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- Wonderland 4m
- PsycoticCone 4m
- baewulf 12m
- shoesanti 2h
- Kangarat 33s
- AdamBlue9000 15m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
a Glitch 18m If it's broken, good chance it was me
a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
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Non-lethal ammo
Automated @idea from in-game

@idea from Allandra

I was just thinking that non-lethal ammo would be a pretty cool adition to game play. It would give all us pistolers an alternative to killing people. Hit em with a few rubber bullets, or even sandbags for shotguns. I was also thinking of less conventional weapons, flamethrowers and the like, small handheld ones not those bulky backpack throwers. No where near the range but still burn the hit outta ya.

I'm not exactly in my best state of mind right now, but I think this topic's been touched on somewhere before.