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- Burgerwolf 1m PRETZELS
- BigBiscuit 1m
- Lena 4s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Sivartas 12s
- Hivemind 30m
- baewulf 11m
- Wonderland 1m
- Bruhlicious 4m Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
a Mench 7h Doing a bit of everything.
And 17 more hiding and/or disguised

New playing cards
Inaccessible designs

When you look at the new decks of playing cards with new designs on them, nothing in the text describes what it looks like. There's only a colored ASCII picture.

Everyone can know what the design is supposed to be because of the item name, but only the adequately color-sighted people can know what color it is.

Update descriptions with text, please. Get at me on Fix-It with a list of these design names and I'll write the descriptions for you. I don't think I've seen them all in-game.