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- Komira 4m
- Bruhlicious 1h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 6s
- AdamBlue9000 18s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- Baphomei 38s
- baewulf 9s
- QueenZombean 12m
- Emily 1h Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
And 20 more hiding and/or disguised

Sindome Hunger Games

Hey boys,

Some of you might know this Hunger Games simulation site on the internet.

I decided to use it with some of the character names I know of; I think it'll be okay as there's no IC knowledge except first names of certain characters. If it is, I apologize in advance - and this can be removed, but I think the results will be fun to watch.

Should I proceed with this? Any interest? I'll post updates if you people want me to go ahead.

I know I missed two characters, but I'll fill them in if I can proceed.
Im interested in seeing what comes of this. Seems like you need two more for District 10 though
Here's the start. I'll go on to day one - but to explain, it's basically a web simulation with random events. The results can sometimes get hilarious.

I'm...very confused.

But I'm intrigued. 50 BGBB dollars on Juicy VEE.

50 BGBB bucks on Judge Steele with his mace of justice.
Day One

This is fucking hilarious.
Damn, Vera is a savage!

first casualties of the war...

night one

Juicy just trying to keep morale high by spittin' the FYAH
Well, since my competitor is out, I am cheering for Amon S-ecks
Gerik attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Sweeny, killing them both.


^ The WJF at its finest.
im stopping this since I might've fucked up with name drops and some people have problems with it.

I apologize for the rule break (if any) and ask for this thread to be removed as soon as possible, accepting full consequences of my actions if I am to be punished.

Thank you for all your interest in this thread, and I hope it was fun while it lasted.

Wasn't a bad idea tho, tbh. Restart it with generic names?

i.e. Snake 1, Art 2.

Do the next one with factions.

Arts, Snakes, Sinners, NLM, NeoTrans, VS, SK, WJF, Snailz, Bokken Boyz, KMB, Stuff like that funny.

Or do it with NPCs / lore characters / etc. maybe.

I thought it would be okay because all of the names used were visible during the town hall. No IC information was given imho, but I understand respecting the wishes of the owners of the chars and possibly staff if they had an issue with it.
Likewise, as there's really no ties to IC events except character names but if people have problems with it, I won't go on.

The faction-version can be made, maybe, yeah - or with characters in the Wiki - but I'll just wait for staff to give me a sit down if needed first before doing anything else. Maybe even just OOC player names, where I can ask and gather who wants to be included and so on.

Terribly sorry for the inconvenience once again. It wasn't my intention to damage the server or the community in anyway, or spark an argument - I thought it'd be fine.

Character names aren't breaking the rules, just avoid anything more specific than that; any references to IC info. We expect you to police yourselves as always.
Though you might want to ask permission to use characters. Or just restart it with generic names based on factions.