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Search for
When you've got a stash growing

So in the search help it says 'If you're in a room, you may be checking behind things for hidden exits, looking behind curtains for hidden people, checking the shadows or even the cupboards, depending on what you end up finding. You and other characters should RP this minutiae.'

So lets say you've started building a hidden stash where in a room you and maybe even other players know what is where, like a gun beneath a pillow, or a stash of drugs in a false panel of the wall, things like that. However you also have other things hidden and maybe it's time sensitive you get the item you're specifically looking for (like that gun beneath the pillow because your apartment is getting broken into) and you have 10 other times to go through before you can find the gun.

So how about a 'search for' command, in which you're in a room, you know what and where you're looking for something IC, and you can just go digging for that specific item such as 'search for cricket bat' then you start rooting around and anything with the tag cricket bat gets rifled out first.

Sounds reasonable to me.
I like this.

Search here for tracks (In the Wasteland)


Search (Object)

Just might work... ;-)

ha! Of course.

I knew of the tracks. thanks. :)

(It's the fine details to still learn. Or obvious ones.)

Okay, so either there is something I'm missing about how Search works, or

Search (object) doesn't work correctly. I'm still pulling other things out of my stash rather than the (object)

I think that "search (object)" was just a suggestion, not a statement that that was a thing.

It doesn't look like it is.

From "examine me":

search => Search a room for hidden exits/items

search here for tracks => Search for tracks leading in and out

it would be spelled "search " if the search verb took arguments, like looking for a specific item.

It ignores extra args and just finds whatever. I don't know what "pulling things out of your stash" means, this isn't something that happens to me when I search for things. I even tried it by hiding a few things and searching by name. Nothing was happening to the things in my inventory when I did that.

Ha, stupid HTML pseudocode.

Meant to write:

"It would be spelled 'search <anything>' if the 'search' verb took arguments"

I meant by 'pulling out of my stash' that I've hidden several things as a 'stash' :P