Fuck that. I'm glad 12 people got banned for it, because I was one of the people affected by it. I didn't even get it as bad as some. I doubt some even realize they were the victim of it.
It's a rule for a reason, and just because this is your favorite MUX ever, doesn't mean you get to change that rule. Ultimately, this post is my impassioned plea against the rise of this culture in the playerbase. Please do not collude OOCly. Don't talk about the game OOCly. I love befriending the people I'm RPing with just as much as the next person, I've crossed states to meet text-based rp buddies, but people need to understand: DO NOT TALK ABOUT SINDOME OOCLY.
It ruins the game. This is not some arbitrary thing staff enforce to keep you down. It ruins the game.
Thanks for coming to my Bubblegum Bitch Talk.