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Admin vote on rules/bans/etc
Just want the community to know

In the interest of transparency, I wanted to let you all in on how we function on the other side of the curtain.

Admin vote on things. Some of the things we vote on:

1. New Admin

2. Banning problem players

3. Lengths of bans

4. Lifting bans

5. Rules changes

6. Policy changes

7. Timeline changes / updates

8. Major code changes

That's not a complete list, but just wanted to let the community as a whole know how major decisions are reached on our end!

-- S

I'm curious, do you need to reach thresholds? Like 2/3 votes for stuff to go through? 50%? 100%? Do higher ranked staff get more than one vote? How about vetoes? Or appeals?
Broad Strokes: It depends on the vote. For voting staff on/off and in/out of specific positions, each admin gets a single vote.

For policy/rules/bans/etc votes, then you get a vote when you reach the second level of admin (support GM do not get votes), and you get a vote if you hold a position like Quartermaster, Lorekeeper, Head GM, Head Builder, etc. You also get a vote for being on staff for a certain length of time. Any ties are decided by the head of the game, which is Johnny.

Votes can be put forth by any staff member, and since opinions change, votes on a specific subject can happen more than once, if it's thought that the outcome might now be different.

Though it's not a written rule we try to go for 2/3rds majority for new staff positions. And majority for everything else.
Wow thanks for writing all that!

Is voting compulsory? Secret? Is there female suffrage?

They let me vote! :D
Voting is not compulsory, you can purposefully abstain if there is a conflict of interest or you are uninformed on the topic being voted on.

There is a minimum 24 hour period after a vote is proposed (to let it cycle through all admin timezones). And we notify other admin via out of game communication as best we can when an important vote is taking place.

Speaking of, having been recently temporarily hosed (Yeah, I assume I had it coming, I can be a handful and I was having a crappy new year, excuses excuses), it would be nice, if it were possible for the temporarily hosed message to tell you just how long you are hosed for, and possibly a reason to remind you where you f---ed up so you don't do it again.

I don't know how feasible it would be to do so, so was just tossing that out there. It might cause less anxiety on the part of a player if they knew just how long they might be expected to take a break for. Anyway, you guys are great, looking forward to getting back into the thick of things whenever it expires.

... I probably didn't help my case much by using the guest login to ask staff what gives, ugh, well, that's life. I just keep thinking if I'd been given more than the "hosed" message so I could kind of figure out what was up, I'd have been less inclined to do such a stupid thing.
Vague looking account name, but your 24 hours are up and you're free to log in.
I thought they would be too, but I still get the you're temporarily hosed thing, even now... I'd prefer to keep this to PM but I'm not sure how to do that and I don't want to piss anyone off further by circumventing it to ask in xooc.
Sorry for the false hope, they don't expire automatically. It takes a very senior admin to @unnewt your account. We're leaving them a note. Probably best to try again tomorrow. There's just nobody here now who can do it.
Thanks, sorry to bring my personal issues to this thread, it's sort of a derail of a damn good topic. I just don't know what other channels to go through.
[email protected]
I will, remember that next time I get the urge to ask what the deal is, you have my thanks, this will prevent future derails and weirdness.