I wasn't able to find anything through searching (maybe I'm using the wrong keywords), so I thought I'd post a question about it here: Can anyone provide any advice or abstract/fictional examples about what a few typical player initiated plots with an NPC could be?
I'm totally willing to take the plunge and try to get some sort of plot going for myself, but the triple whammy of not knowing the city (which I'm fine with) plus not knowing what mechanics are available to accomplish IC goals, and/or not knowing what to expect from the GM's in terms of a regular "puppet session" is making it difficult for me to plan goals that are achievable in the short/mid/long term. This is exacerbated by my lack of RP experience in the past. So I'm at a bit of a weird spot where my imagination wants to run wild, but I'm not sure what is "feasible" in the world environment due to mechanics I'm unaware of, or unknown factors such as GM time for puppetting (or what the etiquette/scope of these interactions typically is).
I guess what it boils down to is that I don't want to try to initiate some kind of plot, and find out that I'm going about it all wrong because of the factors above and end up wasting the GM's time with a total flop.
I'm not looking for any spoilers or anything like that, but could someone please point me in the direction of some threads about this? Or maybe provide me with some arbitrary and made up examples of what a typical interaction with a puppetted NPC would be like? Like I said, nothing IC, just a few abstract examples of the kinds of things that could be explored? Or if that is too much, maybe some general advice about initiating plots with NPCS that I can arm myself with so that when I experiment I'm more adept at it?
I'm having a blast working with the other players and learning about the city, but I'd like to start moving and shaking for my character on their own...I'm just not sure how to go about it exactly because of all of these factors.