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- robotdogfighter 10m
- baewulf 13m
- Aida 1m
- AdamBlue9000 6m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
a Mench 9h Doing a bit of everything.
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Player Perspective Podcast: #1
Slither and Navarre discuss their perspectives

Hi Everyone -

Navarre's player and I sat down for an hour long conversation in front of the microphone. We discussed various IC and OOC issues facing the game from both of our respective perspectives. We believe that this can be informative and better allow for both admin and players to get on the same page and walk a sector in the others shoes.

Topics / Questions Covered:

Immigrant histories take too long to approve

The new @rule about not being a dick

When should you xhelp?

Why do players want to change core fundamentals of the game to suit your playing style?

Why are you not accepting of other role playing styles?

Why do you perm your characters after GMs have spent time puppeting?

When it is acceptable to perm?



The opinions therein are Slither and Navarre's and not necessarily those of the entire staff or player-base. Unless otherwise states these are OPINIONS not FACTS and nothing should be taken as a GM mandate unless I specifically stay 'this is a rule' or something of that ilk. Thanks Folks!


We are welcoming feedback! Also I'd like to do more of these, and include more players perspectives. If you are interested please respond in this thread. You'll need a decent mic and the ability to record a clear audio track of your response which can be included in future versions.

If you don't want to contribution verbally but have a question/comment that you want included, please reply with it and I will add it to the list.


This recording is slightly less than 1 hour long.


There were some slight things that seemed contradictory, but for the most part I loved it.

Totally digging the back and fourth podcast dynamic, keep it up!

Listening to Slither shed insight on the way GMs felt about the various situations and his personal advice on how to get some things done was pretty interesting. It made me think back on my six to seven months playing this game and how, where I realize how much I still have to learn about this game; even if I've been roleplaying since I was a snot-nosed brat, the Sindome environment is unique and has a flavor like no other game - it's literally probably the only Cyberpunk MUD that has not only an active playerbase of its size, but a good community, and an extremely rich mythos created from years of past RP.
It's literally not, just FYI. ;)
I'm entitled to my own opinion. H-u-s-h.
You both gave me some good information. The parts regarding perming and changing who your character is were excellent. I was feeling restricted but, now feeling less so.

I have a terrible recorded voice so, if anymore of these podcasts come up, it'd be awesome to hear a something discussed by someone else. This is strictly based on my own observations and maybe a pet peeve.

Long time idling:

Just earlier we had 10/19 players idle for an hour or more (one character was over the ten hour mark for idling.) At least three of these characters I'm aware of were still on SIC chat. Maybe this is more of a discussion of when to use @ooc. The RP isn't going to come to you without you being available for it. And, it hurts others chances (and your own) for RP when you are logged in and IG but not actually playing. Going idle? Use @ooc.

Thanks. It was great hearing from a veteran player and GM.

I'd like to do more of these. I'm going to be testing out some software that lets me record over Skype. If anyone is interested in being the one asking questions or giving the player perspective, please chime up!
I'd be up for doing a player perspective/questioning! Topics I can think of off the top of my head:

-Player gender, character gender and roleplay.

-Dealing with timezone differences. (England based player view).

-Adding things to the game (coding). What is acheiveable and what is considered worthwhile? Is it something someone inexperienced could get involved in?

Of course I'm happy to discuss other stuff if you are interested in talking with me and may come up with more ideas that could be discussed.

It was a very enjoyable podcast. Learned quite a few things.