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Briefcase Item Interactions

I did a little searching so I do apologize if this has been covered in the past, but I was curious if anyone had noticed some oddities with some items not interacting well with briefcases? I haven't had the chance to toy with other containers or items so I'm not sure how narrow my experience is.

But it seems strange that you can't fit things like e-notes or LiteTerms into a briefcase. Inspecting them shows that size-wise they should more than fit, and to my common sense at least, it would seem to make sense that they should -- these are exactly the things we'd expect to be in a random corpie's briefcase, no?

I know there have been abuses in the past of containers I just thought this seemed really strange and might warrant some discussion and possible admin consideration. Thank you.

Containers are by and large not a part of this game. Wallets exist to hold money for specific purposes and briefcases expand that to include a few briefcase-appropriate items. There's no real need for them to hold more things than they do.
Well, there is a need, because my character needed to do so, and couldn't. The items they needed to put into the briefcase were briefcase-appropriate, and by both common sense and inspecting the items, the items should fit because they are much smaller than a briefcase, and don't fit, even when the briefcase is empty.

If containers by and large aren't supposed to be part of the game and the briefcase shouldn't really be around to serve this function, then briefcases should be removed from the game, because why should someone buy or requisition one?

Briefcases are for storing photographs, skillsofts, and money, typically.

If you feel like there are items that should fit into briefcases that don't, you did the right thing by creating a topic. Though it would have been better placed in the Ideas section :)

I will look into why we might not be letting e-notes into briefcases and get back to this thread.

Okay, briefcases can have an e-note in them now. In general, paper goods, cred chips, drugs, e-mems, e-notes, gridphones, are what these containers are designed for.

We are restrictive in what we allow in ANY container in the game to prevent bloat and hoarding. In case you were wondering why we do things the way we does 'em.

-- S

Fair enough, and thanks! I was just confused, hah. I couldn't fit a wallet in one and was like, huh? I appreciate the attention on this.
Sue me for necro-posting buuuuuuuuut.
