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- Garthus 45s
- Bruhlicious 10s Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- Inks 3s The pinnacle of mediocre.
- RedProtokoll 16s
- Bix 55s
- Sivartas 27s I make the Grinch look happy.
- BigBiscuit 1m
- Slyter 55s
- Wonderland 2s
- QueenZombean 1m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- adrognik 56s
- Hivemind 2h
- Rillem 52s
- Terrible_the_duck 6s
- Fogchild1 1m
- zxq 6m
a Mench 3m Doing a bit of everything.
And 28 more hiding and/or disguised
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New Support GM Position!
A short-term (3 month) GM shift

Hey all, we have a new GM position called 'Support GM' which is (up to) 3 months doing a GM shift. You would have less over-all responsibility and exposure to IC info than a full-time GM, and after your 3 months you'd go back to being a player.

This is a rotating position that will keep the GM staff fresh, motivated, and also help us better craft our training materials and build up a base of GMs in the community that we can call upon!

You will be responsible for:

* Reviewing Histories

* Answering Gridmails

* Basic Puppeting

-- Job Interviews

-- Cyberware Installations

-- Light Ganger interactions

-- Day to Day Ambience (bartenders, etc.)

You will be exposed to limited amounts of IC information. We will try to restrict the amount of info you get so that it does not effect your time as a player.

After 3 months (or earlier, should it not work out for some reason) you will go back to being a player and have the opportunity in the future to do another GM shift.

The biggest problem we have is with our GMs getting burned out. This new position will hopefully be a step toward fixing that problem, as fresh faced GMs will be coming in from the player-base on a regular basis, getting trained up using our new training materials and getting to work.

This will allow us to:

* Have a rotating staff of GMs to call upon

* Keep GMs fresh

* Free up full-time GMs to focus more on major plots

* Keep things moving ICly

* Build a larger GM base in the community.

If you are interested, please email [email protected] with:

* Any GMing experience

* Timezone & Available Hours

* How long you've been playing

* Why you want to GM

* What you feel you can bring to the GM-side

Thanks everyone!

-- Slither

Clarification: You can still play your character during the three months, though during this time (and the three months following that) you will have some restrictions placed on you. These mostly boil down to:

* No perming other characters

There are benefits as well:

* Your rent is paid during your tenure as a GM.

* You help the game

* You get practice GMing

* You get practice working on an Agile team

* You get indie game writing experience

This sounds like a very good idea and a big respite for our voluntary staff.

I think you didn't mention how to aply right?


Bottom of the first post.


If you are interested, please email [email protected] with:

* Any GMing experience

* Timezone & Available Hours

* How long you've been playing

* Why you want to GM

* What you feel you can bring to the GM-side

Thanks everyone!

-- Slither


I would be happy to help out. I am a returning player, but I played A LOT for months, playing a pretty integrated character. I have been an avid roleplayer for most of my life, often times being the game master. I'm in the pacific us time zone, and have at least a couple of hours per day to devote to gm'ing. I moved to a new state almost a year ago, and have yet to get into a regular gaming group. I am hoping doing some gm'ing for sindome will help alleviate the lack of roleplaying in my life. :D
Join Up Now!

I'm bumping this topic back up because this is how we are accepting all GM applications now. If you are interested, even if you have applied by e-mail before, please fill this form out so that we can...

1. Have it on file

2. Make sure we have all the info we need

3. Pick new Support GMs when the time is right!


-- S

Please make sure you are using the FORM to submit your applications:


Hey Everyone!

It's been three months and we are looking to take on a new support GM. The link to the form is in the post above this one.

If you are interested in helping us keeping the game moving while also limiting your IC knowledge so that you don't learn more than you want-- this is the position for you! It's utterly important and includes awesome training videos made by yours truly.

It's not a perm position so don't worry about having to commit to more than three months! Fill out the form if you are interested!


-- S

Hi Folks -

It's that time again. If you are interested in joining the staff for 3 months as a Support GM, please review this thread and submit your application!


-- S

Bumping for more apps.
Applied twice, once on the for and once in an email. Sorry for the double whammy, also BUMP!
We routinely check the form listed in this thread, so if you are interested in being a Support GM, please fill it out!
Hey Folks -

Soliciting new submissions for Support GM. Please fill out the form above if you are interested!

-- S

We are currently looking for a Support GM! Please apply via this form:


-- S

Hey All,

We are currently looking for a Support GM, please apply via this link if you're interested:


Hi All,

We are currently looking at bringing on a new Support GM. The link to the form is just above this one.

Previous applicants are welcome to apply again.


We are still looking for applications to review. Help the game. Learn new skills. Apply today!

We continue to look for new Support GMs to take 3 month terms and help out the game with things like gridmail, puppet requests, etc. It's a really helpful thing to do and frees the fulltime GMs up to do more crazy plotting. Consider applying!
I have a question....

Regarding builder and programmer positions. Having been playing consistently for around 5-6 months now, and intermittently for about a year and a quarter/half. I'd really like to help out with somethings in respect to the MOO, but as is noticeable here on the forums, I do not think I would be the best fit in a front/player facing role whatsoever.

Is it possible to apply to be a builder, with a goal of advancing my own knowledge a bit and eventually advancing to be a programmer and builder without spending time doing the front facing GM stuff like puppet requests and gridmails?

I literally have no aspirations of running plots, and think I would be a horrible fit as a front line GM, but the idea of helping out with the MOO in general appeals to me on a lot of levels.

There used to be a fixit channel where players could help the builders and coders with descriptions and whatnot, I don't know if it's still around.
It is but I'm about the only person posting to it, except when there's a very very very rare request about once every month or so.
We are currently looking at bringing on another Support GM, predominantly West Coast. US Time but are open to other times. If you are interested, even if you have applied before please fill out the form higher up in this thread and a member of the senior staff will reach out to you to discuss our application.
We are again on the lookout for bringing another Support GM on. If it's something you're interested in, please apply here:

Submit an application to become a Support GM today! You'll handle puppets, learning some new commands, and helping the game!

We are looking for more Support GMs to support the playerbase. If you are interested, please apply here:


We are again looking for more Support GMs.

If you are interested, you can apply via this link:


Think you'd like to contribute to the Staff as a Support GM?

Applications can be submitted here:


It's that time again! Fill out the form you can find above and join the Sindome Staff as a Support GM!
Keep those applications coming! If you've submitted in the past, and it's been more than 1 year, feel free to submit again!

(Edited by Slither at 8:09 am on 3/25/2021)

(Edited by Mench at 11:00 am on 9/2/2024)

Hi, if you're interested in being Support GM.

Please feel free to apply :)


Hi, if you're interested in being Support GM.

Please feel free to apply :)


(Edited by Mench at 7:44 am on 7/26/2021)

Hi, if you're interested in being Support GM.

Please feel free to apply :)


(Edited by Mench at 2:26 pm on 12/21/2021)

Hi, if you're interested in being Support GM.

Please feel free to apply :)


(Edited by Mench at 10:18 am on 7/3/2022)

FYI: The minimum account age requirement for becoming a Support Game Master is 1 year!

(Edited by Mench at 11:00 am on 9/2/2024)

Hi, if you're interested in being Support GM.

Please feel free to apply :)


(Edited by Mench at 6:41 pm on 2/25/2023)

Yo, we're looking for new Support GMs!

Please, feel free to apply at the link below!


(Edited by Mench at 6:41 pm on 2/25/2095)

Random question though.

During a person's three month shift, would they then have to stop playing their current player chars?

If so, would the player be given time to wrap up any rp threads, given their three month hiatus?

You can still play your character, it was clarified by slither in the second post up there.

We have decided to update the time requirement from 6 months to 1 year.

Any applications from today onwards will require a minimum account age of 1 year. This is to help ensure that anyone applying has a good grasp on the game itself, and the game theme.

If you are interested in applying, please do so here:


(Edited by Mench at 10:59 am on 9/2/2024)