Reset Password
Existing players used to logging in with their character name and moo password must signup for a website account.
- eggeggegg 6s
- Hippo 4m
- baewulf 4m
- AdamBlue9000 51m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- Kangarat 5m
a Glitch 15m If it's broken, good chance it was me
- Baphomei 18m
- Emily 21m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
- BubbleKangaroo 46s
- adrognik 3m
- QueenZombean 47s Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
a Mench 1m Doing a bit of everything.
And 31 more hiding and/or disguised
Connect to Sindome @ or just Play Now

Game Problems & Complaints
What needs work in the game?

[2022] Known Issues with Code
Tracking known issues we are aware of

14 replies

Display Name is Not Identity
PCs and NPCs share names

17 replies

Sindome is a privilege
It is not a right

7 replies

Respecting NPC's and Ambience
Please read this

0 replies

Read and understand all @rules

6 replies

Puppet request standards

2 replies

Manage Characters > Play Now bug(?)

1 reply

Explosives/Munitions/Lord of War Vent

24 replies

New Lowering Weapon Issue

5 replies

Dipping Double Dips on Restrictions

17 replies

Badlands Cleanup
The emptiest place in the game is the dirtiest

0 replies

Candy Questions
Is it too thin?

21 replies

Holophone question
Item rarity?

0 replies

Fine Tune Previous Combat Changes?

7 replies

Is the gap not..gappy enough?

39 replies

Is rent too high?
A discussion on rent.

115 replies


4 replies

Isolation and Chaos.
Four months of struggle, no end in sight.

15 replies

UE Revamp
Just some thoughts on the state of the game.

55 replies

Let's Talk About Membership

9 replies

Removing karma from newbie alert.

4 replies

Plagues aren't very fun
Cures cost in both chyen and time

36 replies

Prop cleanup
Not everything can or should last forver

4 replies

Enforcing OOC Roleplay Standards IC
Chain vat me till I RP the way you like?

18 replies

The Working Cap
Yes, this again.

13 replies

Multi Person Combat
What the hell's going on?!?!?

7 replies

Meh-Metachrosis Skin
Why no disguise?

20 replies

Photos in Containers
Oct '23 change

2 replies

Combat and Roleplay

5 replies

Disappointing experience with xgame help

3 replies

Living Life Way...Way Above Sea Level

8 replies

Altitude Multiplier on AVs/Robots
Or, The City Is Too Damn Flat!

1 reply

Skillsoft Changes
Discussion and complaints

6 replies

Cars Are Getting Old

2 replies

Web Based Grid is Hard to Maintain
Do we need a MOO based grid instead?

14 replies

Device crafting lacks input information

4 replies

Paintings in the markets
Too expensive

12 replies

Breaking and Entering
Do we really need it?

84 replies

Gun combat messages

3 replies

Re-usability of Wigs and Contacts

0 replies

Player Height and Weight Code
It's super scuffed.

0 replies

Lag and Swallowed Commands
Is anyone else experiencing this?

1 reply

A discussion on the automated 10k limit
It removes any potential RP from automated income

14 replies

Canvas ASCII Art Warning

1 reply

Calling out Players in XOOC/XGAME
Can we, like, not?

11 replies

Submitting Gossip & Rumors
Try not to small world if you want it approved

7 replies

The heart of roleplay

21 replies

Cabinets only a prodigy can uninstall

2 replies

Map Descriptive Alt Text

2 replies

"If you do this I will leave the city."
Please consider what you say before you say it.

4 replies

I am a lost little puppy . . .

2 replies

Alternate key for chrome abilities
Mobile client doesn't like forward slash

2 replies

Robot Command Entry Delay

4 replies

What do you want us to do while we wait?

4 replies

Rule 6.A, recordings and evidence

15 replies

Unfinished robot parts, frames

1 reply

How to deal PC imbalance?
What do you when the only option is to not play?

52 replies

Tone in Sindome
Light hearted cyberpunk

5 replies

Increase kitchenette supply consumption
The supplies last too long

1 reply

Radio Range
It's Too Damn Low

19 replies

Hatches and Floods
what's the deal with floodwater anyways!?

6 replies

@lp, @tp, @sp, and the removal of 'is'
I just want more options

0 replies

Get rid of crowded effect
"I have bad ears, I can only listen to 2 people at once"

41 replies

Long Blades Need a Balance Pass
Carried over from extended XOOC conversation

39 replies

Secure topside locations

9 replies

Vehicle Parts Issues

0 replies

Hearing foreign languages
Should be available all the time

5 replies

Please turn off janitor code
Either temporarily or forever

9 replies

Out-of-City Puppets
No real method of communication

1 reply

Eliminate Cube/Pad Lotto
Is stupid and gamey

13 replies

New characters can't see encrypted keys
"Withmore's been quiet lately..."

4 replies

Robot Messaging
An Excess of Text

4 replies

Armor Burning

0 replies

NPC Economy needs to be addressed
It's getting abused by the wrong people

3 replies

Remove ~ From Sic message Sanitization

2 replies

Ghost threads
More transparency please

1 reply

Complaining about topside is cool
But topside is too soft and you're doing it wrong!

19 replies

Monospaced fonts, please!
These would be VERY HELPFUL for gridmail!

7 replies

Recovery time for NPCs post-revival?

1 reply

NPCs and Health

1 reply

food and coffee @skintones
Kind of objectifying ngl

9 replies

New playing cards
Inaccessible designs

0 replies

@notes currently down
this includes e-notes too!

2 replies

Lighter Refill Prices
Price is currently big oof.

0 replies

Can Black Balling be altered?
And not be so ball breaking?

4 replies

No bokken in regular old scabbard?

2 replies

Requisition Terminals

0 replies

Slurs, Ableism, and Mixed Messages
Learn some new words, chummer

13 replies

Transcoding Chips Display Video in OOC

3 replies

Seeking consistency

5 replies

Biomods and PDS

22 replies

Unfixed bugs changing to 'Obsolete'

2 replies

Business cards causing dialogue issues
Cards eat speech and confuse doggos

0 replies

Filth and Fighting

3 replies

Chatter from Bilingual NPC's
I'm sorry, come again?

1 reply

Want hints on junkyard NPCs
Help players get the right thing

1 reply

Deckers on Sindome
Don't be meta about their skills

24 replies

Corpse Cloning & Chrome
Can we review it and maybe make some changes?

8 replies

Character Progression Modernization
Are characters too static for a dynamic world?

2 replies

Rental Kiosks do NOT break stealth

0 replies

Partial String search for Vendors

3 replies

Locking and resetting robots
Unrecoverable lockouts

2 replies

Unscan becoming unsafe
Changes to output options and unscan leading to bad outcomes

1 reply

Game Unplayable
Extreme latency/delayed command response/commands missed

6 replies

Phonecalls not displaying voices
Hello? Is this my ace kool speaking?

7 replies

"glance"/"glance me" shows approx. chyen
"You have some chyen on you." Or do you?

3 replies

You been gone, baka.

1 reply

Issues with evading combat initiation

33 replies

AV feedback range
Long distance broadcast creates a lot of spam

1 reply

How to perhaps make them theme, but let people opt out

1 reply

Profile Lists First Bgbb Posts Not Last
First Posts Aren't Relevant Anymore

0 replies

Losing a ring
My precious!

1 reply

Poll answers

2 replies

Unable to flee, "not in combat"

4 replies

Disguises and Small-Worlding
The burden of proof is too high.

23 replies

Church room descriptions

1 reply

Accurate Weather
It's raining and it's how cold?

0 replies

Bartender Gossip Matching

2 replies

Game Mechanics - Unneccesary Taboo
rant thread which will fall off as usual

38 replies

help writing-history not specific enough

9 replies

Tube warning
Unpowered vehicle need tube warnings

1 reply

Playing to your stats
How do you do it when you're not XXXXX?

4 replies

Scopes and aiming at close range.

22 replies

Gossip And NPC Order

4 replies

Proposed Sever Tweaks
Meta Prevention & QoL suggestions

4 replies

Sleaze should still generate entry fees
Someone is paying your way in, afterall

8 replies

Gang Discussion

36 replies

Re: NPC Muggers
The Mix is SOFT

29 replies

Metagaming on your rerolls
It needs to stop

5 replies

Warning for Finalized Articles

4 replies

Limit clothing editing to hands only
It's a super easy mistake to make!

0 replies

Paid Chatter
No prompt is BS

4 replies

Using Art as Sticky Fliers
Possible Imbalance

7 replies

Getting things out of cartons

4 replies

Skillsofts invalidate technical skills
Skillsofts === OP

4 replies

Cred chip locking/unlocking in vehicles
Syntax issue

2 replies

make @bug's non-yes response be no
This is very bad design

2 replies

@options encrypted
"Wait, we can see other people's keys?"

7 replies

The Gate Assumption
Fresh through the Gates != Without skills

2 replies

NPCs and Medical Treatment
Should NPCs not pay player characters for IC services?

1 reply

Some Jobs are JOBS others are jobs
Pay and work

2 replies

Regarding SICADs
ASCII in the brain?

1 reply

Mistake in new arrival's Survival Guide
...or is it meant as part of the puzzle?

1 reply

Interger limit.

1 reply

Making Strategery For All
Addressing Subgame Accessibility

2 replies

Getting wet vs material

3 replies

Falling shouldn't be faster than flying

0 replies

The Tailor's Paradox
Clothing's look is both figure & cut combined.

6 replies

Jumping into aeros

5 replies


0 replies

Watch Code Changes
Little late, but can we get some tweaking?

9 replies

Weirdness with addressing and emote

6 replies

NeoTrans is an uninteresting faction
And unthemely as well

12 replies

Description & nakeds are for facts
Don't tell the player how to think or feel

19 replies

Character's Native Langugage Issue
Aka I don't know how to talk the language of my land

12 replies

Stickers on unpowered vehicles
How can we make this happen?

1 reply

Description & nakeds are for sensing
Not intuiting or extra-sensory knowing.

1 reply

Too many runners bug?
Chuck having too many runners

1 reply

Chic and dashing adjective issue
They're overriding appearance adjectives

16 replies

Grid and SIC

6 replies

Thermographic ASCII
please remove

2 replies

Get rid of mix gun detectors.
detect this, bitch.

20 replies

Destigmatize Service Mixers

11 replies

Auto emotes/quotes with coded actions
Because not every interaction is the same

1 reply

Grid 2.0 still on Ads
Weird how all Grid Ads are still about 2.0

3 replies

Help file needs updated

1 reply

Show us some examples

3 replies

Unfinalization issue

2 replies

Weapon Messaging
Quit slapping me with your Combat Engine!

13 replies

Gold Crate Running
Chuck's deliveries are annoying for different reasons...

1 reply

And How We Are All Posers

1 reply

Lack of License plates on vehicles
All or none

7 replies

Chex Taxi - Feedback
More of a pointing something out than straight complaint.

2 replies

Talking to an NPC
This applies to everyone

4 replies

Why do luxury items tank attire score?
Something feels really wrong.

6 replies

Hostile SIC Puppets
Nothing real to respond to

15 replies

Problem with bikes driving fast

10 replies

Lower quality foods have higher priority
Lower overwrites Higher

1 reply

Cyberware does not append properly.
Tattoos and wounds suggest they should

3 replies

SatNav Gives too precise an elevation

1 reply

Pressure to perform
De-emphasize perfection

3 replies

Impossible to distinguish vehicles

11 replies

Appear & Disguise make RP difficult.
Primarily a problem in the mix.

12 replies

Cars & AV's are RP-shields
They're bad for health and family.

37 replies

Gender appear breaks when naked
Gender is codedly sex unless hidden

55 replies

Player tailored item precedence
yeah yeah "armor".

6 replies

TH SUMMER 2020 BREAK OFF: Skintone
Summer Town Hall 2020 Topic Suggestion Response

9 replies

TH SUMMER 2020 BREAK OFF: Martial Arts
Break out topic for things that didn't make it onto Agenda

27 replies

TH SUMMER 2020 BREAK OFF: Vehicles
Summer Town Hall 2020 Topic Suggestion Response

0 replies

TH SUMMER 2020 BREAK OFF: Bodyguarding
Summer Town Hall 2020 Topic Suggestion Response

0 replies

Summer Town Hall 2020 Topic Suggestion Response

0 replies

Jumping off a roof
While in combat

10 replies

Price of limited use items
Full medpack does not = empty medpack

0 replies

Idle Times and Surveillance Networks

6 replies

Too Much Troublemaking?

3 replies

Max Income Crate Counter Reset

4 replies

What Macros Are Allowed?

8 replies

Flying/Driving Luck consumption
Both of these skills trigger luck rerolls too often

33 replies

Abusing 'Unknown User' on Grid 2.0

5 replies

Don't allow empty e-prints to persist.
They're consumable.

3 replies

Broken crates

0 replies

Emoting at YOU
Don't do this, it can KILL.

23 replies

OOC-Chat filter is too strict
Because saying 'I'm from Ru** ssia' is a little much.

1 reply

Sleazing your way into bars disguised
It's a bit silly, isn't it?

3 replies

APPEAR breaks pose

10 replies

Increase Faction Limit to 4

15 replies

Functional Parity to Radbanes

7 replies

Blatant Immersion Breaking Behaviour
Stop bringing modern politics into Sindome.

1 reply

Improving Decker Chatter
Can we make it more useful?

4 replies

Enforcing obscurity in the @who
Exactly how many people are not in the city?

6 replies

Sing command is borderline unreadable.
Fewer notes, or in places that make sense please?

5 replies

Gender and RP

4 replies

chained movement resuming unexpectedly

1 reply

Fuel Consumption Rate

24 replies

cmon son

101 replies

taxi issues
get gas before you pick me up dumbass

14 replies

Crowded Location Tweaks

1 reply

Global Acknowledgement of Major Events
Need some help / hints

4 replies

Website Update - Corporations

3 replies

Dipping Hoodies

12 replies

Immigration Greeters: Essential Info
Discuss essential info that greeters could be giving

7 replies

[2020] Drug Feedback Thread
What needs work with drugs?

13 replies

Car Alarms
Not really working

33 replies

Disguise Layering
The cheese is real.

12 replies

Disconnecting to avoid combat / death
What to do when this happens

0 replies

Biomod Controllers
An unnecessary cost when style is everything

39 replies

Pose Eating Punctuation
Nothing says 'I love you' like mashed together sentences

7 replies

Not Enough Branded Mid-Market Fashion

2 replies

Home Invasion
How it's most commonly done just doesn't make sense.

3 replies

Character Adjectives
Is the over-writing intentional?

7 replies

Security analyzer issue
Reach out if you have trouble

0 replies

Automatic cam deact or manual removal.
nobody likes a network cluttered with shit.

10 replies

NPC parity
Emphasize PC characters

5 replies

Courier Lockout Timer
Why not a daily reset instead?

3 replies

Life Science Skills Are Important
Meta around these skills is incredibly frequent

28 replies

Ecogear Balaclava
@coverage does not match Description

3 replies

Why am I still escorting you if you're miles away?!

5 replies

Small Problems that Escalate
@Rules and unlisted policy

10 replies

Partial Fuel Filling
often it does not work

0 replies

Blade Skills and Length

0 replies

Investigations & Bans
How they work, and recent updates

0 replies

Lab destruction issues.
explosions seem random and are bad.

23 replies

Thermal Imaging and Busy Places
Thats a whole lot of hot bodies...

2 replies

Meta around pickpocketting

13 replies

The Mix is too rich
The rent is too damn low

94 replies

Armor Layering
It's in serious need of some attention.

2 replies

Skin Tone
how's this experiment feel?

14 replies

Market Bloat
Useless stuff for sale!

3 replies

Immigrants always speak english!
Beating a dead horse.

20 replies

UE and Automated Income are Irrelevant!
Y'all are worrying too much about these things!

9 replies

Corpse issues
Thoughts and issues with the new changes.

1 reply

Services Mixers on Green
Is it a problem? Then you are the soloution.

15 replies


3 replies

Wigs, lenses, etc. cause OOC paranoia
Hard to RP when you know it's a scam

11 replies

@options think
Legacy config option that can probably be nuked.

2 replies

Can't highlight in webclient
As of 3-5 days ago

10 replies

Discussion on the BGBB
Be nicer to each other

1 reply

Local OOC
It's probably not the right tool for the job

7 replies

Role playing and community

7 replies

Going to XOOC to bitch about BGBB
It's really rather annoying

9 replies

The wastes
Could be fun, I promise!!!!

5 replies

Canned emotes
Am I crazy?

4 replies

OOC Chat
There have been some issues lately.

10 replies

Tokens Don't Attack Rival Gang Members

12 replies

Why doesn't everyone drive?
is this a case of overbalance?

32 replies

Ammo Cost
I know it's a workaround but it's confusing

0 replies

Dome entry/exit prompt

1 reply

The plague event

36 replies

NPCs & Pickpocketing
I drink your milkshake.

34 replies

Please don't bring OOC assumptions IC
Anyone notice that Gabe sounds like Bob used to?

10 replies

e-note, letters, data and you

12 replies

Automated Macros
I don't think we need them

43 replies

NPC friendships
Because NPCs need friends, too.

15 replies

IC cliquing overkill, and protection.
I'm curious if what I think is genuine.

41 replies

Automated door locking macros
Yay or nay?

5 replies

Combat & drugs

24 replies

Missing a way to hide commandHints
Another client-option or general option?

13 replies

Count doesn't match Get

7 replies

Caressing into the kill
What to do when surrender is offered

69 replies

Multi Layered Roofs From Hell.
The roof of the Carnal Desires rapidly approaching.

6 replies

Disarm vs Wres

2 replies

Multiple identical disguises
Too big an advantage?

27 replies

Safe zones in bars

27 replies

Re: Small worlding
And gangs

8 replies

Early game dodge is useless

8 replies

Disguise and @desc
Help a chummer out

28 replies

The problem with lack of unrolls

13 replies

Divisions inhibiting RP
Everyone in their own tiny box. Alone.

51 replies

Idlers in bars

15 replies

Vehicle Transfers
Demystify the process...

16 replies

Advantages and Disadvantages in Respec
Request to make that optional

3 replies

Room occupancy restrictions
How they can be a pain in the ass

3 replies


10 replies

Revealing from clothing desc.
This should be regulated or allowed, as it is *everywhere*.

10 replies

Gear and NPCs
Why don't they use it?

1 reply

Perk: Discount on Medical Fees

6 replies

How to get out of a coffin?

2 replies

Strange @tutorials

4 replies

Rules Clarifications
These should be codified

21 replies

'Help Props' Misunderstanding
Misunderstood skill dependence

3 replies

Is there a problem with topside?
Anecdotes within

49 replies

Reducing text spam for driving
Issue with people with screen readers

7 replies

Photographs Not Fitting Into Anything
Is this intended?

1 reply

The @Commands: An Undertaking
A full list and details of the ones exposed by the client.

4 replies

Remove Character Name from Page Title

6 replies

Small World RP hurts the game.

25 replies

Rename [Game-Help] to [Game-Assistance]
I've accidentally typed XHELP way too many times

0 replies

Disguises and META players
We see you

32 replies

Social Emotes & Godmodding?

9 replies


8 replies

Referencing WWII too much

7 replies

Learning to read the room

9 replies

Mutation Messages

0 replies

Clothing Description and Quality

3 replies

Be helpful on Game Help
Or get off the channel

3 replies

Alcohol Tolerance
30 bottles of beer on the wall and counting.

6 replies

MOOSex & You
Better MOOSex & Gardening

4 replies

Unable to add secondary codes to doors.
Okay, code's set up! Wait, you can't leave? Wait, what?

4 replies

Unthemely SIC banter

20 replies

@voice and hiding your identity
"Who is this?" One step too far.

14 replies

A letter from the Head GM
To the Sindome Community

4 replies

Noticing some issues

10 replies

[Feedback Needed] Attack & Kill
Every accidently neck snap someone?

29 replies

Sindome and the blind community
How we play differently

2 replies

Some thoughts on lots of things

7 replies

Turf Tolls

3 replies

Scavinging tied into paydays?
Why come?

3 replies

What @tutorials do we need?
Please give you suggestions!

6 replies

Oh God help I have no idea what I did
I had no idea where else to put this

2 replies

Pot shots and sniping
A suggestion

24 replies

OOC Chatting about IC events

31 replies

Pregnancy in SD
What you're signing up for if you want to RP this.

14 replies

Taken out of Ideas because it's drifting from the point

8 replies

Grid 3.0 Problems
A thread for posts relating to trouble while using Grid 3.0

12 replies

Issues with auto/av tech
And why there seems to be so few of them

1 reply

Algebraic notation on chess board
Colors should be switched

2 replies

Briefcase Item Interactions

6 replies

I want to remake my character
why isn't there a simple reroll option?

6 replies

Not spending UE
Is it okay?

5 replies

Not logging off while away from the game

3 replies

Quotes in the Web Client
They're a Pain

1 reply

Cred Chips
A Corpies best friend

12 replies

Puppet queue and waiting on admins
How could we make it better for both sides.

13 replies

Making new chracter

3 replies

Badly Described Items [help needed]
Help us identify badly described items

4 replies

Character Problems

6 replies

Motorcycle fuel use

2 replies

Suicide Booth Video
Should it be forced to the ad screens?

11 replies

The La-li-lu-le-lo!!

15 replies

Go Clone Message

1 reply

Motorcycles are too cheap
and too good, and everyone has one

11 replies

Do not belong here

1 reply

Cerberus & You
Negative experiences with unacceptable communication habits.

6 replies

Stuck In Character Creation

0 replies

Jumping off Gold without a paraglider
Is going to be death

5 replies

The Admin Giveth, The Admin Taketh Away
Sindome is always under development.

3 replies

Fatigue issues

1 reply

Death in Sindome PART DEUX
It's not about one person.

23 replies

Not really a complaint...
Wasn't sure to post in Theme or Here.

7 replies

Getting robbed on disconnect.

4 replies

Guest Account blocking exits

0 replies

Having some difficulties...

2 replies

Re-stocking some items..?

4 replies

New Player Woes
Am I making a big deal about nothing?

4 replies

Player-made Clothing Valuation
Is more really more?

3 replies

Non-client side options
Options settings outside of @client-options?

3 replies


1 reply

White screen
It was fine before the restart

3 replies

Crazy UE amount? Science baka.
Scientific Notation.

4 replies

Detaining Players for extended periods
Don't do it please!

7 replies

Tattoos are NOT to be removed
You can tattoo over them in an IC manner

0 replies

SIC Alias change
Newbie question

2 replies

Stat Progression Naming Convetions
And what it means for you!

1 reply

Drug Manufacturing Feedback
Why does it seem no one does it?

12 replies

Pickpocket bug

12 replies

Troubles getting into it
I hope this is the right forum section.

1 reply

I can only log on and quit out.

2 replies

The Grid
Fix it!? Please?

4 replies

Brass Knuckles price 26000
Really? :D

14 replies

Game Accessibility and Item Rarity
AKA Why are there no letters in the Dome?

5 replies

Quitting/Storing Characters
Can you do it?

3 replies

Grid 404 Pages
They need a back button

1 reply

Temporary Stat Effects Bug Fix
Important, read!

2 replies

Password Reset

1 reply

Drug Mechanics
Constructive feedback/inquiry (Please don't yell at me!)

2 replies

My first character death involved a bug.
Pure complaint.

1 reply

Playing from Work
A brand newb drama (feat: admin)

6 replies

What do?

1 reply

Small NPC problem

2 replies

Can't log on

1 reply

OOC Chat Conduct
Be cool, or go away

0 replies

Are Admins and game vets normal?

22 replies

deck of cards not working
It's still not screen reader accessible

1 reply

Void Problems
Help, I'm stuck in the void and I can't get out!

2 replies

Can't finish Charakter creation

2 replies

PSA: Keep the MOO clean!
Help reduce bloat and keep the MOO clean!

3 replies

Dermalweave armor?
please clear this up for me.

4 replies

Is fixing staff dependent?
Aren't the Markets there for a reason?

6 replies

NPC Fetching.
Only one problem I see.

4 replies

Week down.
Maybe more or less a day.

8 replies

Am I able to create multiple characters?

8 replies

NPC Credit Limit.
Apparently the code isn't as smart as I thought.

4 replies

Yet another economy thread.
Yes, cause chyen is important.

16 replies

Request/Suggestion combo

1 reply

Grapple continued (from hall)
Because the grapple discussion in hall got out of hand.

0 replies

When it rains it pours!
Why so hit and miss?

4 replies

Speaking in spoofs

20 replies

Economy Complaint...
Maybe misunderstanding is better term.

7 replies

Standard crowd conduct

17 replies

Evaluate with no Escape
When you're so engrossed you cannot stop looking

1 reply

Assigning ue (bug)

1 reply

I Haz Errorz!
Can someone explain to me what this emans?

2 replies

Character creation
Dude, where's my clothes?

5 replies

initial character creation woes

1 reply

May 11th Downtime Report
one hour lost

4 replies

The Right Thing: A Bannable Offense

13 replies

@notes 101

2 replies

Italian newbie alone in the Dome!

4 replies

Look edge changes
intentional or bug?

2 replies

People Bitching About Admin
Is it necessary?

29 replies

Olbies abusing combat
You guys should know better.

40 replies

Death in Sindome
You and your clone

15 replies

Admin abuse
We are people as well.

8 replies

NPC "Attitued"

17 replies

@rules update
Please check out the updates @rules

5 replies

The OOC Channels
The Sad Tale of One Newbie's Ignominious Defeat

5 replies

I want to know kung-fu!

9 replies

It's Down
We'll continue RPing in this thread until it comes back up

3 replies

Edit the character description?
I fucked up the formatting.

1 reply

Picking up weapons after disarm
Seriously, it's way too easy

4 replies

OOC-Channel Courtesy
Share a link? Be kind, tag it

0 replies

Cant create a Character

0 replies

IC and OOC Privlidges
What does that mean? Find out.

3 replies

Vehicle Colors
It should be fairly obvious, but isn't

8 replies

Boys in The Hood-IES
A short rant on the perception of Hoodies IC...

5 replies

Too few information

2 replies

Just another character creation error.

0 replies


5 replies

OOC Bitching
Will result in being banned

21 replies

Stuck on Char Gen

3 replies

Trouble resetting character password

1 reply

Asking for help; creating a character.

10 replies

Requests etc.

7 replies

Connection via Mobile Devices
Update stopped this

1 reply

problem creating character

6 replies

Market browsing

1 reply

Costs more than renting a room.

4 replies

Stuff needing fixed in game
From a ooc discussion on moo

9 replies

OOC Info

0 replies

And how it relates to your char.

4 replies

Breaking shit
Is big brother watching?

1 reply

Would the prankster who ported my bike into NLM..
Please stand up?

4 replies

GM Plots, Puppeting etc
The way things are approached, why?

53 replies

And other ways to get new players

8 replies

Town Hall: Self-Sufficent RP

4 replies

Grappling hooks
For when stairs are too boring

2 replies

Binoculars and rooftop edges
The goggles! They do nothing!

3 replies

Fix the Fracking GRID
It's been fucked for 3 months

16 replies

delivery problem

5 replies

Shop buybacks
who does and who doesn't?

2 replies

A request for some admin assistance
heeeelp.... meee....      ....please

0 replies

Is this a bug on the BgBB??
found this on a late night forum session

1 reply

Suicide problems
I just want to die!

5 replies

Medical stuff
Biomed autoinjectors to be precise.

3 replies

Okay, me complaining.. sorta.

16 replies


2 replies

Skill complementing
a question

6 replies

Nanos and physical damage
Ebola, and the slicy shooty hitty kind

1 reply

Random pickpockets
In the middle of the badlands?

3 replies

Material and You
Just so we are all on the same page...

9 replies

@bug and how to use it
It's not for ideas.

2 replies

When fists fly.
Or bullets

13 replies

Dogs in the park

7 replies

Jobs System
Never have any money

15 replies

and everything about it.

16 replies

Stop Watching Me!
I know I'm kinky but...

0 replies

Shrouds and holstered weapons
just an observation

5 replies

places that could use some help

2 replies

Thats right.

8 replies

More Stats/Skills info
my 2 chyen

7 replies

Jumping off of a roof
in the middle of combat

0 replies

Shroud Issues

6 replies

Lifting Stuff
Why doesn't it work?

1 reply

EEK It knows my name!

12 replies

Printer problems.

1 reply

Description Exits - Cordoba Mallplex
Is it really that hard?

1 reply

Tac-Comp Upgrade
bug fix #1062

1 reply

Forum notification broken?

1 reply

to tease?
*points and lcalls the Goat Ninja a rude name*

6 replies

Thanks for all the help
To all the admins

0 replies

99 bottles of lager on the wall, 99 bottles of ...

4 replies

... even rodents fight when cornered....

2 replies

yes, i'm stupid... thank you for not mocking.

3 replies

Stats question?
not really a problem, just wondering.

5 replies

Very odd
yes, very odd indeed..

7 replies

Puppet request
I swear I tried pressing clear

1 reply