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- Phexion 1m
- JMo 5m All death is certain.
- Komira 2m
- Sivartas 8s
- Rillem 1m
j Fengshui 1h
- Emily 1h Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
- Hivemind 6m
- Noodles 11m
- kaltecx 4h
a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
- QueenZombean 17s
a Kard 1h
- zxq 3m
And 32 more hiding and/or disguised
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Admin Notes Top Noters
Top Noters of All Time!

So, I was going to go to bed but then I remembered I really wanted to know how many notes have been left by admin. Notes are left by admin for basically any interaction NPCs have with players (or for important player on player RP that an admin witnesses). It's how we keep track of the vast game world (along with player notes of course).

When we first log in, GMs review the notes that have been left since the last time they logged out, thereby getting up to date on the goings on. We skip notes that involve our own characters, which we do by seeing the subject or the players the note relates to.

So, below, are the top noters of all time. Keep in mind, these are ALL TIME numbers and some of the names here are of people who are no longer really GMs but coders or builders. So some of them are pretty impressive since they come from some of our newer GMs...

Slither: 2564 (10+ yearsl)

Linekin: 1908 (3.5 years)

Cerberus: 1728 (3.3 years)

Navi: 1116

Mephisto: 752

Caffeine: 740

Jinx: 713

Johnny: 653

Glitch: 468

Nyron: 420

Radiance: 387 (Less than a year!)

Butako: 272 (Less than a year!)

Mench: 129 (Less 6 months!)

[!] This character is 4 months and 4 days old.

I'll beat all of you.

Can't cream the Meme Queen.
This character is 3 months and 29 days old.

I'ma getcha all!!

This character is 11 years, 3 months and 15 days old.