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Global Warming/Dimming
the sun has gond down and the moon has come up...

An interesting little article on the natre of global warming, and the reasons we have not been getting the temperature increases predicted by scientists.

Looks like we are in for a really bumpy ride in the near future.

Good thing North Americans are loving those gas guzzling CO2 polluting autos. Woo hoo. Fuckers.

Hmm when will it become night 24/7 so we can start putting metal under our skin? ;)
The problem here isn't the CO2 emmissions - it's the third world's lack of particulate emmisions.  We just need to balance out the pollutions, and everything will be fine!

Trust me...

Now let's get to burning stuff!

Quote: from n8n on 1:39 pm on Jan. 13, 2005[br]The problem here isn't the CO2 emmissions - it's the third world's lack of particulate emmisions.  We just need to balance out the pollutions, and everything will be fine!

Trust me...

Now let's get to burning stuff!

The third world's emmission just isn't as big as the other countries mainly because of alternative fuels and ecological laws to ensure every vehicle/factory/ect throws less shit on the air we breathe than the others.

Also third world countries have more wild forests and reserves than the others, and by this they clean some of their emissions.

It's not the third world that's wrong, and it's not right either...  Iceland is in the right path, but they still have emissions that can change the ecosystem.

Iceland rocks.

The G7 Sucks ass and we should all be burned at the stake.

And we will. When global warming kicks in, the oceans rise between 80-100 feet, and all our crops fail and we all starve to death.

Welcome to the last days of our society people.

I better getter off this island...
My plan is to purchase property between 80-100 feet in altitude, or a bit higher, along the coast line of British Columbia.

By the time I die, it'll be the fucking bahamas there, and I'll own beach front property.

Quote: from Iga on 10:20 pm on Jan. 14, 2005[br]My plan is to purchase property between 80-100 feet in altitude, or a bit higher, along the coast line of British Columbia.

By the time I die, it'll be the fucking bahamas there, and I'll own beach front property.

Trust me, you don't want the rain that comes along with living in BC.

Of course I do. I like the rain.

ON top of that, when ocean currents shift who knows what the weather in British Columbia will be like? Without polar cold-water 'pumps' to power the ocean currents, the weather patterns will radically shift. Who knows, B.C. may be as dry as Alberta.

Ireland, like Japan, will soon transform itself into a floating battleship, capable of weathering the most freakish of modern ecological catastrophes!