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OOC-Chat Plots/Notes discussion logs
Very useful tips and discussion

There was a very eye-opening discussion today on the OOC-Chat about how to start plots, write @notes and ask for reimbursements. Staff chimed in. Here is a transcript of what was said:

[12:37:52 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: man, I don't even think talking about world plots is useful... I'd like to see more discussion about how players can start plots that goes beyond platitudes :D

[12:38:27 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Bruhlicious: I only once started a minor 'plot'

[12:38:32 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Bruhlicious: Rather recently. Was fun

[12:38:44 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: Also interested in discussions about how better to start plots

[12:39:26 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: a lot of the time it feels like that conversation ends up in the same place of "be cyberpunk!" and "start shit, don't wait for it to start!" and "put yourself out there!" but that's not very useful to anyone

[12:39:50 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: I recall at least two of your PCs that gave my PCs some fun back in the day Bruhlicious. It might not have looked like you were plotting but you created RP for me for sure.

[12:40:09 09/23] [OOC-Chat] robotdogfighter: I have done some plots, one i started and it is SO much fun!

[12:40:17 09/23] [OOC-Chat] robotdogfighter: i like doing stuff for other players

[12:50:05 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: I'll be the first to admit that plotting can be hard and, in terms of my abilities, consume a lot of time and energy.

[12:50:11 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: And m soul tune you can start a discussion by saying something like Ive been wondering about how best to start plots, anyone got any tips or thoughts?

[12:50:31 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: Agree, Grey0

[12:50:42 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: Well, I -have- been wondering. I know we have @plot-ideas, I have no idea when it came up but there's some cool things in there, however I'm still stumped on how to start more plots IC

[12:51:04 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Two things help me. A goal and over complicating things.

[12:51:16 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: could you give some general examples?

[12:51:22 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: The goal can be as simple as going to update if you can over complicate it.

[12:51:51 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: If you are playing a ganger for example, maybe they got high and think the WJF is hard on their case. Looking for them.

[12:52:04 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: So you decide you need to update. NOW. before they kill you.

[12:52:23 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: But you can't just go up and update! THe WJF is there. SO you hire other PCs to help solve the roadblock.

[12:52:57 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: One PC is hired to drop a pipe bomb someplace. Another is hired to scour the path. A third is hired as backup in case an attack happens.

[12:53:29 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Now, OOCly you know it's all an elaborate bunch of nonsense. You could have just cone up and updated and saved yourself a load of chyen and time.

[12:53:48 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: never thought about it that way. I tend to think of goals as very A to B, what's the best way for my character to accomplish this with their personality and skillset.

[12:53:49 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: But from all those other PC's perspectives? It's pretty awesome.

[12:54:14 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Cowbell: There's a little bit of an issue with that, which is actually finding willing PCs to go along in a risky plot that might mean consequences for their characters.

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[12:54:15 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: And other PCs can be drawn in. Maybe the scout rats on you to a PC Judge.

[12:54:34 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: For sure Cowbell. That is one of the hardest things in my experience.

[12:55:17 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Cowbell: The way it goes lately is that either there are characters who don't care about consequences at all or there are characters who care too much to do anything.

[12:55:23 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Cowbell: No middle ground.

[12:55:49 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: I think there's more middle ground than might be apparent.

[12:55:51 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: Anything involving other people is a plot. Bringing other people into your RP, especially if it gets people interacting in person, counts as a plot.

[12:55:51 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: And I personally always feel super excited and happy when people seek out my character to include them in whatever it is theyre doing or planning.

[12:56:05 09/23] [OOC-Chat] robotdogfighter: I learned that Discord messages have a limit on OOC Chat

[12:56:07 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: I think certain character traits limit your possible audience.

[12:56:12 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: Even if its as minor as what Grey0 said, those make for the best adventures because they bring people together

[12:56:14 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Cowbell: Not in my experience, but alas that's subjective.

[12:56:45 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Maybe they just don't want to work for YOU. Because you're a ganger and take all their flash. Or a mugger and beat them down last week. Or said snide things to them.

[12:56:52 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: I'd actually say most players are the middle ground, they're just also the responses most likely to be unnoticed.

[12:57:05 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: But yeah. In general, I agree. It's VERY hard to get PCs to come out and play.

[12:57:12 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: Its hard involving people in risky activities. Chy helps. But then you need spare chy to throw around

[12:57:16 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Cowbell: Sure, but there's a general complaint that there's not much happening. Maybe it's because there's too much cloak and dagger as well.

[12:57:23 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: how do you manage risk when overcomplicating things? It feels like a lot of the time you get very hard consequences for stepping out of line.

[12:57:39 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: I love immies for this reason. Often they aren't established enough to worry and are far more likely to jump in on a plot like i described above.

[12:57:46 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither): just wanna weigh in that overcomplicating things is the best way to create plots as a player IMO.

[12:57:56 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Cowbell: I don't think my experience is because I simply don't have an audience since many players have expressed the same complaint -- which is people don't want too much risk.

[12:57:58 09/23] [OOC-Chat] robotdogfighter: I love overcomplicating

[12:58:12 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: I want to admit that I learned about over complicating things from Fengshui.

[12:58:16 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: could you also give some topside examples of goals and overcomplications?

[12:58:52 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: also I've had more success involving people in risky things by coming to them with my face showing -- that is, not anonymously

[12:59:12 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: people are much more willing to do things or risk their ass for a friend or a person who they trust rather than an anonymous funder

[12:59:19 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither): you want to put a SIC ad up for your business. You aren't stooping to going to the HOJ yourself. That is peasant work. So you hire someone. Except that is also peasant work. So instead of hiring someone, you hire someone to hire someone.

[12:59:53 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: Yes I agree with that. Trying to rope people in anonymously is pretty much broadcasting you don't want skin in whatever it is.

[12:59:55 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: damn, that counts as plotting?

[13:00:13 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: Yes that counts as plotting!

[13:00:13 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: And then you murder them both.

[13:00:18 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither): you've just turned something that takes 5 min ICly into something that involves multiple players. Make the person you hire to do the hiring hold fuckin job interviews to find the best person. Now you've involved X players.

[13:00:33 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: No witnesses.

[13:00:38 09/23] [OOC-Chat] robotdogfighter: I just try to think of cyberpunk/futuristic solutions to problems as often as i can if i have one that comes up

[13:00:47 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: here I am always trying to look for the most thrilling cyberpunk ideas and feeling like I'm not generating enough RP

[13:00:52 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Risk management?

[13:00:53 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: Omg I love that idea Fengshui

[13:01:10 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: On material things, my opinion is that players need to focus more on the core. Do they have a clone, a place to stay and maybe some DCD flash? Maybe a backup weapon? Then you are ready to go. You can lose the rest

[13:01:12 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither): then when it's time to pay the person you hired, you tell them they need to hire a courier to come pick up the money from you.

[13:01:13 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: anything involving one or more other characters is a plot. Looking back, you've probably started more plots than you think!

[13:01:13 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: didn't realize that just playing to the theme and making people do all the peasant work counts

[13:01:43 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: When it comes to the long term social/business consequences, those are a lot more complicated.

[13:01:47 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither): i mean, it's a role playing game. if you are doing things that give people a chance to play their roles and engage with others, you're plotting.

[13:01:50 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Cowbell: Maybe it's not an adrenaline inducing plot but sure it's plot.

[13:01:52 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: But they are also what makes an interesting story.

[13:01:53 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: it totally counts : D Everyone loves having their character be noticed and given jobs, opportunities to prove oneself

[13:02:08 09/23] [OOC-Chat] robotdogfighter: technological intrigue makes me oscillate with joy

[13:02:28 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: agreed, trying to use the technology even if there's an easier way

[13:02:44 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Things might have changed and I can't go into details, but there are roles where doing things like Feng described is kind of the goal.

[13:02:48 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Cowbell: I think the disconnect there is because people think cyberpunk and they think big explosions and fighting back against overwhelming odds.

[13:02:57 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: pretty much!

[13:03:00 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Cowbell: But Sindome is also pretty mundane most of the time.

[13:03:03 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither): you can translate that same plot into 'selling drugs' or 'having someone beat up' or 'shaking down someone' or 'robbing someone'. just make it complicated-- where complicated means doing as little of it yourself as possible.

[13:03:07 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: You can not only have a reason but you might also have access to a chyen faucet so you aren't going broke doing all this.

[13:03:50 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: hmmm

[13:04:09 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: I mean, your corp isn't going to reimburse you to have someone else do work you could easily accomplish, right?

[13:04:12 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Yeah. Sindome is more street level in my opinion, but there's room for some of those explosions and grand adventure here and there.

[13:04:13 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: even if they'll pay for the main thing

[13:04:35 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Well... Depends. Honestly, I have had corpie PCs get a LOT paid for. Depends on how you present it.

[13:04:38 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Cowbell: Reimbursements are a huge topic on their own.

[13:04:53 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: Depends on the role.

[13:04:53 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: your corp is GMs and staffers so they might be more likely to reimburse you because on an OOC level they know you're generating plot

[13:04:54 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: okay, I'll try to use @bullshit creatively to reimburse for plotting like that lol

[13:05:59 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: this is probablu the best advice I've gotten in ten years of playing this game... have a goal and overcomplicate it

[13:06:13 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: : )

[13:06:15 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Things could have changed but if they haven't much, DO IT. Corpies that use corporate money to generate RP that is themely and can be ICly justified (even id it's a little stretch) tend to go places and fast.

[13:06:33 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: I don't know, I remember you being pretty good at stirring things up SoulTune.

[13:06:53 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Bruhlicious: Is that an ERP reference.

[13:06:56 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: hah, I'm flattered you even remember who I played

[13:07:55 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: Also make sure you @note about all the people you're involving in your endeavor and what you're asking them to do, so the GMs can see that you're spreading the RP around.

[13:08:25 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: @notes feel like the Sindome equivalent of making sure your boss knows -everything- you're accomplishing at work to make a good impression lol

[13:08:53 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: For sure. @notes are awesome and usually appreciated.

[13:08:55 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: In corporate roles, absolutely.

[13:08:55 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: Absolutely LOL.

[13:08:55 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: Anywhere you have to get promotions really.

[13:09:05 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: I sometimes even @note things terrible for my PC.

[13:10:06 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: On one occasion a NPC was pissed at one of my PCs. So I thought about how often I walk by them, do biz with them and all that.

[13:10:12 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Then wrote a note suggesting they might know where I live, who my chums are and what some of my skills were.

[13:10:16 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: Especially when it comes to money.

[13:10:16 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: You can even write stuff like 'Took Joe Baka and Jack Baka down to the sewers, we dug up two shitbergs, now I'm going to ask Jim Baka to sell the loot in the market'

[13:10:21 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: In case the GMs wanted to use it against me.

[13:10:36 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: If you're a wicks worker, that is a perfectly good note and is even encouraged

[13:10:55 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: it's so cool to see this kind of conversation on here... maybe I have black-tinted glasses but back in the day I feel I would have been slapped upside the head for bringing this kind of thing up lol

[13:11:10 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither): if you are putting a reimbursement in I have a few suggestions: if you hire someone to do something, make sure that is called out. If you just request 20k for doing a SIC ad, it ain't gunna be approved. But if it is: 1. Hired a consultant to create 3 SIC ads for X product. 2. Hired a consultant to run a paid focus group of 5 mixers to determine best SIC ad. 3. paid a runner to place the SIC ad -- and you request 20k reimbursement, I can say I'd approve that in a heartbeat.

[13:11:16 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Things were a lot different then SoulTune, you aren't wrong.

[13:12:32 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither): it can also be helpful to get sign off ahead of time from an NPC, eg: if you just told the NPC what I just stated, and said I wanna do this, I need 20k is that OK? They will probably be into it, or at least 'no, but' you.

[13:12:37 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: Yes, I remember breaking down reimbursements like an invoice, so and so got this to do this, so they have the money for this goal, and the rest were blah blah blah. Never had a one denied I don't think.

[13:13:13 09/23] [OOC-Chat] robotdogfighter: My favorite thing to do is noting goals, and stuff in the work tab.

[13:13:38 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: I love that, slither! I also try to use @bullshit to say those things in less direct ways, even though only staff is going to read it haha

[13:13:45 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither): the only reimbursements I see denied regularly are when people requset reimbursement for SIC+Progia costs. We just don't reimburse that.

[13:13:52 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: And without going into too much detail, ICly lying and stealing is okay in this game. There might be IC consequences but there are times where the opportunities are ripe.

[13:14:19 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither): yeah if you're going to lie ICly, it's usually good to leave an @Note so we know. But leaving an @Note doesn't mean you are going to get caught.

[13:14:37 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: 'help embezzlement' is a great file to review

[13:14:37 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: Most of the characters I've seen have problems with reimbursements had just way too much graft in proportion to their payouts.

[13:14:46 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither): much the opposite actually, if we see people lying and not letting us know OOCly, we're more likely to be like wtf than if we are aware and in on it.

[13:15:09 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Macabre: I highly encourage people to utilize their notes. It's how you might get nudged to for some clandestine plot or something more... interesting.

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[13:15:39 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Mr. Cooperative Competition (Slither): okay I'm stepping away for a bit before the TH.

[13:15:45 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: just how enthusiastically should I note? just like, everything? at what point does it become too much?

[13:16:17 09/23] [OOC-Chat] robotdogfighter: In the span of a little under 2 and a half months, I have about 71 notes made

[13:16:22 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: And if staff is looking for some PC to represent a faction or something, they probably want someone who they know will generate RP using the increased resources.

[13:16:25 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: If you never @note things it will be harder to know you might be that person.

[13:16:31 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Not impossible. Just harder.

[13:17:16 09/23] [OOC-Chat] RedProtokoll: Every couple of days I decide to use notes more then forget.

[13:17:19 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: I believe when the SQL switchover happened, I had 1.1% of all notes or something.

[13:17:27 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: I think it varies SoulTune. I just note things I think would be useful to staff or me.

[13:17:39 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: Which is too much lol

[13:17:50 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: All lies for sure. Occasional notes about my PC's work, if they have a job.

[13:18:00 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: Exactly Grey0

[13:18:08 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Things in public that might be useful, even about other PCs.

[13:18:34 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: My screwups and exploits, especially if an NPC might now and it could matter.

[13:19:27 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Macabre: Screw ups, exploits, certain things you're particularly interested in pursuing that could become actionable things we can take and run with on our side, as well as any things you're personally looking forward/want to get into.

[13:19:46 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: I probably over note when I'm going hard at the game. In my more enthusiastic periods would probably be at least one note a day.

[13:19:49 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Macabre: There's some players I've worked with on medical-adjacent things that I've plucked from their notes & histories, for example.

[13:20:32 09/23] [OOC-Chat] ReeferMadness: Doing IC documentation or gridmails which auto-generate notes is a great way to telescope your actions to staff too.

[13:21:02 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: ooh, gridmails count as @notes? Sorta?

[13:21:02 09/23] [OOC-Chat] svetlana@discord: If you send them to another pC?

[13:21:19 09/23] [OOC-Chat] ReeferMadness: From what I understand, they auto-generate an accompanying @note with the body of the gridmail.

[13:21:19 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Love that ReeferMadness. I've had PCs on several occasions write up job manuals or revamp duties for a position and the like.

[13:21:21 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Staff Macabre: Gridmails to NPCs count as notes.

[13:21:25 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: IC documentation?

[13:21:34 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: like self-incriminating in an e-note?

[13:21:48 09/23] [OOC-Chat] ReeferMadness: Job manuals and guides and yeah self-incrimination is great.

[13:22:09 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Those are great too SoulTune. I'd still @note that it was there though as staff might know if you didn't.

[13:22:20 09/23] [OOC-Chat] ReeferMadness: The way I think about it is I want any member of staff to glance at my PC and have a rough idea of what I'm up too without digging in too deep.

[13:22:45 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Heck. Sometimes I like to look it as the PCs creating and advertising hooks for GMs to take if they want. The opposite of most tabletop RPGs.

[13:23:39 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: I'll try to think more about that perspective

[13:23:40 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Just know that there is no guarantee they will take those hooks. A vast majority of the time, they haven't for me. But now and then, you get surprised.

[13:23:42 09/23] [OOC-Chat] robotdogfighter [to Staff Macabre]: Definitely like 90-100 notes then...

[13:24:21 09/23] [OOC-Chat] robotdogfighter: I also like making manuals!

[13:25:05 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: You can write help files if you're into that too.

[13:25:12 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Another thing great about IC documentation is that by creating it you can influence things in the game.

[13:25:35 09/23] [OOC-Chat] robotdogfighter: That's the goal with mine :)

[13:25:37 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: How much depends on the situation but I've had PCs largely redefine entire positions doing this.

[13:26:05 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: so what, did you draft some and propose making it official to an IC boss?

[13:26:22 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: In some cases, yes.

[13:26:25 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: Popularity follows documentation, more or less.

[13:26:28 09/23] [OOC-Chat] ReeferMadness: It can be as simple as just distributing a flyer.

[13:26:34 09/23] [OOC-Chat] robotdogfighter nods in ReeferMadness's general direction.

[13:26:34 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: In others I just drafted and implemented.

[13:26:44 09/23] [OOC-Chat] robotdogfighter: It's all how it is used.

[13:27:00 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: I also tend to play PCs that don't ask their bosses for permission much.

[13:27:37 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Sometimes it backfires and you get slapped in the face. Most times it just makes my PCs look competent and in charge and promotable.

[13:27:43 09/23] [OOC-Chat] ReeferMadness: As the old saying goes, it is easier to apologize than ask for permission.

[13:28:26 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: lol that CAN be true but it can also be disastrous

[13:28:37 09/23] [OOC-Chat] ReeferMadness: For sure.

[13:29:19 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: I think it's worth it though. In my experience. The good vastly outweighed the disasters and the disasters made for better stories.

[13:30:07 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: My best efforts when it comes to big plots have been telling staff what I'm going to do, telling them that I'm doing it, and then after telling them what I did.

[13:30:27 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: Small stuff though sure, hardly matters to make the time to ask. It's just one less puppet someone else would get.

[13:31:47 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: That is explicitly to do with stuff that involves a lot of other players or NPCs though.

[13:32:35 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Want to stress that you want to avoid looking suspect though. If you think there's a chance that your PC's boldness and general tendency to just do it could look bad on an OOC level, I'd @note it so the GMs knew what I was up to even if my PC never talked to their boss.

[13:33:49 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: Yes I am really thinking more about OOC than IC.

[13:35:09 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: I think I've only literally talked to my character's boss like 5 times in all the years I've played, because it's impractical to have so many puppets just to notify staff about what they already know through other means.

[13:36:10 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: I just equate something being known in theory by NPCs because of OOC documentation as effectively the same.

[13:36:38 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: I like to keep my IC boss in the know even if it's via gridmail just to avoid making silly mistakes. I strive to ask general questions that will help me do my role without double checking in the future

[13:37:06 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: guess it depends on the job and organization though!

[13:37:19 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Cowbell: It does.

[13:37:29 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Yeah. Even the specific NPC I think.

[13:38:34 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: some are definitely more anal about that than others

[13:42:32 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: I actually don't think players have problems starting plots for the most part, even if they think they do.

[13:42:52 09/23] [OOC-Chat] SoulTune: I thought I did because I thought it only counts as a plot if it's some Bladerunner 2049 shit

[13:43:12 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: What I think they struggle with is having plots where they aren't required to micromanage every tiny piece of it and spend untold hours keeping it alive.

[13:44:13 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: However in my experience that almost never happens, you have a lead the horse to water and make it drink manually and force it to have fun against its will or it will lay down and die.

[13:44:47 09/23] [OOC-Chat] robotdogfighter: I will insert an orogastric tube into the horse.

[13:45:17 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: I won't disagree that there are challenges. Even simple plots can be hard getting off the ground sometimes.

[13:45:44 09/23] [OOC-Chat] ReeferMadness: So, I think you gotta build a orchestra slowly for the best plots.

[13:45:49 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: And yeah, I've usually had to push it every inch in most cases.

[13:46:13 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: Basically yes. The most bombastic and dramatic cyberpunky GM-led plots still can have problems keeping people actively engaged in them. I am sure this is true for tabletop gaming that the GM is basically commiting to doing a lot of the legwork.

[13:46:17 09/23] [OOC-Chat] ReeferMadness: You stack a few archetyped homie's in your deck of resource who're down to mischief and then you execute.

[13:46:28 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: I was just going to say something similar ReeferMadness. I find the better story is just a series of smaller things that, over time, can escalate naturally.

[13:46:49 09/23] [OOC-Chat] ReeferMadness: It's why mentoring people is so important for the game.

[13:47:16 09/23] [OOC-Chat] ReeferMadness: You teach them a little and let them learn to run, then you plug them into some mischief, and before you know it you've given them the keys to the core and walked away.

[13:47:50 09/23] [OOC-Chat] ReeferMadness: Of course, sometimes they just detonate spontaneusly along the way.

[13:50:31 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: Not sure how to word this well and I'll admit that I am not the best at this. Ever seen the movie 'Yes Man'?

[13:50:54 09/23] [OOC-Chat] Grey0: That attitude can take a character all kinds of places. :D

[13:51:06 09/23] [OOC-Chat] ReeferMadness nods.

[13:56:58 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: Highly competitive/life-threatening conflicts are nice in the sense they create their own motivators.

[13:59:38 09/23] [OOC-Chat] 0x1mm@discord: Competition creates its own narratives independent of staff and players, and creates its own fuel to burn and keep itself alive without anyone really doing anything except trying to stay in it.

Thanks for posting this.