I'm having some more connection problems this morning, I got booted off and now I can't get back on. And right in the middle of doing something pretty important. This makes the second time now. I'd just like the admin that was puppeting the NPC I was working with at the time that it was connection troubles that caused me to logoff. THanks.
By Damus at May 5, 2003 8:48 AM
I think the MOO might be down. I can't get on either. Got logged off mid-MOO.
By Aikao at May 5, 2003 9:58 AM
I got booted off mid-moo again.. Standing in the drome. This happens alot of mornings, I can't reconnect on either port for a few hours every morning. If any admins get on could you please move me somewhere safe? Greatly appreciated.
By Damus at May 10, 2003 7:04 AM