receiver: An overwhelming wave of thoughts assails your mind all at once from every direction and is silenced as you squelch it. /command (I don't know it) to hear or quiet the thoughts of others.

Thermals: You wake from surgery, blinking, and see whorls of heat and cold drifting through the air before switching back to standard vision. /command to see the world in to see in centigrade.

Let me/us know what you're thinking here. I really like writing these. Feel free to use them as a framework too and modify them yourself.


I have submitted 4 of these so far today, and would like criticism or comments on what I came up with before writing more.

The 4 that I have covered, are





They've all been submitted on the script system and are waiting for approval.

Screw it I'll post what I came up with here.

cyber ear damp

uses $default_script

tell %player You awaken, a world of sounds opening before you, and then closing off completely, dampened by cybernetic security. And then all sounds normal again.

//Wait thirty seconds to simulate the time this process takes

pause 30 seconds

tell %player There's a distinct tone of tinitus in the augmented ear, that quickly fades away.

force %player .rub my ears with a look of shock mildly on my face.

Cyber ear AMP

uses $default_script

tell %player You awaken, a world of sounds roll out around you. You feel like you can ear the bugs chirping in the walls, and the rats scurrying below you, in the sewers.

force %player .wince as a car backfires somewhere nearby. I .am clearly unused to how loud it might sound

pause 30 seconds

tell %player You grow used to this detail as it rolls in, the sensitivity automatically adjusting till it's within normal ranges and nothing sounds overly loud, simply present.


cyber ear echolocation

uses $default_script

tell %player You awaken, your head pounding with a soft pulse, as the world lights up in your mind, every sound and movement translating into an adjusted mental map.

pause 30 seconds

force %player .twitche my head towards a nearby sound, accurately pinpointing it.

pause 30 seconds

tell %player Slowly this mental map completes and you are left with a soft pulse, easily ignored, updating it, every few seconds.


uses $default_script

tell %player At first, the presence of a new organ in the spine, makes for an awkward sensation, but as awareness comes to it, you begin to relish the feeling of potential it brings as you awaken.

pause 10 seconds

tell %player As a slight automatic test of the organ takes place, you feel a rush of euphoria and speed for just a moment.

pause 20 seconds

tell %player As the last dregs of the install anasthesia wears off, you realize that the boost is go, and you can use it at your leisure.



uses $default_script

tell %player There's an itching sensation on the watch as you wake up, that gradually fades.

pause 10 seconds

tell %player You slowly get used to your new timekeeping method, glancing down at it every now and then.

force %player look skinwatch

pause 3 minutes

tell %player You have a gradual realization that this is not a waste of money, and it looks flash as all get out.


Where did you submit them? I didn't see anything. I'm worried there is some kind of submission system Kevlar (old admin that created scripting on SD) created that only goes to him.
These are OK Rhea-- but not forced emotes, and no teling the player what they think. IE: you realize this wasn't a waste of money.
The skinwatch script ended up looking like this, don't forget the quotes!

uses $play_script

tell %player "An itching sensation gradually starts just below the skin on your wrist."

pause 20 seconds

tell %player "The itching sensation increases around the area of the skinwatch."

pause 20 seconds

tell %player "The itching finally fades as the cybernetic skinwatch finished integrating with your system and becomes fully active."

Also, keep in mind these are $play_script's

(Edited by Slither at 3:26 pm on 7/23/2020)

Flashboost script looks like this:

uses $play_script

tell %player "At first, the presence of a new ware in the spine makes for an awkward sensation, but as awareness comes to it, you begin to relish the feeling of potential it brings."

pause 20 seconds

tell %player "As an automatic test of the ware takes place, you feel an intoxicating rush of euphoria and speed for just a moment."

pause 20 seconds

tell %player "As the last dregs of the euphoria wears off, it becomes obvious the boost is ready to go and usable at your command."

I need post install scripts written! Lots of them. If you have experience with certain cyber, write those first. If you don't have experience, but want to write some, use your best judgement and I'll edit as needed. Please post all scripts here so others know what has been done. I'll update the list over time. Here is the list cyberware:

NK Telescopic Lenses

SK Visual Overlay Optical Module

NK Thermographic Vision Module

NK LowLite Nightvision Module

NK Image Enhancement Lense

NK Image Enhancement Lenses II

NK HoloProjector Eye Module

SK Amplified Hearing Chip

SK Echolocation Chip

SK Sound Editing Chip

ZMI Sonic Dampening Chip

SK Translator Chip (used for all types)

SK GPS Location Chip

Secure Identification Chip

SK Skillsoft Chip Socket

CH57 Cortex Bomb

WJF Behavior Modification Chip

SK Pain Editor Chip

SK Nailz(tm) FingerBlades

SK SynthKnux Synthetic Knuckles

SK Studdly DoRight(tm) Phallic Repla

ZMI TruSight(tm) Interface Socket

SK Video Transcoding Chip

SK Supplemental Renal System

SK MindsEye 3 Thought Receiver Chip

SK Biomod Motor-function Controller

SK Arm

SK Complete Cyberleg

SK Knee-Down Cyberleg

SK Cyberfoot

Cybernetic Eye (will be used for normal left and right eyes)

Color-Change Eye (will be used for colored left and right eyes)

Cyberear (will be used for left and right ears)

SK Neural Processor

SK Hardened Neural Processor

I submitted within the @scripts command, I'm actually unsure how I did this anymore, but I know you taught me how to do this at one point... I can see a list of unapproved scripts using @scripts, but I can't seem to remember the syntax to submit a script, nor can I find any reference to this command elsewhere.
MindsEye has been dropped into the Google Drive folder.

uses $play_script

//Let’s get some happy little variables to make our scripts randomly make no fucking sense at all.

"gang" => "The Bringers", "The Arteries", etc

"person" => "Miranda Wu", "Doc McClure", "Judge Volkyre", etc

"street" => "Fuller Street", "Death Row and Fuller", "the Knife's Hilt", etc

"sexorgan" => "cock", "dick", "prick", “clit” , “pussy” , “penis” , “vagina” , etc

"action" => "apologize", "suck a man off", "die", etc

"organization" => "Genetek", "NLM", "Skywatch", “The Yakuza” , “The Russian Syndicate” , “The Triads” , “The Black Tide”, etc

"bar" => "the Drome", "Carnal", "Carnal Desires", etc

"drug" => "Endo", "Endoprine", "V", etc

"cloth" => "coat", "blazer", "tie", etc

"archetype" => "meat puppet", "joe boy", "razor grrl", etc

“Location” => “The Black Drome”, “Grunen’s Tavern - Bar”, Deji Pachi - Bar”, etc

“Sector” => “Red”, “Green”, “Gold”, “Blue”

“Device” => “ied”, “incendiary”, “sonic”

“Venue” => “bar”, “shop”, “street”, “corp”, “clinic”, “mall”, etc

“Dude” => “female”, “girl”, “lass”, “woman”, “matron”, “grandma”, “hag”, “granny”, “madam”, “lesbian”, “dyke”, “tomboy”, “chick”, “gal”, “chica”, “vixen”, “diva”, “dame”, “sheila”, “mona”, “bimbo”, “bitch”, “lady”, “senorita”, “chola”, “devotchka”, “person”, “kid”, “urchin”, “human”, “citizen”, “elder”, “fossil”, “fleshbag”, “denizen”, “queer”, “neut”, “urchin”, “snack”, “walker”, “chum”, “charmer”, “star”, “walker”, “mate”, “smoker”, “meatsicle”, “punk”, “clone”, “wageslave”, “chen”, “androog” and “suit”.

“Sense” => “smell”,” taste”, “noise”, “feeling”

“Size” => “big”, “little”, “fucking huge”, “epic” , “microscopic”, etc.

tell %player "Voices that are not your own cloud your mind."

pause 10 seconds

Random “type” 6

if equals %type 1

Tell %player “A nearby %Dude thinks . o 0 ( What is that %sense?! )

Elseif equals %type 2

Tell %player “A nearby %Dude thinks . o 0 ( I should %action somebody at %location for %drug. )”

Elseif equals %type 3

Tell %player “A nearby %Dude thinks . o 0 ( I NEED SOME FUCKING %DRUG! )

Elseif equals %type 4

Tell %player “A nearby %Dude thinks . o 0 ( I’m just a %archetype with a nice %cloth and %size %sexorgan. )

Elseif equals %type 5

Tell %player “A nearby %Dude thinks . o 0 ( %organization is out to get me! )

Elseif equals %type 6

Tell %player “A nearby %Dude thinks . o 0 ( I shouldn’t have to %action just because I like the %location. “


Pause 10 seconds

Random “type” 6

if equals %type 1

Tell %player “A nearby %Dude thinks . o 0 ( What is that %sense?! )

Elseif equals %type 2

Tell %player “A nearby %Dude thinks . o 0 ( I should %action somebody at %location for %drug. )”

Elseif equals %type 3

Tell %player “A nearby %Dude thinks . o 0 ( I NEED SOME FUCKING %DRUG! )

Elseif equals %type 4

Tell %player “A nearby %Dude thinks . o 0 ( I’m just a %archetype with a nice %cloth and %size %sexorgan. )

Elseif equals %type 5

Tell %player “A nearby %Dude thinks . o 0 ( %organization is out to get me! )

Elseif equals %type 6

Tell %player “A nearby %Dude thinks . o 0 ( I shouldn’t have to %action just because I like the %location. “


Pause 10 seconds

Force %player think Have I lost my mind?

Pause 10 seconds

Tell %player “The voices in your head slowly subside to the background.”

Updating the echolocation script to not have forced emotes now... It was my favorite.
uses $play_script

tell %player "You awaken, your head pounding with a soft pulse, as the world lights up in your mind, every sound and movement translating into an adjusted mental map."

pause 30 seconds

random "reaction" 2

if equals %reaction 1

tell %player "What occurs occurs around you for just a moment, every minute movement of the world echoing in a distinctive discernable manner. Responded to with a boop."

elseif equals %reaction 2

tell %player "Boop, goes the echolocation implant... persistently."


pause 30 seconds

tell %player Slowly this mental map completes and you are left with a soft pulse, easily ignored, updating it, every few seconds.


I love writing but I'm no good at scripts and don't really have the time to learn to do it. Slither, is it cool if I write up a bunch of stuff and leave it in here for inspiration for you/scripters? Pretty sure I could bang a bunch of these out with my dictation software.
I cannot stress enough how helpful it is for people to use the Google Drive for scripting. Even if you want to drop half-created content there - it creates a pool from us all to draw from.

NK Telescopic Lenses

The Telescopic Lenses boot up. Nausea hits your stomach as your perspective shifts far beyond normal human means.

The whirring of small servos vibrate in your eye and suddenly your vision is overwhelmed by an oversized dust-mite at near-human size.

As the ware settles in, you click through different degrees of magnification with great satisfaction.

NK Thermographic Vision Module

As you blink, hideous blobs of red and green dominate your vision--even through your eyelids--rendering the world in foreign and terrifying shapes.

A sound that you hope isn't sizzling radiates through your head as the thermographic vision module integrates with your cyber eye.

Heat sources come into greater focus, and you notice with small wonder the temperature variances in the air.

SK Amplified Hearing Chip

You get the urge to scratch an unbearable itch deep inside your ear canal.

A peircing ringing cracks your skull as the Amplified Hearing Chip establishes baseline sound thresholds.

The pain fades, and you hear a whispered conversation happening in the room next door as if you were standing beside the speakers.

Cybernetic Eye (will be used for normal left and right eyes)

There is a twinge of pain as your newly installed cybernetic eye scrapes against the inside of your eyelid.

The pain in your eye increases as the cybernetic eye darts in uncontrollable directions as it goes through diagnostics.

Eventually, the pain subsides as your new eye relaxes. Only a subtle heaviness in your eye socket reminds you of the recent installation.

Cyberear (will be used for left and right ears)

For a moment, the cold stiffness in your newly installed Cyberear is almost overwhelming.

A series of clicks and beeps enter your brain as the ware translates sound into a digital format.

Finally, sound begins to normalize as your Cyberear finishes integration.

Here's a few rough drafts. It's honestly pretty difficult to balance the following: repetition of the item being installed, variants of phrases expressing the experience, constant items in the room that could be used in these phrases (who knows where the installation is taking place), and an emotional response that may or may not be genuine depending on the character.

I generally stuck to three phases: horror or surprise at the new sensation, increasing discomfort during integration, and, or a positive emotion/sensation as the last prompt.

I did my best, but Slither, feel free to use them as rough drafts in the same way we did with candy experiences.

Reefer, I threw this in the google doc as well.

Also, sorry for the triple-post but it would be cool if the scripts could load in order and with some buffering so that the user isn't getting totally walled if they get a big install set.

So like, the code scans for total chrome, then detects two eye modules and two unrelated ones. It serves the cyber-eye script, then a pause, then the thermal script. Then a pause, then the other ones one-by-one. I think the one-two punch of an ear/eye base install and an additional mod would be really cool if they came in order and everything wasn't happening simultaneously.

Floored: I added the babble-on stuff to your scripts on the google drive and renamed them to be individual docs.
Added studdly script to the google drive.
@Reefer thanks for adding to the drive!

@Everyone else -- thanks for writing these scripts!

I've created a new folder in the drive for these scripts specifically. I've also updated most of them to no have smart quotes and the Minds Eye one has been updated to fit with the substitutions we have now that I've made that command for substitutions available to all scripts.

If you are creating a new script, please put it in the folder as a new doc with the name of the cyberware:

And then copy the link to it and paste that as a response to this thread with the name of the cyberware as well.

Updated list of what we need:

SK Visual Overlay Optical Module

NK LowLite Nightvision Module

NK Image Enhancement Lense

NK Image Enhancement Lenses II

NK HoloProjector Eye Module

SK Sound Editing Chip

ZMI Sonic Dampening Chip

SK Translator Chip (used for all types)

SK GPS Location Chip

Secure Identification Chip

SK Skillsoft Chip Socket

CH57 Cortex Bomb

WJF Behavior Modification Chip

SK Pain Editor Chip

SK Nailz(tm) FingerBlades

SK SynthKnux Synthetic Knuckles

ZMI TruSight(tm) Interface Socket

SK Video Transcoding Chip

SK Supplemental Renal System

SK Biomod Motor-function Controller

SK Arm

SK Complete Cyberleg

SK Knee-Down Cyberleg

SK Cyberfoot

Color-Change Eye (will be used for colored left and right eyes)

SK Neural Processor

SK Hardened Neural Processor

Is this list still up to date? Do the new chrome parts need to be added? I haven't had a ton of time to play lately but would love to jump in.

I think the fleshy skin for cyber eyes/ears are needed at least right?

This list is still the list of things that need the scripts written, and there are probably more cyberwares that need to be added. I would appreciate people knocking as many of these off as they can. You can use the scripts drive and post links here or just post the scripts here for me to review and edit.
Wrists are still too shot to play, and dictation isn't great for mudding, but I can do this!

Such a fine line to walk with these. Can't tell someone how they feel, or make them touch the thing to get more input. I'm also never sure whether or not to tell the user what was installed in the script in case it was installed without their knowledge. Feel free to punch these up or adjust them. I tried to thread the needle but might have gotten too prescriptive with a couple of lines.

Slither, for the limbs, any advice on sensation? Someone can get the skin module before or after they get the actual limbs right? I'm not sure how to handle those.

SK Visual Overlay Optical Module

An unsettling light begins to flash in the peripheral of your vision, spiking your nervous system at the new stimulation.

As time passes your brain focuses. You can clearly read the following: SK Visual Overlay Optical Module ready for input/output integration.

A series of sample images and videos flash across your cybernetic eye, showing off potential of your new chrome.

ZMI Sonic Dampening Chip

An overwhelming ringing and deafness occupies your brain. Where did all the sound go?

Sizzling and static replace the deafness in your ear, followed by calibrating clicks.

Gunfire from a familiar ad blimp nearby is muted, yet still audible. The harsh sounds of the world settle to the background, letting you know you can focus on what’s important.

Secure Identification Chip

A wave of pain roars through your neck and skull, radiating from the implant point.

Overwhelming information rampages through your skull, supplanting all previous thoughts.

As your body and mind become adjusted to the new Secure Identification Chip, the potential for communication becomes obvious.

SK Skillsoft Chip Socket

a sharp ache pierces you behind the ear, accompanied by a sense of overwhelming hollowness.

The pain subsides, but the emptiness remains.

Finally, the feeling of a sturdy and easily accessible port is apparent behind your ear.

SK Pain Editor Chip

For a moment, numbness replaces all sensation across your body. Erasing the natural rhythms of breath and life.

Warmth and feeling start in your extremities and gradually chase the odd sensation closer to your chest.

At last, rigidity and strength settle into your heart and brain, propping you up against any pain and violence that lay in your future path.

SK Nailz(tm) FingerBlades

Your hands and fingers ache and throb, stuffed as they are with an unfamiliar weight.

Instinctually, you can sense a specific orientation of wrist flicking that will unfurl your Nails.

The weight in the tips of your fingers becomes a comfort. They’re ready to unleash razor death in an instant.

SK Supplemental Renal System

An awful dryness hits your mouth and throat as all moisture suddenly stops flowing from your salivary glands.

Unusual and giddying bubbling and whooshing moves through places in your body you’ve never sensed it before.

Tiny servos sound off deep within you and within seconds your mouth and throat are spritzed with the perfect amount of moisture for health and survival.

SK Neural Processor

Your heart beats a terrible and strange rhythm as the sensation of a foreign object in your brain takes hold.

As time passes, your nervous system adapts, ignoring the presence of the implant in your skull.

A rising vibration whines up that radiates between your ears. It eventually settles into an easily ignorable hum.

SK Hardened Neural Processor

Your heart beats in double time, sending additional blood to your brain to accommodate the implant in your skull.

A smooth and satisfying hum kicks up between your ears, followed by a pleasant chime.

All sensation of the neural implant fades as the chrome fully calibrates in your skull.