Freqman chips suck. There nowhere to be find and have to be pre-keyed. I declare this crappy.
Could we make it so freqman encryption keys can be generated/reset on the fly via the use of electro_tech? Then any other chip can be keyed to another via "scan" or someother command.
If we make it non-specificaly settable unless reset by a technician and the encryption keys randomly generated so esoteric a match would be statistically impossible.
Then freqman encryption keys can just be stocked in the singular and made more widely available to the public. Plus put to use by your friendly neighborhood tech...or some clown with a skillsoft.
You dig what I'm throwing down?
(Enhanced logging and accessibility to said logs concerning progia conversations and sic by deckers would aide the proliferation of this junk too...but that's alot of work.)
(Edited by ReeferMadness at 11:00 pm on Dec. 14, 2010)