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- Rillem 59s
- BigBiscuit 25s
- Phexion 0s
- BubbleKangaroo 1m
- Lena 1h Yippee Ki-Yay
- Emily 14m I lost myself, in the dark charade.
- Sivartas 1s Busy training guard scorpions in the desert
- Hivemind 8m
- QueenZombean 31m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- Terrible_the_duck 11s
a Mench 3m Doing a bit of everything.
And 36 more hiding and/or disguised

Town Hall Log (October 2015)
Linkified for your conveinence

Here is a complete log of yesterday's amazing Town Hall event. Thank you to everyone who could make it and to everyone whose been anxious to get their hands on the log!

I hope everyone learned a lot, feels we're doing our jobs right and keeps having fun RPing!

This log should be very browser friendly! Enjoy.

Here's the link to the charts in album form.

Here is a heavily edited version of the Town Hall, with all the spam cut out with hopefully all of the meaning still in tact. Any gripes, feel free to edit your own!

Thank you both for posting this!