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Random SIC
The ambient population at work

I was thinking about how likely it was that you'd get people sending you SIC messages on accident.  Sort of like getting a wrong number call.

I'd love to see something like this in the game, you could have a vareity of them that randomly cycle through the people on the SIC and send them a random message selected from a list of messages. They could be about anything.

|C|Paulie => Youz know youz owe da boss dat money, chummer. Youz bettah cough it up of I'm comin' after youz kneecaps.

|C|Manny => *sniff* Hey man....can I borrow some chyen man? *sniff* Just a bit...just a little bit.

|C|Amanda => You're out with that fucking bitch again aren't you? I know it. That damn whore. I'm going to kill you, you lying cheating bastard. Don't you dare come home!

|C|WJF-Recruiting => The WJF needs you! Show your civic pride, join the Withmore Justice Force today!

Okay, this is way too much fun. I'm going to stop now.

The chinese have a curse that goes:

May your every wish be granted.

I'm sure I got that in a fortune cookie once.

remind me not to go back to that restaurant.


I would just like to say DEAR GOD NO! Sure, it adds to the ambiance, but seriously? There's only so many little things they can make come up randomly, and after awhile you'd get the same ones. Over. And over. And over. And it would make me cry.
Yeah seriously, and it wouldn't make sense when you got the same message over and over.  Just -pretend- that happened to your character.  Now if the admins were bored they could do things like that randomly, by just sending out funny SICs themselves, but they're not bored!

They've got important stuff to do!


You all have seriously underestimated our abilities to make something NOT look like it was computer generated when we really try.

I'de give some REALLY great examples, but it would ruin some of the magic. Sufficent to say there's a number of things of things that are pretty obviously static. There's also some other things which you just assume are player created, but the whole system is completely automated. And none of you are the wiser. And no I'm not talking about Bruce and the stores.

Needless to say, I wouldn't allow something like this to be implemented if there was a chance that after a month I would have seen all of the messages and started getting repeats. Or if it was blatently obvious that it was a computer generated misfire.

Tash's idea is to enhance the 'ambient population' feel. If any of what Chastity were saying were to come to pass, it would have the opposite effect: It would remind you that there's NOT really 65 million people in the dome.

My point is it will either be done right, or it won't be done.
