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- Rillem 9m
- Wonderland 27m
- Burgerwolf 2m PRETZELS
- adrognik 1h
- Phexion 6s
a Mench 48m Doing a bit of everything.
- Emily 37m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
- QueenZombean 51m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- Terrible_the_duck 46s
- Slyter 7m
And 40 more hiding and/or disguised
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Town Hall Agenda [01/13/18]
Check out what we're talking about

Hey All -

The agenda is live! Check it out:

We're doing the playlist a bit different this year, you can listen to it on Twitch, so we are all in sync. It's easier than having to do updates on what songs we are on :)

We have moved code topics ahead of other topics this Town Hall, since they have been last previously and always end up getting cut short. We're going to have a lot of code to talk about today!

I look forward to seeing you all there. Please review the agenda, and the BGBB posts it mentions, to be on top of everything going into the meeting.

-- S

To ask what's probably a stupid question from someone who hasn't been to one of these before -- at the appointed time do we have to do something special to join the meeting? Does it take place in OOC chat? Is it just something that affects all online players for the duration, or?
Check "help town hall" while in game for more information on it.

It takes place In-Game at an OOC area, there is a command to join when the time comes.


You are a rich corporate person.

Do you invite this guy to dinner with your family, or do you ignore him while he irons your suit and hangs it up for you?

Now you are the guy in the picture.

When go home to your family, are you all starry eyed and talking about how you dream of being someone who employs a suit hanger?

Or are you pissed off that the guy you work for didn't even look at you while you did your job and bitch about that instead?

All of these are possible options, and all valid. But one thing is true... this guy is a well dressed suit hanger.

Meant this to be in another thread, whoops!