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- Komira 6m
- Bruhlicious 1h Deine Mutter stinkt nach Erbrochenem und Bier.
- himble 27s
- AdamBlue9000 14s Rolling 526d6 damage against both of us.
- Baphomei 1s
- baewulf 1m
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a Mench 5h Doing a bit of everything.
And 20 more hiding and/or disguised

In-game beverages brought to life

Hello Domians,

Have a project planned for this Thursday and request your help. I need the descriptions/contents/taste messages for some IC beverages (of any kind).

For those of your who have attended previous moobashes, and have attempted to mix up IC drinks, can you post the successes here?

I'm no barista, but in way of doing some recruiting, I hope to do some mixology with sindome flavor on a willing test subject. If there's interest, I will post the directions/instructional video of any creations...especially if you can help me figure the drinks out!

Hope you all are doing well out there, and thanks for your IC patience as I have been away for work quite a lot lately!

Suicide Bomber:

Crush some glass.

Over that, pour cheap anything.

Serve to someone else.

Orion's Blueberry Special when she worked a Grunens. Not on the menu but still hot

Orion smiles at you, walks over to the bar and retrieves a chilled triangular Martini glass. She also takes out a container of fresh organic blueberries, and a curious looking apothecary bottle with a 'Hendricks Gin' label.

Orion opens the container of berries and selects three of the fruits. She grins as she tosses one more in the air and catches it in her mouth playfully.

Orion drops down to the bar and returns with a shaker filled with ice and another bottle filled with blueberry liqueur.

Orion places three blueberries in the glass. She twist open the bottle of gin, takes the liqueur and carefully pours both liquids inside the shaker.

You smell the faint aroma of the gin's juniper and orange peel infusion mixing with the blueberry fruit as Orion shakes the container. She pauses for a moment to move the hair in front of her face.

Orion quickly opens the shaker above the chilled glass and strains the liquid inside, you notice the faint blue glow as light is reflected off the shimmering beverage, the berries moving in the torrent as the glass is filled.

Orion smiles, admires her work and says that will be 200 please!

Love it..keep them coming please!

@dreambeats...was Orion's hair flick done with dark or light hair? I have a black wig...

@Linekin...on it! I have a plan...going to see if a tray of ice can be made to crack into non-lethal 'shards'...

She had Lavender colored hair at the time.

For the glass try the Breaking Bad sugar "glass"

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Hahahaha well...making single servings of these proved INTERESTING hahaha....and the glass shards got sticky..but we have made it through all the IC special drinks...last one is the blueberry special...wish me luck ;)

Enjoy, friends! Don't forget to share if you like it!
