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Grapple recode
Grapple/drag and related.


(Edited by Rastus at 4:01 pm on June 5, 2002)

hrm. I take it all of this grappling/pushing people into chairs etc. will eventually run off and endurance/strength stat check?
Grappling rolls what, str and agl? once you have em grappled, they can resist to break out. I doubt forcing them to do stuff will run checks (at least in my opinion) because you've already subdued them.
ever tried to drag even a willing person about Lucifer? I have. Even if they are handcuffed and submissive, there are all sorts of things, like gravity, fighting ya. If you are a skinny computer geek, you're gonna loose your grip on mr. Bigstuff in seconds. Stat check right there. Against Endurance and Strength. Now if so and so resists, hoo...

I've finally completed a re-recode of grapple after losing my entire last recode to last weeks crash. It's been a total pain in the ass to do, but the good thing to come from it is that while thinking about doing it again I came up with a couple of new ideas and coded them in...


Move along please, nothing to see here.

(Edited by Rastus at 4:03 pm on June 5, 2002)


(Edited by Rastus at 4:05 pm on June 5, 2002)

I deleted this post...

I also had flu... *cries* *sobs* ... *pukes*

(Edited by Rastus at 4:04 pm on June 5, 2002)

Here's a thought for a future feature of grappling (nothing to be done soon, just planting a thought for the future).

grapple <person> with <melee weapon>

This would be something like a police officer putting someone in a hold with their night stick or something.  As standard grapple operates off of brawling or MA, this would operate off melee skill.

The usage would be almost identical.  Room descriptions and such would be different (PlayerA is grappling PlayerB with a night stick, etc...).  Beyond that, the only other difference I can think of is that if you wrest the grappler's weapon away, it would break the hold.

Food for thought.

Does grapple still work off of Brawling/MA? Cause that doesn't really make sense to me. Shouldn't it / Can't it just be strength based?
I'm under the impression it does work of MA/BR. Why doesn't that make sense to you?

Having a decent understanding of martial arts or street brawling can definitely be extremely useful when trying to pin someone to the ground or drag them around. Obviously, strength is a large factor but knowing how to manipulate someone's body to make them do what they want too is extremely useful. Arm bars, choke holds, pressure points, and the list goes on. Some of these maneuvers are pretty straight forward, others are difficult and require a good degree of practice especially when being used against a person less then willing.

Unarmed combat is complicated. Something like 90% of fights end up on the ground. Mind you, it's alot less jiu-jitsu and alot more shit show. The current system doesn't reflect that but I feel it does the job well enough. If anything I'd be interested in seeing a multiple person grapple be applicable.