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- Naya 7s
- Aida 6s
- Komira 4m
- Bruhlicious 7m Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 7m
- AdamBlue9000 3m Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- baewulf 34s
- QueenZombean 6m
- Emily 2h Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
And 15 more hiding and/or disguised

Town Hall Format
Looking for suggestions

Some of the feedback we got after the last town hall was that we cover so much in the three hours that we have to breeze through things pretty quick. The typical format is this:

Admin Speeches on State of Game [~1 hour]

IC Topics [~45 min]

OOC Topics [~45 min]

Code Topics [~30 min]

We usually fall behind and the Code Topics get pruned, as do some of the IC and OOC topics. I want some suggestions for how we can improve the process. I think speeches are important and help give everyone an overview of what we are working on, what we have accomplished and where we are going. I don't want to cut them out, at least not entirely.

However, I'm open to suggestions as to how we can improve the format, what you folks would like to see more of, less of, etc.

Suggest away!

-- S

How long did my speech take last time?
Just from personal experience in presenting, I try to allocate about 15% under budget. More if you are expecting significant audience interaction. It just sounds like a content issue. From what I've read, the admin team tries to cover a lot of ground. I've yet to attend one in person, so I don't know where cuts might be warranted. Town halls are a really tricky format to pin down.
@Johnny like, 10-15 minutes?
I still want some feedback on this.
Possible thing that can be touched on is having some of the smaller, but still important topics, converted to BGBB topics. Little announcements and similar can be posted there and the major topics of discussion can be focused on.
Perhaps rotate the order of the last three topics from one town hall to the next?

Meeting 1

- Admin Speeches on State of Game

- IC Topics

- OOC Topics

- Code Topics

Meeting 2

- Admin Speeches on State of Game

- Code Topics

- IC Topics

- OOC Topics

Meeting 3

- Admin Speeches on State of Game

- OOC Topics

- Code Topics

- IC Topics

Also, if people feel that there just isn't enough time to touch on all the issues, perhaps more time is the only solution is more time. Maybe increase the duration of the town hall or hold town halls more often?

My concern with increasing the length is that it's already 3 hours. That's a fair amount of time to ask anyone to sit there, not RPing.

As for how often we hold them, that's an option, but a fair amount of work goes into them. If we hold them more often, they would be more specialized, and I worry less people would attend, there by making them less valuable as only those with enough free time would be apt to come.

I do really like the idea of changing the order of the topics though, and I'm going to do that for the January Town Hall. Thank you Grey0.

This year we'll be playing the Spotify playlist on our new community twitch channel

To help everyone stay synced and to eliminate people asking about what song we're on. Small thing, but improvement all the same. xD