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- Garthus 45s
- Bruhlicious 10s Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Inks 3s The pinnacle of mediocre.
- RedProtokoll 16s
- Bix 55s
- Sivartas 27s I make the Grinch look happy.
- BigBiscuit 1m
- Slyter 55s
- Wonderland 2s
- QueenZombean 1m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- adrognik 56s
- Hivemind 2h
- Rillem 52s
- Terrible_the_duck 6s
- Fogchild1 1m
- zxq 6m
a Mench 3m Doing a bit of everything.
And 28 more hiding and/or disguised
Connect to Sindome @ or just Play Now

Cyberpunk Culture
All things dark and cyber ... chummer.

Blade Runner 2033 studio resigns
Auteur idie darling Annapurna Interactive dissolves en masse

0 replies

Cyberpunk 2077 New Trailer+Anime Show
Update on your favorite delayed game!

19 replies

City of Darkness (Warning: 4K JPGs)

4 replies

TRON: Ares
First Look

2 replies

Literary Inspo

10 replies

Neon Noir 80s Inspo
50% More William Petersen

3 replies

Alt 90s Inspo
Now With 100% Less NuMetal

13 replies

Cyberpunk Images and Videos

24 replies

Boeing Whistleblower's Death
A brave man found dead under suspicious circumstances

1 reply

Yakuza Charged for Nuclear Materials
Now we're getting somewhere.

0 replies

Cool russian music video I found.

0 replies

Alien Retro-Futurism
VHS Aesthetic

6 replies

Automated Art
Mass produced AI art pushes artists out of art spaces?

0 replies

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Coming in September

12 replies

So you want to be a Decker?!

0 replies

Cyberpunk/Afrofuturism Music Recc
Because Janelle Monáe…

0 replies

Humble Heroines Bundle: Tacoma
Near-Future Storytelling

6 replies

It's free right now

6 replies

The Future!!!!
But not for you...

0 replies

The Future of Cyberpunk
"The greatest dystopian novel might be the evening news.”

1 reply

Cruelty Squad
$LUNG is crashing!

1 reply

Genre Stagnation
like tears in the rain

19 replies

And so it begins...
Taking the boring out of your dystopian nightmare.

4 replies

Just some cool art for Archetypes
Character Inspiration

0 replies

Salad Mug - Dynamo Dream
A Sci-Fi Short

1 reply

Another Kickstarter

1 reply


0 replies

Nehza Rebord
Kind of Cyber-Steam punk ish

0 replies

Cyberpunk Humble Bundle
Dope ass CP titles

0 replies

Cyberpunk Print and Play skirmish game

3 replies

Audio + Sindome?
what do you listen to when RPing/exploring Sindome?

5 replies

Nevada may let companies be governments
37 years too early

0 replies

KFC Cooler Master Chicken Warming PC
The future is now!

5 replies

Lab-grown meat startup in Singapore
One step closer to the future

0 replies

CP2020 Humble Bundle
Pretty dope CP2020 deal

5 replies

As the Sun Rises on the Side of the Dome
The future is now?

0 replies

Raised by Wolves
On HBO Max

6 replies

Sindome Merch Shop?
Looking for others interested in building this

13 replies

Altered Carbon Season 2 Coming Soon!
Go back to Harlen's World on Feb 27th.

13 replies

Sindome Book Club
Interest check and discussion

57 replies

The need for dystopian fiction

0 replies

[Novel] Aleph Zero - now in english!
Written by yours truly.

12 replies

Local published comic

0 replies

The future is point & click...

2 replies

Text Files -> Cyber Rule
Old School Definitions of Cyberpunk

1 reply

Altered Carbon RPG Kickstarter
Includes blacklight dice

0 replies

Gender and sexual fluidity in Cyberpunk
Looking for sources.

15 replies

Indigo Gaming The Origins of Cyberpunk
A Good Grounding in basic Cyberpunk History

0 replies

Cyberpunk Venom

3 replies

much cyberpunk, so dark, many game

5 replies

Short Film Tribute

0 replies

Neon Japan
Because Pink

0 replies

Super cyber web design thingy
Found this, thought someone here would like to play with it

1 reply

UC Berkeley auto-delivery robots...
... aren't autonomous.

2 replies

Cyberpunk Podcast #2
Snow Crash, Psycho Pass, The Matrix and mroe

4 replies

Cyberpunk Podcast #3
Screaming Eff-Ups and Compelling Characters

8 replies

Cyberpunk Podcast #6: Cyberpunk Ketchup
Touching on books, movies, games, music and more!

1 reply

Cyberpunk 7 Podcast #5: Cyberpunk Slang
Short and sweet

5 replies

CP2077 Deep Dive

1 reply

Robotic tail that improves balance
Pfffft, powergamers

2 replies

Rutger Hauer dead at 75
Tears in the rain...

2 replies

VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
It's a chill bartending game

5 replies

Recombination (a novel by Slither)
Taking place in the Sindome Universe

22 replies

Netflix and Chill - Let's get cozy
Netflix movies with relevant ideas and themes

12 replies

Cyberpunk 2077: E3 2019 Trailer

11 replies

Hard Light Valkyrie
Just something I wanted to put down. Episodic.

14 replies

PC-98 games are a cyberpunk goldmine
16-bit heaven

1 reply

Pepsi suing over copied potatoes.
Reminds ya of a megacorp suing over something copied?

1 reply

Movies about Withmore?
What are they about, what do they look like?

1 reply

ICE, anyone?
Seriously cyberpunk AI

2 replies

Weird City
Like Sindome, if it were funny

4 replies

Just a hobby. The Mix is even darker at night.

3 replies

Cyberpunk 2020
The actual board game

3 replies

Blade Runner: The anime

4 replies

That Pimp Hustle
For all the monas out there on the grind

0 replies

Makers are not dead.
The IoT is the new frontier.

0 replies

AI News Anchors Appear in China

9 replies

Movie: Hotel Artemis
Theme, World Building

5 replies

Perfect Dark
A cyberpunk classic that's great for atmosphere & music.

1 reply

Pink Cyberpunk
Because I have an obsession apparently

18 replies

Cyberpunk 2077
Surprised there isn't a thread already

9 replies

A New Device Can Hear Your Thoughts

0 replies

Cyberpunk 2020 Rulebook
Reprinting now available

0 replies

Those Thrifty Corpies
Life imitates art

3 replies

ARK Hotel
reminds me of blue

0 replies

Glitch Logs
Cyberpunk book series

1 reply

BladeRunner 2049 Binoculars
Adam Savage is at it again!

1 reply

Living the cube life
The mix is upon us

2 replies


16 replies

Holidays in Cyberpunk
Any good examples of how they fit in?

2 replies

Cyberpunk comic I did once.

8 replies

Sydney hotel is on some Deus Ex Shit
I'd stay there for sure!

0 replies

DEX demo available now

1 reply

Is cpaf ...

0 replies

Tokyo 42

0 replies

Ghost in the Shell - New Movie trailer
because that other trailer from today was just okay

6 replies

Live Action Judge Dredd

1 reply

Cyberpunk Reviews: Ongoing Thread

3 replies

Blade Runner 2049
the sequel

5 replies

Cyberpunk Comic Strip

1 reply

Drugs and Wires
Cyberpunk Web Comic

2 replies

Incorporated tv show
a show which relates to Sindome green and red

4 replies

Ghost In The Shell (2017)

3 replies

The New Utopia?
in... Vermont?

0 replies

Machine trained to "watch" Blade Runner
Advancement in A.I. and automation?

0 replies

Mankind Divided
Lets all fistfight Mechs

0 replies

He knows.
Updated timeline when?

1 reply

The Modular Body
3d printed human body parts

1 reply

The Future is Now Artbook

1 reply

Adam Savage as Judge Dredd

1 reply

Kung Fury
wtf just happened to me!

6 replies

Snatcher [Game & Radio Drama]
Snatchin' yo people up!

1 reply

Bladerunner PC game
You tube upload of the CP game

0 replies

Storm Code
A short story from the Sindome Universe.

1 reply

Cyberpunk in Videogames~
League of Legends, Skyforge, indie games and more!

0 replies

Freestyle Kicking Battles
Coming to a IC location near you?

1 reply

Yakuza could be going to war soon
Particularly the biggest "family" Yamaguchi-gumi splintering

0 replies

Psycho Pass MOVIE
What is your Crime Coefficient?

7 replies

Ex machina film

3 replies

The dome... It's REAL!

1 reply

Cyberpunk Films

5 replies

The Life and Death of an Impossible City
The closest thing to 'the Mix' that has ever existed

2 replies

Remember Me
couldn't stop thinking about sindrome

0 replies

Interview w/ Deus Ex lead writer
Vice vice vice vice vice vice

0 replies

Old but good video

0 replies

Cyberpunk Podcast #1
Check out the new Cyberpunk Podcast

2 replies

x-hab room for one please

2 replies

Deus Ex Trailer
I'm sure you all upto date

0 replies

Burn you later!

3 replies

Cyberpunk Podcast #4
Sultry Cyberpunk Sound

3 replies

Read Only Memories
New Talk-Look-Use Cyberpunk game

0 replies

Gibson's upcoming book tour

0 replies

Cyberpunk Soundtracks

10 replies

Cyberpunk images

4 replies

So, has anyone else read Tad Williams' Otherland series?
Seriously good CP literature.

5 replies

BladeRunner anime -- Sort of...

0 replies

Cyber Punk game - The last Night

3 replies

AKIRA - Live action

2 replies

Lucy - film

2 replies

Harry Potter cyberpunk style

3 replies

Hell yeah

1 reply

Sequel to Blade Runner
Grasping at straws..

0 replies

The Machine
new cyberpunk film

0 replies

'Posthuman' short animation
Found on Watch it!

1 reply

Cloud Atlas
The Wachowski's + other dude direct 6 stories in one.

2 replies

Judge petition
Only 23 some thousand more signatures needed

1 reply

Altered Carbon
by Richard K. Morgan

6 replies

Cyborgs battle to the death in this short film

4 replies

3D hologram singer
live concert

0 replies

Our Picks for Good CP Movies.

106 replies

Judge Dredd 4 Realz
Fuckin aeh

1 reply

Vile City
Pretty good browser based CP game

7 replies

Second Life
...not (just) about cloning.

9 replies

Cyberpunk Comics
comics. cyberpunk. What's not to love?

30 replies

CP Ghost Story, done in anime form

2 replies

Twitter Posts from the Future

7 replies

Movie Study
For character inspiration

9 replies

The Enforcer I
Closer then you might think..

1 reply

A Chuck Palahniuk Novel

0 replies

Aacho Amd Ssipak
Shite and more SHITE!

0 replies

Year Zero
NIN's new marketing campaign

0 replies

Sao Palo No Logo
Advertisement free

4 replies

All things ... Soft and Furry?
My cats: Snow & Crash

5 replies

Repost: [Astrophel thread starting with cyberpunk Novels)

61 replies

Vertigo releases Transmetropolitan #1 on the Net
Filthy Monkey Droppings For FREE

1 reply

Now coming to your XBox 360.

3 replies

Our Picks For Bad CP/Post-Apocalyptic Movies
It had to come someday....

12 replies

Madmax, Modern Day
Improvised automotive hardening in Iraq

0 replies

the anime

0 replies

Short ad clip

11 replies


16 replies

Favorite Movie Quote
You know them and love them.

10 replies

sCrAmBlEd?HaCkZ! this

3 replies

strange prose

4 replies

check it out

3 replies

Another HL2 mod

0 replies

Cyberpunk comes to Half Life 2

0 replies

Neuromancer Graphic Novel
Thanks to!

6 replies

Is on its way..

19 replies

The Island
Go see it, July 22nd!

14 replies

The Onion 2056
screamsheet from the future!

0 replies

Cities Without Borders
digital culture and decentralization

1 reply

Mindjack's Warren Ellis Interview
On all things Ellis.

0 replies

Akira's Bike!

15 replies

In 2014, The New York Times Goes off Line...

3 replies

Random Lyrics off the Radio
you like it...

0 replies

Pattern Recognition
the movie.

2 replies

Ghost in the Shell
Stand Alone Complex

13 replies

Strange things in my mailbox
anyone for a cursed video tape?

4 replies

Brave New World
"Community, Identity, Stability"

7 replies

Halo 2 Viral Marketing Campaign
Anyone else following this?

8 replies

Sindome, The Flash Trailer
f33r m7 133t f145h 5k1lls!

22 replies

Exegesis of the Matrix
christianity? Buddhism?

1 reply

Neal Stephenson Interviewed by Slashdot
Information is power -- snatch it back and hold it

2 replies