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- Garthus 45s
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- Sivartas 27s I make the Grinch look happy.
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- QueenZombean 1m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
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a Mench 3m Doing a bit of everything.
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Abusing 'Unknown User' on Grid 2.0

There is currently a method being used and shared ICly by grid hackers that enables them to disrupt the OOC connection to the grid and mask their identify from node records when hacking.

This is not an intended 'feature' of Grid 2.0. It's an exploit abusing OOC code and the lack of code to stop the hacking process in absence of an active grid login.

Any future use of this bug will result in OOC punishment. You're using it to OOCly cover up the IC destruction of node content and making it ICly impossible to track your movement in a system that would clearly have ICly tracks left behind in some capacity no matter how good of a hacker you are.

There are IC ways to hide your tracks and they involve taking the effort to become grid anonymous.

Why is this a problem?

We're actively preparing for Grid 3.0 development, leaving ikonboard behind and building a brand new Grid infrastructure using node.js. You're leaving holes in the archival data we want to bring over to Grid 3.0 from Ikonboard.

Don't make Fengshui's job harder than it needs to be. We all want Grid 3.0 whether you knew it was being worked on or not. This is probably the first time 99% of you have heard that we're working on it.

Thread bump.
Bumpin' cause people are still doin' it!
Polite bump. Please stop doing this. :)

Also, while I presume most people doing it don't know better, I'd like to try and circulate it OOCly (because it's basically a bug that can be abused) that creating grid usernames or nodes that include an underscore should be avoided. It creates a node that can't be navigated to or cleared and is essentially an exploit. Please don't do this either.

If you wanna hide your footprints on the grid, invest in the skills, buy the skills, or for the love of god, hire a decker.

I just want to point out that it's quite easy to do this by accident. Not saying that we don't need to raise awareness, but, it's not always deliberately exploited.
I will accept that as fair because I've heard from a couple sources now that's the case, I'll just say that I've basically played nothing but deckers for a very long time, have poked at the grid in its many states for a very long time and have tried to push at it in all kinds of ways and I've never managed to accidentally or intentionally do it a single time, I guess I'm just lucky!

I'm not arguing or saying you're wrong, I'm genuinely saying I must be lucky because I honestly don't even know how do it intentionally or why the bug happens though I have a vague suspicion (and obviously it shouldn't be shared here).