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- Enven 48s
- F9DFCQ 1m
- Emily 2m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
- RedProtokoll 2m
- Majere_Draven 48m
- zxq 40m
- NightHollow 36m
- SketchyZo 13m
- Vanashis 12m
And 29 more hiding and/or disguised
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[Sprint '20] Poll Results
Rolling thread of poll results from Spring 2020

More Info on NPS: What is Net Promotor?

OOC CHAT NPS 03/28/20

NPS: -54

OOC Chat NPS [04/24/20]

NPS: -11

OOC CHAT NPS 06/17/20

NPS: -4

Nice Improvements! OOC Chat moderators and the changes to using BGBB names and dropping anonymous aliases seem to have helped a lot.

Ripper Doc Updates 03/28/20 => What has your experience been with the new ripper doc corpse code?


I've used it or had to employ a ripper and it was great 13

I've used it or had to get a ripper, but found it lacking 2

I haven't used it but am excited for it 70

I haven't used it and don't care to 22

Admin Rules 03/28/20 => Are you aware of the rules the admin of Sindome must adhere to?


Yes 62

Unsure 17

No 27

Appear Meta Reduction 03/28/20 => Have you noticed a reduction in meta since the new 'appear' command was released?


Yes 32

No 18

Too early to tell 54

Admin Rules [04/24/20] => Are you aware of the rules the admin of Sindome must adhere to?


Yes 45

No 12

Maybe/Unsure 9

Appear Meta Reduction [04/24/20] => Have you noticed a reduction in meta since the new 'appear' command was released in early February 2020?


Skip this poll 7

Yes 20

No 9

Unsure 28

Ripper Doc Updates 04/24/20 => What has your experience been with the new ripper doc corpse code?


Skip this poll 15

I've used it or had to employ a ripper and it was great 7

I've used it or had to get a ripper, but found it lacking 2

I haven't used it but am excited for it 33

I haven't used it and don't care to 7

Politics Are Cyberpunk? => Should the politics filter on OOC-Chat be kept because politics is a divisive topic best kept off ooc-chat or should the filter be removed because political discussion is cyberpunk and on topic for the channel?


Keep the Politics Filter 24

Remove It, it didn't work 8

Remove It, Politics is Cyberpunk 26

Don't Care 36

STAFF INTERACTION NPS 06/17/20 => How would you rate your interaction with staff (xhelp, ooc convos) over the past month?


skip this question 10

0 (the worst) 0

1 0

2 2

3 1

4 2

5 1

6 5

7 2

8 10

9 6

10 (the best) 19

BGBB NPS 06/17/20 => How would you rate the BGBB over the past month?


skip this question 14

0 1

1 2

2 0

3 1

4 1

5 8

6 7

7 7

8 11

9 2

10 (the best) 0

ADMIN RULES 06/17/20 => Are you aware of the rules that admin/staff/gms need to abide by or be removed from staff?


skip this question 0

yes 32

maybe 10

no 8