Touching briefly on the all-star lineup we've got:
Wealth inequality
Climate change
Intensifying natural disasters
Disastrous politics, both foreign policy and domestic policy (in the US, that is.)
Novel Coronavirus & COVID-19
Wholly inadequate social safety nets (already strained by the above.)
The joke that is the billionaire space-race
IRL Hypercorps forming
& Etc.
In light of this, I've personally found it hard to stay in character and enjoy a dystopian society in a mutual roleplaying environment when it seems like things are actually going to hell in a handbasket OOCly. I know I can't be the only one dealing with this, so let's get together and bitch about whatever it is that's going on with you IRL that's preventing you from enjoying Sindome.
Personally speaking, I've been struggling with anti-masker, anti-vaxxers in my area and immediate & extended family, and seeing them lose their fellow family members and still refuse to acknowledge basic, established science.
I've also been troubled by the total lack of professional work, despite employment numbers being way, way up from Q1 this year, most of the jobs being created (code for re-opening previously terminated positions) are in non-professional sectors. In my field of work, the first layoffs were to people in tenured or senior positions, and much like what happened in the 2008 financial collapse, they're flooding the lower-tier professional work market, and are making it very difficult to compete in the job marketplace when they're willing to take 20-40K paycuts just to have a job.
Thus, I've found it hard to play out a fantasy character who's broke as fuck and living in the exotic shithole that is central red sector. What about you?