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- robotdogfighter 26s
- Naya 32s
- Aida 49s
- Komira 1m
- Bruhlicious 16m Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 1m
- AdamBlue9000 6m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- baewulf 4m
- Emily 2h Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 6h Doing a bit of everything.
And 17 more hiding and/or disguised

Help the world Fuck MS

follow instrucions and viola!

Reality check, dude.

Your not fucking anyone. Your strengthening their market share and therefore their market position. Your actually HELPING THEM in their battle against Google and Yahoo.



its still 2 gig.. though.. thats massive and the max atch is prolly 10megs. but hey.. yeah.
2 gigs of what? Email? Who REALLY has any use for 2 gig of email?

The only reason anyone will use their two gigs is so they don't ever have to delete anything again. Ever. 5 years from now you still won't have filled that 2 gig via 'normal usage'.

Now.... 2 gig of arbitrary storage? That's a whole different ballpark. But this is definately not that. Your probablly limited to a 5 meg attachment, making your effective maximum data region 5 meg. Not 2 gig.

As it is your just helping MS. If you want a big email Yahoo has 100 meg free, which for Joe Schmoe consumer, is plenty.

If you want more, ask for a Gmail invite.

But don't, whatever you do, support MS under the false assumption your hurting them, and invite others to do the same. That's just outright irresponsible.


It's Tool, he's allowed to fall for Microsoft's guerilla marketing, it's ok. He's in the demographic anyway.
I'm not sure which I hate more MSN, or AOL.   Well you guys here got me using AIM so I guess I'll vote on MSN for now.  All that passport stuff.  Gaaah!!
I'm going to start returning AOL trial discs, in an unfranked envelope, so they have to pay the postage on it when it arrives!

Suck that down AOL. I'll bankrupt them in no time.

nice, I've been taking all the credit card applications I get and switching the papers around and sending them (blank of course) to different companies.  I got a stack of 20-30 of em on my fridge right now.   should try that AOL thing though they always send me that worthless garbage....
Hey, I never thought of doing a 'RETURN TO SENDER' on AOL stuff...wonder if it would work...