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- Komira 23s
- Sivartas 1m I make the Grinch look happy.
- Rillem 4m
- Fogchild1 2m
- baewulf 15s
- McChicken697 1h
- Enven 26m
- daedelus 1s Wow! Wits! Wisdom!
- adrognik 1m
- Majere_Draven 12m
- JMo 48s All death is certain.
- Burgerwolf 27m PANCAKES
a Mench 59m Doing a bit of everything.
- zxq 45m
- Emily 52m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
And 27 more hiding and/or disguised

Performance Verb Expansion

Credit to Svetlana and Grey0 who both riffed on better versions of this idea when I brought it up. The idea is essentially to expand the improv, play, compose, forget, and playlist performance verbs beyond musical instruments so as to allow for other types of performance other than the musical/stage kind, for example agitprop, performance art, street preaching, or other types musical performances that are not using typical instruments.

Svetlana had the excellent (and very thematic in my opinion) suggestion of a megaphone object that could work for performances (ie. agitprop), which I think has a lot of mechanical potential as its own idea even beyond performance (like as a super yell), while Grey0 suggested shifting the performance verbs off objects and onto player bits so people could be more freeform on how they utilize the performance system.

I like this idea quite a bit. I think it could greatly open up the opportunities for performances. Though I do think some changes would need to be made for the crowd messaging, as it wouldn't make sense for them to be dancing to agitprop or street preaching.

Maybe there could be a system for players to manually cause a bad crowd reaction, if what they're doing is something people wouldn't cheer for. Maybe for balancing purposes, the buffs that performances give should only be applied if the performance is done with an object like a stage or instrument.

Corporate boss giving a press conference? Maybe the crowd could cheer and stuff when they announce good news or some new product. Or maybe they could boo and start getting unruly if the boss announces something the crowd wouldn't like. I feel like it could go a long way for making the world feel bigger and more alive.

I like this, and think it would be interesting to tie to a neck-based cybernetic along with the existing performance cybernetic.
That's true, I forgot about the ambient crowd reactions being tailored to musical performances.

I suppose the simplest band-aid to that would be very generic stock messaging on performances akin to 'The (street/club/room) crowd reacts (positively/negatively) to %N'. Very generic messaging can seem a bit, well, generic at first but it does have the advantage of allowing for the maximum amount of flexibility of context and content.

A less simple solution to the messaging could be to let players choose if the performance is musical or not, then use the old messages for musical ones and new generic messages for non-musical performances. Or other types of performances could be added too, each with their own messaging.
Very good point Emily. Being able to set your aim would be great. Maybe my aim is to get people bothered at me. Maybe it's to get them to cheer for me. Maybe other things.

I like this idea a lot. I don't ever see myself being a musical performer (unless I made someone to intentionally be terrible because I just dont have the chops for songwriting) but would love to use the performance mechanic for other themely things.

Rallies and street performances would be so cool to see on Gold if the WJF doesn't freak out about loitering (maybe they don't already, no idea).