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- BigBiscuit 2m
- baewulf 40s
- Aida 1m
- AdamBlue9000 4s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
a Mench 9h Doing a bit of everything.
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[Slither] Office Hours 01/12/19
From 9AM DST to ??

Hey Everyone -

I will be having Office Hours this Saturday 01/12/19 starting at 9AM DST (that is pacific time). This is a time when a player such as yourself could come and speak with me about Sindome related things in a 1 on 1 situation. Based on last office hours, each person typically takes about 1 hour, give or take 10 minutes.

Possible Topics Include

* Questions about how to approach the game

* Ideas for improvements

* OOC Problems you have witnessed

* OOC Concerns you have

* Constructive Feedback on the game

* Light coaching on the theme & RP

* Plenty of other stuff

At the Town Hall we talk about these things at a macro level but it doesn't leave much time to discuss them individually, or with much of a back and forth.

I am not setting a specific format or time limit for this first Office Hours day, other than the following.

Basic Office Hour Policy

1. Have some idea of what you want to talk about when you come in

2. There will be a queue.

3. There won't be a time limit per say, but depending on how many people are waiting, and my own time constraints, I may enforce a limit.

4. Unless you specifically ask for the discussion to be private, it will be logged and shared with the rest of the staff.

5. Anyone can come talk with me

6. You can talk to me about anything about Sindome IC or OOC, but our normal rules apply. You aren't getting any IC info :)

7. There is no guarantee that issues you bring up will be seen as issues by me or the rest of the staff and thus, no guarantee anything will change. However, I will happily listen and make sure you feel heard. That's important and everyone deserves it.

During the day I'll do shouts about office hours being open and you can xhelp to join the queue in a first come first serve manner, and I will also shout how many people are in the queue and such to keep everyone informed.

The last office hours were great and went really well. I'm looking forward to this next one!

Any questions?

-- S

I can't wait. Looking forward to this!!
Got something I've wanted to bring up for a while, glad to have a chance now.
This is tomorrow at 9AM DST.
Office hours have ended for the day! Put in a good 5.5 hours and talked to numerous folks. Got some good ideas, great feedback, and hopefully gave some worthwhile advice. Thanks for taking the time everyone.

I will do this again next month!

- S

Thanks again for doing this. It's a very cool opportunity for the players to get and give direct feedback!
Storm mentioned maintaining the office hours idea. Can we get a refresh on 'when to xhelp' and 'when to bring it to office hours'?

My reason for asking: xhelped for the first time in a long time, and (correlation possible, not causation) then a few minutes later Storm addressed the whole MOO about using office hours to talk about character specific issues. I never heard back from my xhelp.

Will be holding another one of these today. I'll give a shout if people want to take part.