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- Aida 34s
- Komira 1m
- Bruhlicious 4m Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 4m
- AdamBlue9000 14s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- baewulf 16m
- QueenZombean 3m
- Emily 2h Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
And 15 more hiding and/or disguised

Of corpses and firearms
A poetic look at violence in urban environments

I was looking at a corpse the other day (GREAT way to start a thread) - and I got an idea.
How about, when a corpse is fresh, you can see the wounds on it (example: *corpse desc* The corpse has a gunshot wound to the groin and to the abdomen.)
The more rotten a corpse would be, then you'd need an increasingly high medical skill to determine cause of death. Those with the munitions skill in addition to medical could also find out what the caliber of the weapon was in the case of gunshot wounds, etc.

This would open the way for forensic investigators, and such.

Also, it'd be nice if those with weapon permits had to register their firearms for them to be legal (that's what the serial number is for, right?), and there'd be a listing of weapons along with serial numbers on the Tac-comp when viewing the record of someone with a permit.

(I'm REALLY getting into this Judge stuff, hehe)

Both are already planned.

I meant to do the wounds on corpses thing back when I modified the corpse decay code, the data is actually stored on the corpse already, there's just no code to display it. A detailed forensics system is planned.

A database of citizens is also planned. Anyone with a SIC implant will have their records on file. Real name, DOB, drivers license, gun permits, criminal record, medical records, tax records and all kinds of information will be referencable through a selection of databases with different levels of access.. and of course, hackable from the matrix.

You'd be surprised how many hundreds of things have already been discussed/planned by admin. It used to frustrate the hell out of me to be told my latest -big- idea had already been discussed to death and was 'planned'. Heh.

Wow, I never even thought of hacking your criminal record with the matrix....that opens up a bunch more job opportunities. *drools*