My pointing these blurring lines out has less to do with choom, preem and corpo gradually replacing chum, ace and corpie, but is more specific to conflicting unique elements. For (hypothetical) example referring to the Heaven Boys as the Voodoo Boys, or WAI as Militech, creating characters verbatim after 2077 figures and similar situations. Especially in cases where vaguely included outside material actually erases real things and history that already exists in game, I don't think it's being excessively protectionist to simply bring it up.
Sindome took inspiration from the old Cyberpunk 2013/2020 tabletop, but blurring the lines between 2077 brands and names and factions, places and people, et cetera is still incorrect in my view. It is even more incorrect where they are very similar because the SD original may not be clear to players who started with 2077 and then came to SD, and it's especially important to draw distinctions where many players may have no idea of what is true to Sindome's IP.
As far as dealing with things IC versus OOC, in cases where characters may have no idea they're treading on manufactured ground, I don't think it's inappropriate at all for their to be a generalized head's up discussion and chance to reposition themselves in a way that avoids taking real heat for something they may not understand. I do think player-enforced pressures can be appropriate for characters presenting false information about the world that is derived from 2077 or other properties, but I think they should at least have a chance to "Sindomify" their roleplay first.
As far as going to staff, this was not an issue with any one player in isolation where that approach may be correct. Larger discussions about theme and content, what is and is not appropriate have always been fair game for OOC discussion -- the BGBB is absolutely full of lively arguments over what is correct theme and roleplay. While players may (and often do) feel attacked for broader criticisms of roleplaying choices that may pertain to them, I think these types of discussions are important for hammering out what the game is intended to be versus how players may see it.