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- Burgerwolf 11m PRETZELS
- BigBiscuit 51s
- Lena 8s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Sivartas 8m
- Hivemind 51m
- baewulf 48s
- Wonderland 4m
- Bruhlicious 1m Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
a Mench 7h Doing a bit of everything.
And 18 more hiding and/or disguised

Remove ~ From Sic message Sanitization

Hey! Just got a tiny request:

I can use ~'s when making a ce SIC message, but not in any other kind of SIC message. Can we change SIC's data sanitization to have that optional, bubbly, ~ shaped trill available for all kinds of SIC messages?

(Optionally, to make the world we live in a dark and unhappy place, you could also just make ce sanitize ~'s too. If you're a monster.)

This seems more like an idea :)
It could be seen as one! Though technically I see it as a bug, since It's something that can only be done with some commands through SIC, which lore-wise is kind of weird with how text in it functions.