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- BigBiscuit 2m
- Lena 3s Yippee Ki-Yay
- Sivartas 4m
- Hivemind 16m
- baewulf 0s
- Wonderland 47s
- Bruhlicious 1s Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
a Mench 6h Doing a bit of everything.
And 16 more hiding and/or disguised

Thank you.
I'm sorry.

Been thinking on this for awhile. Several drafts. But I think being brief is better.

Thank you, for putting up with me. I know it gets grating, annoying, and downright irritating over OOC/notes/xhelp/xgame/etc dealing with my straight-up ignorance and overall vile demeanor.

I appreciate it all. You've all been kind, and I just wanted to let you know.

this but unironicly
I mean this as-is. No irony, no passive-aggressive undertones.

You lot've been genuinely nice.

This was an awful thing of me to do. I turned this into a walking insult through invalidating peoples' feelings through assumptions. And I've been doing it for so long. Brushing off the good, and chasing down a non-existing bad. Until I made it one, myself. I'll try my damndest to accept things are they are. I'm sorry, for behaving like this.
I don't know who you are in the least and this post only got two replies, neither of them saying their feelings we trampled in some way. Just focus on whatever you think you need to improve and stop publicizing it? It seems pretty clear that no one really knows what you're on about or more people would have replied. At this point, it might be all in your head.