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AMA: Cerberus
Ask me ALMOST Anything.

Hi. I'm Steve. I'm Old and Slither told me to do one of these things.

I got nominated and voted in to be Head Gm, I've been playing SD for Almost 8 months, and GMing for about 6 Months.

Ask me things that aren't IC and I might answer them.

This is me -

What is your favorite type of cheese?
You abrasive, impudent, worthless . . . NNNGNGnGNH xo xo xo

How old are you?

What is you least favourite cheese?
How many characters have you had in total?

What was your fondest RP memory?

Q: What do you do for a living and how does it relate to making you a good GM?

Q: What drives you to GM on Sindome? What do you like about it?

Q: Where did you come from? What got you into Cyberpunk as a genre?

Q: You seem to have a good grasp on GMing without needing to be explained the intricacies. Have you GM'd in a table-top or other environment in the past?

Two Characters so far.

My fondest RP memory so far was my first character sitting on a roof top of a building on Red with his closet friends and a guy that just beat his ass completely, cooking a dead body and convincing everyone to eat the body with me thus resulting in an outbreak of disease on Red.

JC or Paul Denton?
What kind of bear is best?
Are we ever getting a Definite Guide to Actually Having Fun in Sindome?
Q: What do you do for a living and how does it relate to making you a good GM?

Project Management and it makes me more organized. Johnny says I have really good notes.

Q: What drives you to GM on Sindome? What do you like about it?

I like creating RP and experiences, it's a lot of fun and rewarding. Even though I only played for less than two months before becoming a GM, I wanted to give back for the fun I had in that time.

Q: Where did you come from? What got you into Cyberpunk as a genre?

I read Neuromancer when you were about two years old. I came from a lot of other TMC muds that I don't care to talk about because they're mostly terrible and tried SD out because of the theme and reference material.

Q: You seem to have a good grasp on GMing without needing to be explained the intricacies. Have you GM'd in a table-top or other environment in the past?

I GMed for some old MUDs and explored table-top in my not-as-old days. I think I am just organized and have a good memory for the details of RP.

Joke questions.

You're parents didn't hug you enough when you were a kid did they?

Have you considered going to anger management?

Fun questions.

What are your favorite animes/mangas?

How much time do you spend playing as opposed as GMing?

What is your favorite thing about SD?

Serious questions.

Why you think you were chosen as head GM by your peers?

What do you spend most of your time doing as head GM?

What % of he ideas submitted in the ideas section are actually considered and what % of those do actually get into the game? And how long those that process take?

Q: JC or Paul Denton?


Q: What kind of bear is best?

Black Bear.

Q: Are we ever getting a Definite Guide to Actually Having Fun in Sindome?


Cerberus: Great Head GM, or Greatest Head GM?
Do @see-thru items protect from the scorching sun?
Joke questions -

Q: You're parents didn't hug you enough when you were a kid did they?

Q: Have you considered going to anger management?

Have you considered learning how to roleplay unique personalities across different characters?

Fun questions. -

Q: What are your favorite animes/mangas?

Right now it's Psycho-Pass 1 and 2. Mangas I enjoyed the finishing of Naruto Shippuuden and I am enjoying the conclusion of Bleach.

Q: How much time do you spend playing as opposed as GMing?

90% GMing / 10% Playing

Q: What is your favorite thing about SD?


Serious questions.

Q: Why you think you were chosen as head GM by your peers?

Because I have the most free time and everyone else on staff is a sadist.

Q: What do you spend most of your time doing as head GM?

Type xcerb.

Q: What % of he ideas submitted in the ideas section are actually considered and what % of those do actually get into the game? And how long those that process take?

This is more of the Johnny/Slither question. I handle IC things and I don't know how to code. Sorry.

Q: Cerberus: Great Head GM, or Greatest Head GM?

Definitely better than that Slither guy.

Q: Do @see-thru items protect from the scorching sun?

Code question, don't know without testing.

Q: What % of he ideas submitted in the ideas section are actually considered and what % of those do actually get into the game? And how long those that process take?

A: It depends. I read the ideas forum, and so does most of the game including Johnny. We love ideas. Even if an idea doesn't make it into the game directly, it probably spawned a bunch of other ideas that then spawned more ideas and some of those ideas make it into the game. The turn around depends on the in-game need and the OOC availability of our coders!

Q: Who was it that introduced you to this awesome Anime 'Psycho Pass' or whatever it's called and why do you owe this person a gigantic debt of gratitude bordering on indentured servitude forever and ever and ever.
Q: Who was it that introduced you to this awesome Anime 'Psycho Pass' or whatever it's called and why do you owe this person a gigantic debt of gratitude bordering on indentured servitude forever and ever and ever.

Slither did, however. I introduced you to Psycho Pass 2, so I think we're even.

Q: What types of RP do you think there are, and what is your favorite?
What are your top tips for the playerbase to improve its gameplay right now?
Q: What types of RP do you think there are, and what is your favorite?

Text RP? LARP? That Skype thing you do?

Those types? Or Full immersion RP such as Sindome? Erotic RP? Casual RP like on MMOs?

I don't fully understand the question.

Q: What are your top tips for the playerbase to improve its gameplay right now?

Never assume OOCly that there is no way out of any given situation. I just did some great RP coaching with a player that is new to conflict and they commented how that prior to the conversation they thought there was only one possible result to the RP, their death.After the conversation they admittedly saw a lot of opportunities and different potential results.

Never stop trying to wheel and deal your way out of a situation, never assume it -has- to come to blows and if it's in your characters nature learn how to take your knots and swallow your pride. Not every situation has to be a -win- it can just be about surviving and be amazing RP.


Most failures I see which wind up being unsatisfying for the player happen because of the choices the character makes.

Q: Cerberus, what is your least favorite or satisfying detail of being an admin/GM on Sindome?
Q: Types of RP or Plottery such as Romance, Combat, Betrayal, Political, Job Related, that kind of thing. Of that, my personal favorite is politics. I love playing characters that have very strong and difficult goals and maneuver through the political / game landscape collecting followers, eliminating enemies (through politics or murder), and hopefully achieving the end goals they set out to accomplish -- though often times the character is sidetracked by revenge, other characters plotting against them, etc. It may take months or years to accomplish the end goal (as it should). What is your favorite style of RP?
Q: Cerberus, what is your least favorite or satisfying detail of being an admin/GM on Sindome?

Dealing with player's OOC issues due to personality conflicts, expectations both ways, general gripes, complaints about me, complaints about the fundamental systems of the game, people's feelings. Anything OOC.

I'm the Head GM, my domain is IC. I like to stay IC from the time I log in to the time I log out. I want to be spending my time advancing RP, giving feed back on plots, directing plots, starting new RP, puppeting, etc.

Q: Types of RP or Plottery such as Romance, Combat, Betrayal, Political, Job Related, that kind of thing. Of that, my personal favorite is politics. I love playing characters that have very strong and difficult goals and maneuver through the political / game landscape collecting followers, eliminating enemies (through politics or murder), and hopefully achieving the end goals they set out to accomplish -- though often times the character is sidetracked by revenge, other characters plotting against them, etc. It may take months or years to accomplish the end goal (as it should). What is your favorite style of RP?

I think my first character was 100% Spontaneous RP and my current character is 100% Political. I enjoy all types except romance. I'm a fade to black kind of guy but I do enjoy the dynamic that relationships can add to RP especially in the spirit of conflict.

Q: How many words a minute can you read?

Q: How many words a minute can you type?

Q: How many words a minute can you read?

Q: How many words a minute can you type?

I think I can do both pretty fast. Comes from writing and reading a million notes every day. I don't know a WPM number though.

Q: If you were puppeting the Snakes and Slither was puppeting the Sinners. Which gang would win the battle royale? fight?
Do you think SD would benefit from having more GMs? Yes? No?

Why don't we have more GMS?

What do you think most players think of you? Do you care?

You clearly consider yourself to be a good RPer.

How critical are you of players RP and how often do you advise them or try to coach them in a positive manner? (By positive I mean 'Hey maybe you should try this' and not 'Hey asshole RP your stats or I will void you')

Q: If you were puppeting the Snakes and Slither was puppeting the Sinners. Which gang would win the battle royale? fight?

You obviously have years more experience than I do with combat but I think it'd really boil down to numbers as long as the gangs were equally geared. If it's a 100% equal footing match up, it all depends on our use of postures and grapple.

Q: Do you think SD would benefit from having more GMs? Yes? No?

We try to bring on 1 a month. We have a healthy number right now I think it's good.

Q: Why don't we have more GMS?

Not everyone wants to turn Sindome into a job.

Q: What do you think most players think of you? Do you care?

I don't know and not particularly. I only care that they continue believing I will do my job fairly and impartially through RP.

Q: You clearly consider yourself to be a good RPer. How critical are you of players RP and how often do you advise them or try to coach them in a positive manner? (By positive I mean 'Hey maybe you should try this' and not 'Hey asshole RP your stats or I will void you')

'Hey asshole RP your stats or I will void you') I don't usually say Hey Asshole, but I will tell repeat offenders that ignore their stats in their RP that they need to start RPing their stats without much else said.

RP Coaching is a big part of being a GM and usually I offer it to people that seem to be struggling or people who xhelp their concerns in a polite manner.

What's the way to trying for being that 1 GM you take on every month? Are applications as per the relevant forum post always open?
Q:What's the way to trying for being that 1 GM you take on every month? Are applications as per the relevant forum post always open?

You can submit an application whenever. We'll review them and schedule interviews.

If you're interested in GMing:
"If you'd like to apply for a position we may have posted for, please give me your resume."


"You'll have to print out a resume for me from an e-note or other similar device."

What’s your favorite? Food, Car, Book, Movie/TV Show, Color, Band/Music, Ice-cream flavor, Animal and Pornstar.

If you were to spend the rest of your life in a deserted island what one thing would bring with you?

If you were to visit the Wizard of OZ, what would you ask him for?

Q: What’s your favorite? Food, Car, Book, Movie/TV Show, Color, Band/Music, Ice-cream flavor, Animal and Pornstar.

Sushi, Eleanor, Dune, Aliens, Black, Classical, Rum Raisin, Cerberus, /r/gonewild

Q: If you were to spend the rest of your life in a deserted island what one thing would bring with you?

Sindome and food.

If you were to visit the Wizard of OZ, what would you ask him for?

Q: Whatever drugs they were doing.

That would be opium. Take a walk through a poppy field my man.
Do you have a favorite PC or Player?

I just read a little bit of your AMA. (About 20 posts or so.)

1. As someone new to Sindome do you have any advice about getting started that might be helpful for new players looking to get into some RP with people?

2. Thank you for taking your time to be a GM I look forward to going through some sessions with you in the future.

3. What is your favorite thing about Cyberpunk?

Q: Do you have a favorite PC or Player?

I try not to have favorites since I am a GM/Head GM.

Q: As someone new to Sindome do you have any advice about getting started that might be helpful for new players looking to get into some RP with people?

Hang around the bars, inject yourself into ongoing situations, don't try to act like 'billy badass' or a tough guy in general when you're just coming out of chargen. Withmore is new to you and it's a harsh, dark place, it's a humbling experience to come through immigration, naked, knocked out from getting your SIC chip.

Q: Thank you for taking your time to be a GM I look forward to going through some sessions with you in the future.

You're welcome. Welcome to Sindome.

Q: What is your favorite thing about Cyberpunk?

Dark, gritty, unforgiving, full of conflict and technology. Corporations versus the people. Totalitarianism.

Q: Is your original character still active?

Q: Favorite Sindome weapon?

Q: Have you tried to learn coding?

Q: How frequently do you shower?

Q: How do you balance your non-SD life with your SD one?

Q: Are you actively trying to kill me? (xcerbs) Oh...yeah never mind. That's an obvious answer.

If you could miraculously will one feature into SD - what would it be?

You have 24 hours to live in SD. What do you do?

Q: Is your original character still active?

Nope, he got eaten by rats.

Q: Favorite Sindome weapon?

Sniper Rifle

Q: Have you tried to learn coding?


Q: How frequently do you shower?

If I shower who is going to keep an eye on the players and the other GMs?

Q: How do you balance your non-SD life with your SD one?

I don't have a non-SD Life

Q: Are you actively trying to kill me? (xcerbs) Oh...yeah never mind. That's an obvious answer.


Q: If you could miraculously will one feature into SD - what would it be?

3D space for Scopes. Being able to shift zoom from one tile to the next, with the system being aware of building obstructions between the zoomed to location and the sniper.

Q: You have 24 hours to live in SD. What do you do?

Kill everyone that has earned my character's dislike.

That cute puppy is you? I was expecting a fierce hound of demonic proportions! With three big heads! You look so cute and adorable!

So how do you like GMing?

Do you find yourself dreaming of SD (I know I do)?

What's your favorite thing about SD?

What's the hardest part of GMing?

What are your top 5 favorite food?

What are your top five food you most dislike?

How actively do you pursue characters plots?

What determines which plots will you develop before others?

Are there non viable character plots (even though history is approved)?

Any advice on making good plots?

Thanks for your time, now and always.

That cute puppy is you? I was expecting a fierce hound of demonic proportions! With three big heads! You look so cute and adorable!

Q: So how do you like GMing?

I like it a lot when everything stays IC.

Q: Do you find yourself dreaming of SD (I know I do)?

Sometimes I even dream about GMing.

Q: What's your favorite thing about SD?

The theme.

Q: What's the hardest part of GMing?

Dealing with OOC issues.

Q: What are your top 5 favorite food?

Sushi Chinese Ramen Pizza Salad

Q: What are your top five food you most dislike?

Squash, Turnip, Zucchini, that sort of thing.

Q: How actively do you pursue characters plots?

Pretty regularly if the viability and opportunity is there.

Q: What determines which plots will you develop before others?

Player activity in the different areas of the game.

Q: Are there non viable character plots (even though history is approved)?

People asking to go places that don't exist, or do things that aren't coded. We have to hand wave this type of thing and it's not really all that exciting.

Q: Any advice on making good plots?

Learn the game first before you go trying to make your own complicated storylines for your character so you can get a good idea of what we do for our plots and what is supported by the GMs in general.