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- zxq 1m
- Hivemind 4m
- QueenZombean 4m
- robotdogfighter 5m
- Sivartas 1m
- Lena 1s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Knyghtskye 1m
- Enven 19m
- Treble 8s
- BigBiscuit 21s
- baewulf 8m
- Aida 1m
a Mench 14h Doing a bit of everything.
And 19 more hiding and/or disguised
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Website Quotes MMXCIII

"It wouldn't have to always be a threesome, but we would pretty much all be sleeping with each other, the three of us..." - Girl to her incredibly lucky Boytoy.
"Good girls go to Cordoba, bad girls go to heaven." -- Printed on a Mixer T-Shirt
These are awesome, keep them coming people!
"Hard-on or no, don't fuck me while I'm comatose. It makes the 'trodes sticky." - Console jockey to his grrl before a marathon grid dive.

"Morals, eh?.... Cost me ten grand,... frakking morals."  - An out-of-work corpie to a disgruntled bar-keep.
"I an I be right back!" - Jimmy Babylon, moments before his ill-fated "Naked Paraglider" stunt.
"He can have his daytrippers trying to take the edge off from their periodical report deadlines...I want the junkies that will sell their children for a hit"
-Heard during a WJF wire tap.
"Who the fuck stole my stolen car?" - Mixer about his wheels
"And when all this is done or I get permed trying - we're even?" - Hit-man to Middleman
"Would you like to try a free sample?" -- "Fuck off."
"Well, we is all covered in blood standing over ah corpse, armed, in da middle of da hall of justice. Man.. some days is just better den others ain't dey?" -- Ganger
"Roger roger one apples and turtles, I'm with Mister Sunshine on a pineapple safari" --overheard on public SIC on party-night (IC identity withheld)
"I'm feeling a bit lost at this point. Like my life is living itself without me." - guy who keeps waking up in the clone vats.

Woman A: They say the world is your oyster, then shut lots of it behind doors.

Woman B: ... of course the doors are shut. How else can the world be your oyster? Gotta open the oysters to get the pearls, ...

Woman A: ... aces words gal.

- - -

I'll see what else I can locate.

Well damn, I thought this was the new thread but hey, I didn't read the dates.

I do love Bruce's: [Progia-7> In the background you hear, "TASTE THE CHIKEN NUGGETS OF JUSTICE!" I caught that on SIC too.

I'm going to link that thread though: