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Positioning, Clothes, Containers
Backpacks, hoodies, and beds

I'll just lay out my ideas here with a modicum of rambling.

I'll use the coffins as an example for my first point, you can't interact with them. You can sit, stand, and leave. The bed should be a seat, because why the heck would you "sit down cross-legged on the floor" when you could sit on the edge of the bed?

Examples of things you should be able to sit on include steps, ledges on roofs, cars, corpses, etc. Just a thought.

My more important idea is this: containers. AFAIK, they don't exist ingame, and if they do, I haven't run across one yet. I think this should be technically possible, the commands could be as simple as put, take out, open, and close.

Necessary Containers:


-Backpacks/satchels/purses/duffels (medium-high capacity)

-Pants (very low-low capacity)

-Coats/jackets (very low-low capacity)

-pouches/baggies (very low capacity)

-boots (weapons or baggies)


-chests, car gloveboxes, closets, cabinets, etcetera.

Third and final idea: posing equipment. This one is a simple concept, and one I would dearly love to see implemented. You could roll up pant legs, lace-unlace shoes, put up-down hoods, roll up sleeves, tie shirts at your plexus, zip-unzip pants/jackets, turn pockets inside-out, etcetera. My idea for executing said idea is this:

*Being able to change the sdesc for the items of clothing, just like nakeds. Color and material would be immutable, but anything else is up to the imagination.*

If any of these exist already, you guys are freaking awesome for having them and I'm just clueless. If not, they're just ideas, do with them what you wish and tell me what you think.

Happy Roleplaying! :)

Yep, almost all of that does exist!

As Beaner said most of these things do exist.

There are a wide range of holsters/containers in game. Mobile and fixed in position.

You can use your @look_place to RP sitting on a stoop, a ledge and leaning against a bar.

It is possible and rather easy to make your own clothing, adjust its color and what it looks like. I think being able to adjust clothing would require a LOAD of coding and it isn't really that necessary when you can simply create what you want. Grab a piece of material and examine it. The commands are all there.

If you don't feel up to trying to create your own clothing there is a number of tailors in the game who can do it for you.

Good to know you guys already have all these and that I'm just inexperienced...

I'll get right on making clothing once I can afford some fabric also, I didn't realize the crafting system was so robust.

I find myself amazed at every turn by how many awesome features Sindome has. Top-notch stuff, I tell you.

'Preciate the answers guys!

Bumping this. I would love to see a Duffle Bag. This would function exactly like the Briefcase, except with a flare for the Mixer life vs the Corpie feel.

This. It can be a cheaper, but non-secure, version of the briefcase. Great for trading merch and chyen.

Not to mention the RP drama if someone fills theirs with random clothes to screw someone over.

what about simple ragged knapsacks and backpacks of low-quality and capacity? purses? been looking for cheap variations but not finding much.. am I just not looking hard enough? and if they don't exist on low-end, is it alright to make a piece of cloth into such,not neccessarily with coded mechanics of being a container but for the look of? Eventually plan on carrying several items around for... work.. and though would still be extremely lightweight, would be a bit bulky; too bulky to carry in ones hands and pockets.
We don't support containers beyond wallets, briefcases and coolers. You cannot make fake containers like purses and such and pretend you carry items around in them.

The simple fact is in order for an object to be a container is has to contain whatever you say it has in it, if it gets stolen, the thief would expect to have stolen the contents too. This is why you cannot RP having container objects.

You need to suspend realism to see past the 'inventory' design.

that thievery aspect definitely shuts it down... never thought of that. I would definitely be willed to RP everything therein being stolen; but no way to separate without question what was in and what wasn't. Thanks Cerberus.
Bumping this with a +1.

I think just a duffle bag with the exact same functionality as a suitcase, maybe with drastically lower security would work out pretty well for the mix flavor.

No. This has been discussed numerous times. We have no interest in making in impossible for a theif to steal things from another character and a wearable bag that could ICly fit anything, is just that.
I think the latest request is to add a new item to an NPC shop that's a re-skinned briefcase. Meaning it would have an inventory. It would just, instead of being called a 'briefcase,' be called a 'duffle bag,' for example.

Though it seems like when these topics are brought up (From my admittedly extremely limited glancing), that's never acknowledged, so... I'm wondering if it's because that's, for some reason, hard, time-consuming, somehow more resource-intensive, or... something, to do build-side?

Johnny's explained before that containers can be tricky and he doesn't really want them to be commonplace. THAT BEING SAID. The simple solution to Slither's point is just to make it possible to steal shit out of someone's duffel bag.
Command: steal from (person)'s (container)
I'll likely never use another non-player-driven (Literally) taxi given it's unreliable (Or was, dramatically, the one time I used it. Expensive lesson early-on), but that's a different conversation...

Perhaps since every specific keyword is separated by a linked word ('to', 'with', 'in', 'from', 'on', etc), perhaps 'steal from on '? 'Course I haven't seen the code or its structure so I have no idea whether (And/Or why) there'd be difficulties.

If it's purely a matter of 'faking out,' like... people RP'ing there's something in there but it isn't (Which seems to be the common concern), maybe have an ability to somehow 'know' whether the intended action is possible before doing it, without anyone else knowing the check was done (Like 'look in on ' but... requiring a certain-tier 'Thievery').

If the issue becomes that it's 'too easy to abuse' for 'every theft,' maybe only make it usable on containers and not in normal inventory. Then people can choose between containers that lock or use normal inventory if they don't want the items scoped out.

That way a thief isn't penalized (One way or another -- whether would-be success or failure) for trying to do something the player thinks is possible because of a potentially deceptive emote. Requiring the '' bit means they have to know what they're looking for. It isn't as simple as "oh, what's in that bag?" and just pick something to try to take. This assuming it's not possible to just list a person's entire inventory and pick something to try to take.

... 'Course I'm of the school that likes all things custom. A pouch at the waist to hold little trinkets, utility belt for medical supplies, backpack for hiking supplies, paper bag for food, etc. Then on finalizing an item, they could pick whether they wanted it to work like a wallet or a briefcase. So I'm biased pro-tailor-container even if it's less secure (To which people'd have to choose 'lockable' or 'custom', where right now they have to choose between 'lockable' and 'not' from NPCs, which given chy and mechanical benefit, is a no-brainer).

Since I'm not a thief and all I know is what little I've read on the forum, I don't know if there's currently any difference between lockable and not, but the way things are worded regarding containers on forum, it leaves the impression there isn't really.

If I'm getting the right impression, I 'get' that the ability to 1. Know something's doable and 2. Steal from containers (Reliably) would have to be there first. And it's not difficult to observe that there're a long list of other things being worked on, so primarily cosmetic content might not be particularly high on the list.

I'm also wondering if one of the difficulties is the above: Worn containers. I remember reading that an item worn can't be stolen. I guess containers would have to have a custom rule: They could be stolen from while worn, even if the entire container couldn't be stolen.

Considering different angles, not even looking at the code, I imagine it could get... interesting fairly quickly time-consumption and testing-wise, depending on how the foundation's built. In pure modular/expandable code, it wouldn't be too bad, but I find most people don't write that way.

'Course I'm also making a trillion assumptions here, the first and most prominent being 'if there were a way around having it abused, maybe it could be discussed.' Since the concern presented was thieves not being able to get things from containers, the above glances in that direction from the few angles I can immediately think of in my half-asleep (And limited-knowledge-of-topic) mental state.

(Didn't realize I couldn't use carrots... can the above post be deleted?)

I'll likely never use another non-player-driven (Literally) taxi given it's unreliable (Or was, dramatically, the one time I used it. Expensive lesson early-on), but that's a different conversation...

Perhaps since every specific keyword is separated by a linked word ('to', 'with', 'in', 'from', 'on', etc), perhaps 'steal from (container) on (person)'? 'Course I haven't seen the code or its structure so I have no idea whether (And/Or why) there'd be difficulties.

If it's purely a matter of 'faking out,' like... people RP'ing there's something in there but it isn't (Which seems to be the common concern), maybe have an ability to somehow 'know' whether the intended action is possible before doing it, without anyone else knowing the check was done (Like 'look (item) in (container) on (person)' but... requiring a certain-tier 'Thievery').

If the issue becomes that it's 'too easy to abuse' for 'every theft,' maybe only make it usable on containers and not in normal inventory. Then people can choose between containers that lock or use normal inventory if they don't want the items scoped out.

That way a thief isn't penalized (One way or another -- whether would-be success or failure) for trying to do something the player thinks is possible because of a potentially deceptive emote. Requiring the '(item)' bit means they have to know what they're looking for. It isn't as simple as "oh, what's in that bag?" and just pick something to try to take. This assuming it's not possible to just list a person's entire inventory and pick something to try to take.

... 'Course I'm of the school that likes all things custom. A pouch at the waist to hold little trinkets, utility belt for medical supplies, backpack for hiking supplies, paper bag for food, etc. Then on finalizing an item, they could pick whether they wanted it to work like a wallet or a briefcase. So I'm biased pro-tailor-container even if it's less secure (To which people'd have to choose 'lockable' or 'custom', where right now they have to choose between 'lockable' and 'not' from NPCs, which given chy and mechanical benefit, is a no-brainer).

Since I'm not a thief and all I know is what little I've read on the forum, I don't know if there's currently any difference between lockable and not, but the way things are worded regarding containers on forum, it leaves the impression there isn't really.

If I'm getting the right impression, I 'get' that the ability to 1. Know something's doable and 2. Steal from containers (Reliably) would have to be there first. And it's not difficult to observe that there're a long list of other things being worked on, so primarily cosmetic content might not be particularly high on the list.

I'm also wondering if one of the difficulties is the above: Worn containers. I remember reading that an item worn can't be stolen. I guess containers would have to have a custom rule: They could be stolen from while worn, even if the entire container couldn't be stolen.

Considering different angles, not even looking at the code, I imagine it could get... interesting fairly quickly time-consumption and testing-wise, depending on how the foundation's built. In pure modular/expandable code, it wouldn't be too bad, but I find most people don't write that way.

'Course I'm also making a trillion assumptions here, the first and most prominent being 'if there were a way around having it abused, maybe it could be discussed.' Since the concern presented was thieves not being able to get things from containers, the above glances in that direction from the few angles I can immediately think of in my half-asleep (And limited-knowledge-of-topic) mental state.