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- Melonly 15s Melonly takes a few tokes from the endless joint.
- PsycoticCone 38s
- baewulf 47s
- shoesanti 2h
- Kangarat 9m
- AdamBlue9000 3s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
a Glitch 1h If it's broken, good chance it was me
a Mench 4h Doing a bit of everything.
And 13 more hiding and/or disguised
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Ok, who broke the MOO?

It seems to have gone down, about 8:45 am Eastern today.
Why do you have to post everything trice?
The first two times I posted, I got an error and they didn't show up when I looked at the BGBB ..

But sometimes I like to repeat myself
repeat myself
repeat myself ..

Hmm, well it seems that the somebody broke the MOO. �

Or somebody broke the internet. But if somebody broke the internet then I wouldn't be able to post �now would I?

And it's ok if you want to repeat yourself max, we don't listen the first time anyway;)

PS-If there's a topic already started, please don't start a new thread about the same subject. That's why I deleted the other 2.

(Edited by TheFinn at 12:31 pm on Sep. 25, 2002)

This is the 3rd time in as many weeks I think. I can't get to the machine, it could be either down or just not connected to the net. I saved the game this morning around 1am PDT, so thats the furthest back we'll go if the machine is down.

I've disabled the moo-web link so that nasty error won't happen anymore :)

Hopefully I remember to reenable it when the moo comes back up.

~ J

Finn wrote .. "PS-If there's a topic already started, please don't start a new thread about the same subject. That's why I deleted the other 2. "

Thank you.  That error made it look like I intentionally was spamming the board.  Not my intent.  :)