This is a rotating position that will keep the GM staff fresh, motivated, and also help us better craft our training materials and build up a base of GMs in the community that we can call upon!
You will be responsible for:
* Reviewing Histories
* Answering Gridmails
* Basic Puppeting
-- Job Interviews
-- Cyberware Installations
-- Light Ganger interactions
-- Day to Day Ambience (bartenders, etc.)
You will be exposed to limited amounts of IC information. We will try to restrict the amount of info you get so that it does not effect your time as a player.
After 3 months (or earlier, should it not work out for some reason) you will go back to being a player and have the opportunity in the future to do another GM shift.
The biggest problem we have is with our GMs getting burned out. This new position will hopefully be a step toward fixing that problem, as fresh faced GMs will be coming in from the player-base on a regular basis, getting trained up using our new training materials and getting to work.
This will allow us to:
* Have a rotating staff of GMs to call upon
* Keep GMs fresh
* Free up full-time GMs to focus more on major plots
* Keep things moving ICly
* Build a larger GM base in the community.
If you are interested, please email [email protected] with:
* Any GMing experience
* Timezone & Available Hours
* How long you've been playing
* Why you want to GM
* What you feel you can bring to the GM-side
Thanks everyone!
-- Slither