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Smoke Bombs and more

Just some random ideas that could be fun:

- Smoke bombs that obscure vision temporarily and affect breathing, unless the person has chrome or a gas mask to protect against it.

- Some kind of bomb or device under certain doors to try and gas people out of them (if they're awake) unless they have gear or ventilation or whatever balances would be needed.

- Some kind of pepper spray could also be an interesting temporary weapon that takes a combat turn but can affect a player a little bit, unless the person is wearing glasses and a helmet or has cybernetic eyes.

- Some kind of personal alarm that people can have that makes a loud noise and distress signal that can be heard a little bit further than a shout. It could be countered by picking it out of their pocket beforehand, or possibly an EMP.

I don't want to detour the specific topic, but I was just mulling An Idea™ of some more defensive tools and a 'smoke bomb' (in some kind of cyberpunk-appropriate dressing) was one of the suggestions I had in mind as well.

I think it'd be neat to have some more techy tools available (tasers, trip wire traps, blinder drone) as defensive/escape options, maybe even with non-combat skill-related bonuses to effectiveness of certain ones so they don't just become generic solo gear.

I think it'd be a lot more interesting than every tech archetype also being a martial artist or carrying a bokken.

I swear, I just wanted to post a thread like this. +1 chummer.

Smoke bombs would be a great way to help people escape/evade combat. And very themely and badass. Pepperspray as well could be a logical and useful self-defense tool, especially for non-combat characters. Something like caltrops, ball bearings, little things to spice up combat and reward people for careful planning, maybe allowing a weaker character to actually take on a stronger character and win through wits, is something I would enjoy a lot.

Again, I don't want to derail from the original idea but just as an example of what I was thinking of that is similar, were some items that various archetypes could craft or buy for their own use. The effects and duration are just an example, I don't mean these to be balanced or tweaked to perfection.

CS Spray

- Spray one attacker with riot control gas, blinding them.

- Scales with Chemical or Forensics or Bio Tech.

- Roll versus enemy END, high rolls blind and low rolls apply lesser scaling PCP penalty to attacker.

- Blinded attackers have highly reduced chance to hit and cannot prevent fleeing for 1-3 rounds.

- Must be held to use.

- Cooldown of 1 round.

- 5 charges.


- Shock one attacker with high voltage, stunning them.

- Scales with Electro Tech or Secure Tech or Medical.

- Roll versus enemy END, high rolls stun and low rolls apply lesser scaling AGI penalty to attacker.

- Stunned attackers cannot attack or prevent fleeing for 1 round.

- Must be held to use.

- Cooldown of 3 rounds.

- 3 charges.

Blinder Drone

- Micro drone automatically deploys and distracts 1 attacker per round in combat.

- Scales with Rigging or Auto Tech or Aero Tech.

- Roll versus enemy INT, high rolls distract and low rolls apply lesser scaling PCP penalty to attacker.

- Distracted attackers have reduced chanced chance to hit and reduced chance to prevent fleeing for 2-5 rounds.

- Must be carried in inventory to use.

- Cooldown of 2 rounds.

- 10 charges.

WP Aerosol

- White phosphorous aerosol blinds all attackers.

- Scales with Munitions or Disguise or Thievery

- Roll versus enemy PCP, high rolls blind and low rolls apply lesser scaling PCP penalty to attacker.

- Blinded attackers have highly reduced chance to hit and cannot prevent fleeing for 1-3 rounds.

- Must be held to use.

- Cooldown of 5 rounds.

- 3 charges.

Kill Switch

- An automatic hardware trigger for overload of electrical systems in the area, distracting all attackers.

- Scales with Systems and Programming and Cracking.

- Roll versus enemy INT, high rolls distract and low rolls apply lesser scaling PCP penalty to attacker.

- Distracted attackers have reduced chanced chance to hit and reduced chance to prevent fleeing for 2-5 rounds.

- Must be carried in inventory to use.

- Cooldown of 5 rounds.

- 5 charges.