Reset Password
Existing players used to logging in with their character name and moo password must signup for a website account.
- QueenZombean 20s
- Knyghtskye 14m
- Lena 7s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Komira 1h
- adrognik 42s
- Sivartas 4s
a Kard 2h
- zxq 6m
- Baphomei 54s
- Baguette 29s waow
- Emily 12s Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 2h Doing a bit of everything.
And 33 more hiding and/or disguised

Website Problems & Announcements
Topics related to things on and available from the website

Accents and Screen Readers
Local OOC and you!

0 replies

For Adults Only
Just to be super clear

0 replies

Password resets not working

5 replies

Website Content Updates
What does the website need?

16 replies

Performance System Clarficiations
Some confusion has arisen, so clarity here

0 replies

The new lore system is kind of bad

7 replies

Can't play?
Game client is not loading for me

4 replies

Timeline Update Suggestions
Got a suggestion for the timeline?

1 reply

Lore from the MInd
Notice: Currently out of date!

0 replies

Ads in Search results
Pay for an ad free search plug in

2 replies

Reaped Characters
You can now remove them.

7 replies

Grid 3.0 on SSL Now
Carry on yah filthy bastards

3 replies

TMC privacy error?

4 replies

View you Bugs Broken

5 replies

Grid 3.0 Testing Ad

1 reply

New: TV Inspiration Page!
Inspire your TV!

4 replies

Newsfeed lacks proper linkages

1 reply

Stop attacking to change posture
Is abuse of code and you will be punished

8 replies

Moving Forward: Minimum Character Age
Staff votes

11 replies

Metro Chat on the Grid is broken
New posts not visible?

10 replies

Expand all on Timeline
Make searching the timeline a little easier

0 replies

Can't sign in on
Correct email and password but still won't let me in

2 replies

[Sprint '20] Poll Results
Rolling thread of poll results from Spring 2020

1 reply

Forum Search Issues on Mobile Device
Did not return relevant posts

0 replies

Reset Character Password Tool Broken
Unable to Reset Password.

1 reply

Large Membership Pads
now available!

5 replies

Website Typos/errors
Helping tidy up!

2 replies

Like Buttons Overriding Posts

4 replies

Threads that should be pinned
Post your suggestions here!

2 replies

Chrome Lag
Version 79 will fook you.

1 reply

Inspire me!
Are you inspired?

24 replies

Legal Gun Ownership
How licenses work

1 reply

How to Spoof Properly.

6 replies

Help Cloning
It's been updated, review it!

3 replies

Scroll Bar too narrow
Hard to grab for rapid scrolling

0 replies

Do you know Node.js?
Node Coders Wanted.

3 replies

Grid forum issues

6 replies

Question about profile avatars

11 replies

Circumvention of Code
Exploiting is against the rules.

1 reply

Evolution of the Permanent Pad

3 replies

Webclient Restarts Weekly
Monday Morning at 2:30AM DST

3 replies

The Grid

6 replies

Infrastructure Update Thread [updating]
Where we are at with the infrastructure move

26 replies

Scheduled Downtime 06/21/18 @ 9PM DST
Restarting the MOO and the webserver

0 replies

Privacy Policy
Thread for updates and discussion about our policy

1 reply

Gojira Bug Tracker Is Back online
Submit your bugs!

0 replies

Crate Policy Clarification
Crates. Why they exist and how you should use them.

9 replies

Your Short Stories
published on our website

5 replies

Free SIC Key registration is an EXPLOIT

22 replies

Item hoards
Getting kind of out of hand.

0 replies

License Plate swapping
Not sustainable.

19 replies

Don't Play in Silence
We've got a whole bunch of music you can listen to.

1 reply

Don't fuck with them.

1 reply

Sindome Membership FAQ's
Feedback Please!

4 replies

Accessing the Grid
Pro tips

3 replies

Command Help in Webclient
some stuff to come

16 replies

Website / MOO Profile Updates
Need feedback!

34 replies

Missed a Poll? No Problem!
Sometimes old polls are the best polls

0 replies
15,500+ links shortened since 2013!

2 replies

Facebook Commenting
Add your own help to the help docs!

1 reply

Website Dependencies Updated
npm install, baby!

0 replies

Full Site Search not working in Firefox
Is it just me?

1 reply

Bug Reports
How to?

0 replies

Secure Login
It's been secure for years

1 reply

Webclient Output Colors
Dystopia is Pretty!

1 reply

So you woke up in the coffins but how?!
It's more likely than you think

0 replies

[Manage Characters] Bug
Don't see proper character listed.

3 replies

play button borked

2 replies

Delete your own posts from BgBB
For when you mess up, like me.

4 replies

Having trouble with new account

5 replies

Website Quotes MMXCIII

14 replies

Website Character Error
What do you mean I don't have a character?

2 replies

Trouble with @ character in web password

1 reply

Upcoming Hardware Move
choas is at its end, long live gondor!

2 replies

Upload Images to yo forum post!
oh no he didn't!

7 replies

Slight problem on the geopolitical map
A couple cities seem misplaced

9 replies

Status Page
Is the game up for you?

0 replies

Mobile Webclient
hope its usable!

1 reply

Enable Local Echo
New Webclient Feature

2 replies

Date on Front Page
It's wrong...

0 replies

I'm not getting the password email

1 reply

Workshop: Posing and Emoting
Come check out the log!

0 replies

E-mail your top 3 themely RP experiences
Again, EMAIL only for submissions.

0 replies

Experimental Web Client
try it out

19 replies

Character Claim

1 reply

Updates to @WHO
No more character names.

9 replies

Character Creation
this newbie needs help!!

8 replies

Quick question on the donations
more on procedure than anything else

2 replies

Character Portraits
for you to upload custom work

10 replies

Upcoming Website Changes
correcting past mistakes for glorious future

1 reply

Large Preview of BgBB Icon
Not showing in Chrome

1 reply

WWW Navbar Changed
how do I access the grid now?

0 replies

Password Reset Tool
self help is the best kind!

2 replies

Editorial Roles Open: Apply Now
fix johnny's cheesy writing

0 replies

testing the new board
this thread was made via the next codebase

7 replies

Site Update / New Players / Do your part
Minor Site Update, Adwords Campaign, You can help

12 replies

Grid Access

1 reply

got tips?

3 replies

This board
is boarked

1 reply