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OOC discussion of all things pertaining to the IC world

IC Communication and You
Keeping IC Channels IC

0 replies

Cyberpunk Slang
For all you bakas

45 replies

The world according to AI

6 replies

Do people read room descs?

6 replies

Immies not all poor, weak and helpless
The way we talk about Immies ICly

8 replies

The Quick Start Tips to a Quick Plot
Quick Tips for Getting Something Quick Going. Quick.

8 replies

Playing to your stats
Being intentionally incompetent

14 replies

Gang Iconography and Phrases

7 replies

Being Pretty and Beyond?
How do?

5 replies

Great character studies
Soft White Underbelly

2 replies

Artwork and ASCII

27 replies

High UE Conflict & Combat
Extending from XOOC conversations

51 replies

Guided Discussion: Corporate Theme
Let's talk. But where do we start?

48 replies

Survey: Risk in Corporate Plots
Getting a feel for corporate player preferences for danger.

4 replies

What does Mash sound like to you?
What does it sound like?

2 replies

Red Kitchenettes
Are mixers being too posh with their food choices?

102 replies

Is stupidity in theme?
Or is it meta comic relief?

22 replies

quoting shortdesc verbatim

8 replies

How to be a better dip?
how to provide better roleplay via theft/stealth.

37 replies

Who dipped me?
I didn't see it but I know they robbed me!

66 replies

Accurate Animosity

14 replies

How we present IC advice and warnings
Encouraging others to be themely, take risks and push story

10 replies

Topside sux?
Y does nobody wanna play with my toys

57 replies

What is the Mix?
Discussion on Theme and Going Forward

39 replies

Stop using it

4 replies

SIC, Shit Talk, and Bleed
the meanest social network ever

14 replies

Group Discussion: Feeling guilty OOCly
Should I feel guilty OOCly when my character hurts someone?

114 replies

Where WIthmore meets RL Crime?
European Crime Strats in a Cyberpunk Future?

0 replies

The height/weight dilemma
A discussion.

18 replies

Writing a history with an IC spin.
This is my first character btw.

3 replies

Summer Town Hall 2023 Breakout: Plots
This topic didn't make it on the agenda. Discuss.

4 replies

Summer TH 2023 Breakout: IC Negativity
This topic didn't make the agenda. Discuss Here.

10 replies

Summer Town Hall 2023 Breakout: SIC
This topic didn't make the agenda, discuss here

3 replies

Summer TH 2023 Breakout: Gang Economy
This topic didn't make the agenda, discuss here

19 replies

Structure, Behavior and Conflict
Ideas for all on creating a more conflict rich environment.

18 replies

Subject Taboos

8 replies

How do you multi-task while playing SD?
Help, I can't look away from the scroll!

6 replies

Corporate Theme
Come work for ONLY 120 hours a week with no overtime!

0 replies

stay away from church?

3 replies

What is it like to have a sic chip?
How do it be?

22 replies

Vat Naps

8 replies

WJF and Corporate interactions
Too friendly / not enough anomosity

22 replies

Inserting Non-Combatants Into Conflict
How do we help our newbs get messy?

22 replies

Sci-Fi Villains

3 replies

Cooperative Competitive Gaming
What it even is, and why is it key to these games.

0 replies

[MAJOR] Disguise & Appearance Policy
Major update to the disguise/appearance policy

24 replies

Social Issues 85 years in the future
Classism is all that remains

30 replies

Upward Mobility
Does it still exist? Even as a distraction?

6 replies

Are we S.P.E.C.I.A.L?
Unlike the ambient pop.

31 replies

Clothes / Wardrobe Diversity
Thematic or technical limitation?

23 replies

Good Guys
Don't Exist

15 replies

mood music?
for In gameness

280 replies

Killing off your character
Stop leaving a mess behind

85 replies

Meat Is Bad
Putting the "cyber" in "cyberpunk"?

9 replies

Non-English using PCs read/write grid?
Staff guidance sought

5 replies

Doing Dirt Getting More Difficult
Changes to skillsofts, bleeding and more

9 replies

Game Lore & Continuity
Consistency in the Face of Regular Changes

7 replies

Irregular's Handbook
Have the planets aligned today?

3 replies

Perma/Large Pads

38 replies

If a tree falls in a forest..
How much can you assume?

8 replies

Service Jobs vs Corporate Jobs
Working topside does not make you a corpie

128 replies

Admin Approved Ebook Flogging
My sci-fi/cyberpunk mystery is free on Amazon (July 1 - 3rd)

6 replies

TL;DR Cyberlungs

0 replies

What's a newbie meant to do?
Where to go to get involved?

4 replies

Thanks for the Fun!
Awesome Community RP

6 replies

Corporate vs Mix play
Discussing the differences

12 replies

Nakeds and Desc Workshop v2
The longerer betterer edition

7 replies

The Class Divide
Thoughts and Takeaways

45 replies

Desperation in Withmore
Teach me how to be a real trash golem

56 replies

Corporate fashions
What do they look like 85 years from now?

10 replies

Treating immies gently.
Breakin' in a new chummer with that hardened touch.

79 replies

Teaching things ICly
A guide on how to teach new players in a themely fashion

1 reply

Disguise and Disguise Meta advice
A guide for how to interpret data and avoid meta

4 replies

One Last Run
A staple of the genre

7 replies

Cyberware Prevelance
How common is cyberware in the ambient population?

4 replies

The Weekly Cap and Muggings

14 replies

Emojis, Hashtags and Sindome
Where is the line?

14 replies

SIC etiquette

72 replies

Servie abuse
Consequences will never be the same!

44 replies

Non-Cyberpunk Films
Recommendations that evoke elements of Sindome

9 replies


26 replies

Mecca Reclaimed Zone

9 replies

Short Films
Maybe Cyperpunk, or vaguely related to Cyberpunk

0 replies

The prevalence of Technology

2 replies

Money/Item/Pay/Time Investment
Didn't want to derail idea thread.

26 replies

Staying on Theme: Learning by Example
Examples and Discussion to stay on theme

37 replies

Mix and other slums

4 replies

Grid 3.0 Progress Update
May your Kanban always be heavy on the Right

1 reply

Crime and death in Sindome
How many people did you murder yesterday? I got 7.

13 replies

The Mix is a slum
It sucks there

160 replies

Class Conflict
Are 'teams' positive drivers of storytelling?

50 replies

Making The Badlands Live

1 reply

Responsible @nakeds
And general description writing advice

38 replies

Long and Bumpy Roads
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again...

38 replies

Holy Mormon Protectorate Lore
... I keep wanting to type "Holy Mromon Empire"

6 replies

"Public Areas"

4 replies

Renting in the Dome
It's very much IC bakas!

0 replies

The 100 Rule
An idea for how to avoid smallworlding

4 replies

Disguises and Death and Meta
Why would they know what you try to keep them from knowing?

1 reply

How they work

3 replies

Deathball League
Not just for manos or even binaries anymore

5 replies

Corporate RP Orientation Handbook
Welcome to the world of topside intrigue!

9 replies

Should we be talking about this?

10 replies

What year is it?

6 replies

Withmore is NOT a video game

0 replies

How Is Withmore Physically Structured?

23 replies

Perma Pads & Large Pads
Breaking down where they currently stand

9 replies

Space is at a Premium

28 replies


37 replies

Dystopian Theme
Oppression and Illusion rule here

68 replies

Bank Account Meta
The character name issue

12 replies

Vehicle Theft

2 replies

am I me, myself, or I?

29 replies

Max number of players?
Just out of curiosity

13 replies

Combat Scroll
Wait what's happening?

24 replies

Ideas board and FOIC
Long time coming.

76 replies

A Rape in Cyberspace
(Or TINYSOCIETY, and How to Make One)

7 replies

Staff too lenient? Do we need more?
Cheating, abusing code, no-selling.

68 replies

Corporate Hustle

23 replies

Mix Media

57 replies

Nakeds Workshop Thread
No Scavenger Hunts for Advice

20 replies

CP has no protagonists
Except Hiro

26 replies

Ambient Population and NPC Interactions
Who sees who and when?

24 replies

xhelp before you...
What CAN'T we do?

11 replies

Clone Failure
Is it viable?

67 replies

Moosex Guide
Title is clickbait, everything is bait, master the bait.

45 replies

Gang Code and Room Flavor Texts

15 replies

PCs Changing the World

13 replies

Ideas for Pleasant Activities by Woebot
When feeling down, anxious or depressed. (Just suggestions)

2 replies

Wild life,Hunting,and New weapon ideas.
Adding animals, Adding a system to hunt, Adding weapons.

23 replies

Finding/Generating Conflict RP Naturally
Coaching required.

12 replies

IC OOCicisms
IC ways to 'explain' OOC situations

6 replies

What "breaks" them?

4 replies

Day of the week is behind by 1 day IC
Every 4 years from Feb 29th - Feb 28th

3 replies


1 reply

How To Fill A Room Using Narration

10 replies

More Cyberpunk Slang
“To condense fact from the vapor of nuance.”

3 replies

Sleepers in apartments on Gold
Is it a problem?

44 replies

Not everyone needs to do combat
Not everything revolves around it.

16 replies

Keeping your insults on theme
...or why I lose interest in your character.

76 replies

Flash Slang for Flash People
Let's have a chat.

1 reply

Posing Workshop Thread
Tools and Techniques coalesced in one place

13 replies

A study on Withmore City's demographics
Because I have free time.

17 replies

Description Workshop Thread
No Scavenger Hunts for us

8 replies

Background Knowledge
I liked Neo Delhi's weather better.

14 replies

If life gives you lemons..
Why are we really here?

2 replies

Death and Clones

13 replies

What's in a name?
Time keeps on slipping..

15 replies

Requesting more ways to say hi in SD
"hola, what's up, and how's biz" only go so far

12 replies

The Withmore Wake
Does it exist?

2 replies

Becoming a master of disguise
A cool video about it!

3 replies

[IMPORTANT] Ganger Roleplay Changes
What it means to be a ganger and the ganger code

42 replies

What do you do when your RP hits a wall

3 replies

Do Withmorians know what cyberpunk is?

8 replies

Be An Infinite Player
It inspired me, maybe it will help you?

1 reply

Should I commit suicide?
Unsure how to progress

16 replies


13 replies

The Divide.
Where your character fits in it.

20 replies

UE spent on Language and the UE cap

3 replies

Pop Culture References?
new ones?

2 replies

Meta Knowledge

17 replies

Incorrect IC help

7 replies

Corpie Theme
Now that we have corpies...

92 replies

Being a Responsible Tailor?

2 replies

Stock Market
Why we don't have one

12 replies

IC Punishments, OOC Fun
Death, Prison, TiDi, Mind Wipe, Banishment, Cryo

10 replies

PopCorn Defender 6m

13 replies

Healing and MedTech in Withmore
How do you envision and handle it?

4 replies

Crafting Remove Messages for Clothing
In light of recent changes to 'remove'

2 replies

Say 'bakagaijin' instead of immy

13 replies

Syd Sets 2093 Tour Poster
That's right bakas, I'm taking OOC chat and making theme.

3 replies

Spotting sneaky disguised folks in Red

7 replies

The length of a good history.

2 replies

Sic Broadcast Messages

8 replies

charisma adjective/description questions
(or, I'm not THAT ugly)

2 replies

What's lacking under the dome?

12 replies

Global Climate
What's the climate like now in the world?

2 replies

OOC discussion in game
I need a candid chat about how to play

14 replies

Car 54 Where Are you?
Questions about who is the law, at large

2 replies

I Love Movies
Create the world of films that your character grew up with

12 replies

Corporate crime
Because "cooking books" are for a different breed of crime.

3 replies


11 replies

SIC sex talk

0 replies

How would I join a gang?
Gangland Style

14 replies

What drugs are there?
It's high time I asked this

5 replies

What's Southeast Asia like?

3 replies

What are..

5 replies

The IC divide in game.

16 replies

Games within the Game
All the mini games of Sindome

5 replies

Corporate Rankings
Who's the king?

1 reply

Themely Minial Labor
And the Mix/Topside Divide.

4 replies

Artistry and quality
Make Artistry Great Agai

27 replies

Partial Inactivity
Does NOT equate to a character only sleeping

11 replies


4 replies

The Zen of Sindome
Poems about the life of an SDer

12 replies

Corpie theme redux: GIMME GIMME GIMME

1 reply

Term Banner Adds
Legal worries...

13 replies

RP Prompts
ideas for things to do

0 replies

Welcome, resident

2 replies

GO CLONE, would ya?
Tired of waiting at Genetek for people

34 replies

Not to be insulting...
But you need to check things.

14 replies

It's all new to me

5 replies

So... dumb question...

3 replies

Quick/Lite/StreetTerm flavor RP.
I feel like horror tonight, babe.

12 replies

Shadows and dust

2 replies

Affecting sleepers
Where to draw the line?

10 replies

SIC Tags
-It's not text

13 replies

[Submit A] Faction Battle Cry
We need more!

6 replies

Playing a 'good antagonist'?
Tips by everyone, for everyone

6 replies

Roleplaying Musical Performances
we the best music roleplayers

2 replies

Q's from a noob

6 replies

Citizen Description Tips

9 replies

Character Creator Game

3 replies

Ambient mixer
You gonna love this.

18 replies

Immies in a coma
Does that character really have a dragon head?

1 reply

Mutilated English on the SIC?
Could I get a stance on this?

24 replies

TV shows in 2100

3 replies

Rape and the @rules
Fine lines.

12 replies

RP, Tools, Tips, and Tricks.
For the NOOB, by a NOOB

5 replies

New Timeline Events
What should we add?

15 replies

Town Hall Meeting
GMs + Players == Town Hall Meeting

48 replies

Cyberpunk, not just Future Sci-Fi
What is Cyberpunk?

18 replies

Fact: lol is a word.
In 2014 and 2099

43 replies

Why does Withmore feel like summer camp?
We here to roleplay, or what?

46 replies

NPC interactions
waiting times more specifically.

25 replies

Music Genres
Not Mashups

4 replies

Losing memories
Gameplay thread

5 replies

Pretty Charts and Numbers
Johnny shares some facts!

15 replies

Money transactions
Is intercity transfer between accounts possible?

7 replies

Active Users in Forums
Added random names?

2 replies

SD Enjoyment
SD feels boring. Am I doing it wrong?

9 replies

What to do post-Hiatus?

5 replies

Knowing People's Names
His ID says his name is Jim . . . what.

3 replies

Systems cracking, and programming...
...My career as a new citizen in Withmore

10 replies

Genetek TV Commerical
Best one wins.

8 replies

What is it?

6 replies

SIC and languages
Please quit using non-English on SIC

15 replies

Why so hard?

9 replies

NPCs are people too
Start acting like it, bakas

6 replies

Payouts halved

44 replies

In-game beverages brought to life

7 replies

This ain't no Shadowrun . . .
. . . but that doesn't mean no one can believe it is.

5 replies

Ghost Town
Not all the time, hear me out.

36 replies

And the -not's- of current Sindome advertisements

15 replies

How to open a conversation with an NPC
Help the GMs, Help You

2 replies

Message From the Building Staff
Ahh the joys of bringing the world alive!

6 replies

Mix Life!
The people down -there-

6 replies

Music, Band Names, and Such
Coming up with names and music

6 replies

Matrix Styled Gamimg

3 replies

Can you survive a jump from a building?

1 reply

Rant in a Rant Thread / Being On Theme
20th and early 21st century games, movies and music

14 replies

Why are new immigrants naked?
Eww! That immigrant is all @naked and stuff!

10 replies

Antarctican Heritage
What is is it?

1 reply

Sensory Overload Syndrome
Why ya keep passin out, chummer?

1 reply

Colonist heritage
What does it mean?

4 replies

Independent income ideas
for nubs or those lost

4 replies

When do you play, and are you free?

0 replies

Rp, and combat and such

0 replies

The Void and it's misuse

4 replies

What is it?

5 replies

its nice

3 replies

Sindome Shorts
A continuation of Sindome Stories

19 replies

Fluffy attitudes?
maybe -I'm- wrong?

56 replies

Gangs make the world go round.
Some thoughts

15 replies

Getting a feel...

2 replies

You tube video

2 replies